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Are Hemorrhoids A Sign I've Been Glutened?


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Mabc Apprentice

I am working really hard to make sure I stay gluten free, but for some reason I got the bad H's last weekend. Sorry for the gross topic. Is this a symptom of being glutened?

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ravenwoodglass Mentor
I am working really hard to make sure I stay gluten free, but for some reason I got the bad H's last weekend. Sorry for the gross topic. Is this a symptom of being glutened?

I don't know about for others but for me it is.

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tarnalberry Community Regular

Not for me. (For it, it is sometimes a sign I've been dairied.)

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jenvan Collaborator

Hmm...it could be if your tendency with gluten is to get constipated. Like Tiffany...its a sign for me of getting dairy.

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taz sharratt Enthusiast
Hmm...it could be if your tendency with gluten is to get constipated. Like Tiffany...its a sign for me of getting dairy.

had H for 10 years about the same time ive had suspected celiac and i do suffer with C badly sometimes bleeding, so i would say yes to that one, well me anyway.

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mommida Enthusiast

During pregnancy the "H" was an issue and a trip to the chiropracter worked wonders.


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    • trents
      Okay, that sounds a lot better from a protein and calorie intake standpoint.
    • kopiq
      I eat a lot through out the day. 4 boiked eggs, chicken breast, pork chop, three bowls of rice, a potato,  at least 2 two or three 1/3 cup buckwheat pancakes as snacks and some gluten free rice crackers as snacks and mix veggies with at least one meal. This is a normal day for me. Also the pancakes sometimes have eggs mixed in them Sometimes ground beef patty as well
    • trents
      No, this is certainly not normal. Besides 4 eggs a day, what else are you eating to get protein? Four eggs only gives you about 32-36 g. of protein daily. At your height and weight you ought to be consuming 3-4x that much at least. Have you had your pancreatic enzyme levels checked? I fear your are experiencing some kind of metabolic syndrome and you need some specialized nutritional supervision, maybe even TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition).
    • kopiq
      I now i need vitamins, but how am i suppose to work when i feel comastose at 1500IU vitamin d and headaches?
    • kopiq
      thanks, sorry for the late reply, i havent been well. my dr said my vitamin D is low at 36 and to take 3000 iu a day. I tired it for two days all i could manage was 1500IU and i felt like i was in a coma for hours, then massive headaches. i cut the vitamin d out and got my own all natural multivitamin with 40IU D alongside a calcium//magnesium and zinc multi vitamin. everything digests so slow and i feel the effects of food for hours if not days especially oatmeal. I get so tired, lethargic and lose of interest in everything. i'm eating a lot of brown and white rice, buckwheat, gluten free flours and making my own breads/pancakes. eating about 4 eggs a day. Ive even tried gluten free torillias but the fat weighs me down its like is so slow to abosrb i feel gross and greasy inside.   is this normal? for foods to effect me so much? how can i cope? just eat bland/no fat?    
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