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Megan's Gagging Isn't Any Better


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schuyler Apprentice

I hope that Meg is having a good day.

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

Good night, Tanya--hope you and Meg had a good day and will have a restful night!

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TCA Contributor

Megan had a pretty good day today. We've been very busy packing. Our preacher came by and annointed her. My parents are here and Jarod's parents will meet us in Nashville tomorrow to help with Dr. appts. So far we're not in Ronald McDonald House, but hopefully we will tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for the constant prayers and support you have given. You are each a blessing to our family. Check the webpage for further updates!

Love and Hugs,


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Judyin Philly Enthusiast
Megan had a pretty good day today. We've been very busy packing. Our preacher came by and annointed her. My parents are here and Jarod's parents will meet us in Nashville tomorrow to help with Dr. appts. So far we're not in Ronald McDonald House, but hopefully we will tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for the constant prayers and support you have given. You are each a blessing to our family. Check the webpage for further updates!

Love and Hugs,


wow we meeting at the same time tonight

wish i could see you :) thought of your all day today.

just ck'n when saw you were on.

hope the R MC house comes through.

Going to ck the other site finally.

glad Megan had a good day thus maybe mom did too.

love and prayers


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DingoGirl Enthusiast
Almighty God, our Father,

I add my prayer to the pleas of many others for the healing of your precious child, Megan.

In the Name of Jesus, our Messiah and Rabbi,

Lord, in Your Mercy, hear our prayer.


Amen........ :)

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Cheri A Contributor

Glad that Meg had a good day yesterday and that your parents are there! I pray that today goes smoothly with all that needs to be done today and that God gives you an extra measure of peace and some great time with both Cole and Megan. Will be on my knees tommorrow!!

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Tony'sMom Rookie

I continue to keep Megan and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


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VydorScope Proficient

In case you forgot she is putting updates on : Open Original Shared Link

Heres the lastest entry...

FRIDAY, JULY 21, 2006 01:25 PM, CDT

I just heard from Megan's surgeon's office and the time of her surgery has been changed to 7:45 am next Tues (7/25). I'm not sure what happened to the baby scheduled before her, but please remember that family in prayer too.

She has a preop appt. at 1:15 on Monday, so we'll spend the night in Nashville. I pray we get into Ronald McDonald House. It's such a wonderful resource. It's full of families in similar situations and all the love you can imagine.

Megan seems to feel better today than she's felt in a long time. I'm glad she's feeling more like playing.she's been using her dress to play Peek-a-Boo and it's just adorable.

Thanks for all the messages and phone calls. We appreciate all the love, prayers and concerns from all of you. Hugs to all!

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Guest Robbin

We will be praying tomorrow (Tues) at 7:45 am for our little precious Meg. Prayers for you all for peace, strength and rest. :)

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Nic Collaborator

Good luck with Megan tomorrow. I hope that all goes well for her :) .

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jaten Enthusiast

Many deep and sincere prayers and much love.

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Lisa Mentor

I will set my clock and be with you in spirit. xxoo

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mouse Enthusiast

I will be praying special prayers for Megan and all of you tomorrow. HUGS.

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penguin Community Regular

I pray that the doctors hands move quickly and precisely, and that Meg will pull through like a champ. Good luck tomorrow. :)

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schuyler Apprentice

Good luck Meg! I'll be saying lots of prayers for you, your family, and your surgeons (and the rest of the hospital staff).


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jerseyangel Proficient

Good luck tomorrow, little one. I've said all along that you were a trooper! My prayers will be with you and your family. :)

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VydorScope Proficient


I just got off the phone with TCA. I read her the gist of the posts her and she said your all very sweet. :D They are in a hotle beucase there is no room in the Ron Mcdonal house right now, so they are on a wiating list.

Megan is doing well, she has GAINED SOME WIEGHT EVEN!! :) She is 17 pounds, 13 oz!Theres a team of docs treating her for this and one of them is a bit concerned about one of the "stats" being at 70% but other then that it looks like a good for surgry first thing tommorow am. They need to be there at 6am for it. Her step mom will be staying with Cole in the hotel so that both Mom and Dad cna go in with Megan.

After the surgy Megan will be in Pedi Intensive Care for "couple" of weeks then moved to a regular room.

After the surgry she will call her sister, and her sister will update Megan's site with teh most current info, so make sure your watching that tommorow.

Thats everything I know at this time!


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jerseyangel Proficient

Thanks so much, Vincent :)

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

Tanya--wished on a star tonight! My husband is getting up early to take a download of Megan's website to the Sisters of Divine Providence's prayer board. Lots of good thoughts, prayers, and love from Alison & co.

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

Well it's 12:13 on the 'big day' I pray your sleeping sounding while we're sending our love and prayers.

Went and spent some time with the 'stars' and now holding (after i finish typing) my mustard seed.

I too will set my alarm for your 6:00 am 'send off' into the journey toward good health and healing, little megan. You are one precious little child to us all.



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Guest Robbin

Thank you Vincent for the update. I will set my alarm, too and all of our combined prayers will be in unison for our dear little Meg :) . I love the pictures on the website. What a doll!

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast


Thanks so much for the post

I went to the site and didn't see where we could post on it. Are we susposed to post or is it for Tanya's updates to family? I also didn't see the 2 posts you put up on the other site..were they there and I missed them some how??


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Camille'sBigSister Newbie

Vincent, thank you for the update. My prayers for Megan, God's precious child, are joining with all others in the vast stream flowing to The Throne of Grace.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Christ, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Amen and amen.


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AndreaB Contributor

Thanks for the update Vincent. :P

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VydorScope Proficient

Thanks so much for the post

I went to the site and didn't see where we could post on it. Are we susposed to post or is it for Tanya's updates to family? I also didn't see the 2 posts you put up on the other site..were they there and I missed them some how??


Theres a guest book you can sign, but that site is mainly for READING updates.

4am here in Nashville... in 2 houurs she will be at the hosptial. :mellow:

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    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thank you for checking in about choline. I do meet me recommended amount on a plant-based diet already, per my nutritionist. Thankfully, I am not intolerant to soy and the cruciferous veggies I enjoy! 
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thanks for your input. I am fully committed to being gluten-free if I truly have celiac disease.  I suppose my question is more so wondering if that blood test means I definitely have celiac disease. I had one doc look at the results and tell me to ignore them if I don’t have the classic celiac symptoms. The next doc (a few months later, when viewing the same results) said the results were suspicious and might mean gluten sensitivity, but then had her nurse call me later the same day to say I actually have celiac disease based on the results. So my care team seemed a little unsure. It sounds like, from this forum, that the general consensus is any abnormal blood results indicate celiac.
    • Wheatwacked
      Hello @TraceyG, welcome.    I know it is hard.  Giving up gluten is like losing a lifelong friend.  But in this case it is not a friend.   Your doctor is your friend and be thankful he is proactive with you. There is no need for the biopsy. Posistive is positive.  Unless you are looking for proof you are not.  Be sure to ask about vitamin and mineral deficiencies tests from the doctor. If you are vegan for the health benefits, reconsider. To get the daily Adequate Intake of Coline (between 500 mg and 3500 mg) you would need to eat 10 cups of cooked brocolli.      If you continue to eat gluten, even small amounts, it will come back on you.  You may experience up to 15 days of withdrawal from the gluten and cravings may be strong.  Gluten activates the opiod receptors, numbing you to the pain.  Gluten is addictive.  Gluten Addiction  Eating a little gluten is like playing with matches.      Recent statistics say 40% of first degree relatives have Celiac Disease, also.
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