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Brain Talk Forums


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Nancym Enthusiast

I really miss the Gluten Brain Talk Forum. Has anyone here heard if it is coming back? I wish they'd put a message up!

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bluejeangirl Contributor
I really miss the Gluten Brain Talk Forum. Has anyone here heard if it is coming back? I wish they'd put a message up!

I don't know...I miss it too.

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Nancym Enthusiast

I think of all the research and stuff collected by the members and it is depressing to think it might be lost!

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chrissy Collaborator

what was the brain talk forum?

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mamaw Community Regular

I too miss it, anything we all could do to make them bring it back????

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swittenauer Enthusiast

I'm not familiar with it. What was it?

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Nancym Enthusiast

They were a forum that dealt with a lot of different diseases. The gluten free forum there was really amazing. The members had collected a ton of research, genetic info, recipes, all kinds of stuff and kept it stickied. It was a very cerebral place where people loved to research and find things out. *cry*

The URL for the forum is/was: Open Original Shared Link

They had a message up for several days saying they would be working on it, but nothing now for a week.

I too miss it, anything we all could do to make them bring it back????

I wouldn't know who to contact. :( I'm hoping someone will see this that might know more.

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skbird Contributor

I'm not sure what happened over there but they did go offline about a year ago for a bit because something major on the server crashed. Maybe something similar happened again. It's an amazing resource for sure.


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debmidge Rising Star

That explains as to why several months ago I tried to register with them and emailed their administrator as to why my info was not "taking" and never got a response........I tried again last night coincidentially and they are totally gone from cyberspace.

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That's why we are grateful we have this board. A Thank You to Scott, the Administrators and supporters. Anyone at anytime can support the board with a donation (there's a button for it somewhere). End of Commercial.

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rinne Apprentice

I went to the Brain Talk Forum link and found this message, just posted today.

July 20, 2006

Greetings! We've had a pretty major crash here at BrainTalk involving both software and hardware. I'm working on bringing everything back up as soon as possible, so please rest assured that BrainTalk will be back in a matter of days!

In the meantime, I will be using this status page to keep everyone updated on progress.

I'm terribly sorry for this downtime. It happened at the worst possible time for me (while I was traveling), and I know how important BrainTalk is to everyone. I will make sure it comes back online ASAP (good opportunity for me to upgrade some of the software, too!), and thank you for your patience.

-John Lester, BrainTalk Communities


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Nancym Enthusiast

Phew! So glad you saw that. I was losing heart. I hope they had good backups.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Lesliean Apprentice

Does anyone know the status of hastypastry.com? Its been down now for a month tomorrow and there have been no updates.


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Lesliean Apprentice

I think of hastypastry.com or braintalk as the other website with a great message board. Similar to here with a huge research collection to peruse.

Since they went down a month ago there has not been a single update on the status of their upgrades and repair. That is a bit disconcerning. Does anyone know the status of hastypastry.com? When they will be back? I hope they kept their permanent file information that included everything from doctor abstracts and articles to recipes.

Is there anyone out there from braintalk who has information?


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Rachel--24 Collaborator

I love this message board and I'm kind of partial to it but Braintalk had alot of research that I would turn to when needed. A huge collection of valueable information collected on that board. I hope its not all lost. That would be tragic. :(

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gfp Enthusiast

Carla (jcc) has saved The Gluten File here: Open Original Shared Link

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Nancym Enthusiast
Carla (jcc) has saved The Gluten File here: Open Original Shared Link

Yeah! I saw that in another post, and I have it bookmarked. Boy, it sure doesn't look like BT will ever be back. :(

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Nancym Enthusiast

We've been talking about it in a couple of other threads. :( I have no idea, I'm kind of doubting it at this point. The Gluten File is around though still!

Open Original Shared Link

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diamondheart Newbie

I've done some searching around to figure out who to contact about Brain Talk.

My understanding is that Brain Talk was created and kept up by John Lester. His website describes this:

Open Original Shared Link

He is no longer with the hospital that he first founded Brain Talk Communities under. This makes me wonder if he needs financial assistance in getting Brain Talk back up. Plus, I think he might be a pretty busy guy. The e-mail addresses I have found for John Lester include:




I have tried e-mailing him letting him know how great the website was, and asking about updates, with no replies. Perhaps if more fans wrote positive e-mails to him, he might finally respond. Maybe it's just going to take some time until it comes back up. I haven't lost hope yet, though I do miss the Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Disease forum and the great bunch of folks who used to post there. Good to see you here Leslie! You were one of the first to respond to my querries about the DQ1 issues. I've seen Cara occassionally post, and am glad she created Open Original Shared Link on a separate web page. Too bad we don't have backups of all the stories everyone submitted though.


