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Reactions To Wine


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j9n Contributor

Last night I had some white wine and now I am sick again. I don't know if it is the sulfites or alcohol. Does anyone else have problems? I don't usually drink "hard" alcohol and beer is out so that doesn't leave me many choices does it?

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terri Contributor

If you haven't reacted to the sulfites in wine before (which I understand give you a terrible headache if you're sensitive to them) then I don't think you would be now. You might have eaten something or gotten cross contamination from another source which made you ill, not the wine. It's almost impossible to tell sometimes what exactly it is. I had a 24 hour bug and only by eating everything I had eaten again did I figure it was a virus and not gluten poisoning. So when you feel better, have another glass of wine and see if you get sick. That's the only way to find out. Hope you feel better soon!


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j9n Contributor

Its hard to say whether I had reactions before since I was sick all the time anyway. I woke up with a terrible sinus headache and congestion then the "tummy troubles" kicked in. I still feel awful and very tired. A pretty obvious reaction to something since I have been feeling pretty good lately, even getting up early and exercising for a half hour before work. Right now I just want to go to bed. :(

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    • trents
      Good point. But I have been made very ill by eating unwashed quinoa that was not cooked but used in a side salad.
    • knitty kitty
      Lectins are broken down by cooking.  Using a pressure cooker is recommended for breaking down lectins in beans.  Cooking all alternative grains and rice thoroughly should help.
    • trents
      Quinoa is high in lectins. Try rinsing it thoroughly before cooking and consuming it.
    • mariliabertin
      Hi! I can't eat oat and quinoa too. I am having reactions right now and searched about quinoa. I only knew about oats. Three weeks later I have changed oats to painco and quinoa. Painco was a great option, but all 4 times i ate quinoa, it was painfull. I feel hopeless everytime I undestand how deeper celiac disease is. 
    • Jean Shifrin
      Thanks Russ for replying. I’m not looking forward to the long, difficult road ahead. But I am looking forward to feeling better.
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