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Tortilla Chips At Restaurants


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Mabc Apprentice

Are tortilla chips or corn tortillas at mexican restaurants safe?

Is cheese dip safe generally?


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CarlaB Enthusiast

It varies, you have to check out each restaurant. If they make their own and they fry chimichangas or something else made from flour in the same oil, they are not safe. If they have a dedicated fryer and the chips are corn, they are safe.

If the chips are out of a bag, it depends on the brand, but I think most are safe.

Cheese, I don't know, I'm also casein free, but I think you would still need to check ingredients.

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jnifred Explorer

I would not trust cheese dips at restaurants generally. If it comes from something pre-packaged I would be very nervous about eating it. Personally I don't eat cheese dips anymore unless I make it. When at a restaurant I go for the guacamole or salsa, no more cheese dip for me....

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jayhawkmom Enthusiast

At a CSA meeting I went to on Sunday, the speaker mentioned that some Mexican restaurants add flour to their SALSA to give it a thicker consistancy. Those of you regularly eating salsa might want to reconsider.... and/or ask about the salsa before eating it.

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sparkles Contributor

There is so much cross contamination at restuarants....I don't trust many of them. Some places, like Outback Steak House (at least, the one in Bloomington, MN) really go out of their way to accomodate my diet. They even have a gluten-free menu and use a great deal of care to avoid cross contamination. Their "Thunder Down Under Brownie Sundae" is to die for.... and it is gluten-free!!!!

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Carriefaith Enthusiast

I think it depends on the restaurant. Regardless, you should ask before you eat. If they seem unsure, then I wouldn't eat them.

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    • trents
      Okay, that sounds a lot better from a protein and calorie intake standpoint.
    • kopiq
      I eat a lot through out the day. 4 boiked eggs, chicken breast, pork chop, three bowls of rice, a potato,  at least 2 two or three 1/3 cup buckwheat pancakes as snacks and some gluten free rice crackers as snacks and mix veggies with at least one meal. This is a normal day for me. Also the pancakes sometimes have eggs mixed in them Sometimes ground beef patty as well
    • trents
      No, this is certainly not normal. Besides 4 eggs a day, what else are you eating to get protein? Four eggs only gives you about 32-36 g. of protein daily. At your height and weight you ought to be consuming 3-4x that much at least. Have you had your pancreatic enzyme levels checked? I fear your are experiencing some kind of metabolic syndrome and you need some specialized nutritional supervision, maybe even TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition).
    • kopiq
      I now i need vitamins, but how am i suppose to work when i feel comastose at 1500IU vitamin d and headaches?
    • kopiq
      thanks, sorry for the late reply, i havent been well. my dr said my vitamin D is low at 36 and to take 3000 iu a day. I tired it for two days all i could manage was 1500IU and i felt like i was in a coma for hours, then massive headaches. i cut the vitamin d out and got my own all natural multivitamin with 40IU D alongside a calcium//magnesium and zinc multi vitamin. everything digests so slow and i feel the effects of food for hours if not days especially oatmeal. I get so tired, lethargic and lose of interest in everything. i'm eating a lot of brown and white rice, buckwheat, gluten free flours and making my own breads/pancakes. eating about 4 eggs a day. Ive even tried gluten free torillias but the fat weighs me down its like is so slow to abosrb i feel gross and greasy inside.   is this normal? for foods to effect me so much? how can i cope? just eat bland/no fat?    
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