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Calona Newbie

Hi everyone, I loved BT that board helped me so much in finding the solution to my health problems. I really miss it. Does anyone know if John Lester was the only one running BT? If so could something have happened to him, like, god forbid, he got sick. Someone must know more about him. I'm sure that thousands would flock to his door to help. I pray that everything will come together. Patricia :)

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Lesliean Apprentice

I have an e-mail in to Cara. I'll post her response if I get one. Maybe she will know something. So many of us use more than one website and gravitate to one or the other for different things. I always refer to celiac.com for banned ingredient lists but use braintalk for recipes... The message board is just a personal preference. Thank God both are available to us. We need all the help we can get. :) John Lester did say he was traveling and down for a while only and doing repair and upgrades. Maybe it is a time consuming process. Especially if it requires parts.

Good to see you Claire! We are old friends. I hope all is well with you.

I hope all the people just working through their diagnosises and treatment find their way to websites and people who can guide them. We all probably have stories to tell about being sick and not knowing where to turn for help.


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jcc Rookie
I really miss the Gluten Brain Talk Forum. Has anyone here heard if it is coming back? I wish they'd put a message up!


Open Original Shared Link

Come say hello! This is a temporary site put up by a good guy as a meeting place until we know what is going on with JL/Braintalk. Good guy is Doc John~ Open Original Shared Link


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Matilda Enthusiast


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diamondheart Newbie

Maybe we need to start a thread for Brain Talk "alumni". I've been jonesing for BT too, but no word. At least Cara recreated The Gluten File, at least what she had of it!


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diamondheart Newbie

For all you who loved Brain Talk, a temporary forum is now back up. You'll have to re-register. Spread the word!

Open Original Shared Link

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, the Brain Talk Communities Gluten Sensitive/Celiac Disease forum was formed to acknowledge the neurological symptoms that can happen with gluten reactions, though folks talk about a lot more than that.

Cara already posted the good news, but it's buried in this thread (I'm a little slow):

Open Original Shared Link

That's the good news. The bad news is that Open Original Shared Link is temporarily off-line. Let's hope Cara can figure out how to get it back up and running!


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    • cjjones5969
      Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I've never been in a forum before.  I was diagnosed as a celiac when I went to the doctor for unusual weight loss because my children thought it would be a good idea.  I have complex PTSD, which I've had since I was 17.  They used to call it Maniac Depression then, and I dealt with it through diet, exercise and mediation.  No drugs, my family live to be very old-95 plus, and I didn't want to start on drugs especially so early on. I thought the weight loss was from my absolute best friend dying, the stress of dealing with it and all his legal and other problems.  I was also his enduring guardian through his cancer battle. So the doctor thought I now had Celiacs, and I went to a specialist doctor who only deals with this, was diagnosed and confirmed by biopsy in January 2023. I live in a town which has 2 restuarants and 3 cafes-none of which can be guaranteed gluten-free, so I pre-prepare all my meals on a weekly basis, cook these myself in my own kitchen and do not share any utensils of any kind.  I have lists of food additives so I know which to use, including colourings and preservatives.  I have a list of medications I downloaded from Mayo Clinic so I can avoid the wrong ones.  My doctor put me on iron tablets-for iron deficiency-these have Vitamin C-and calcium tablets with Vitamin D for my bones.  I am 65, have rarely been ill, except for dyhration problems with my second pregnancy, and now I have Osteo problems as well-which are actually improving with diet and exercise.  I weight lift and have done so since 17 or 18 years of age. This is why I'm very confused about the symptons I now have. 
    • A.C.123
      Those iron tablets are probably your current culprit for stomach pain. I am also anemic and was prescribed the iron tablets as well. I wouldn’t wish those things on my worst enemy! They constipate me horribly and cause the most awful abdominal pain! I refuse to take them. I’m trying gentle iron right now and I think it’s still bloating me. 
    • cjjones5969
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @cjjones5969! Just out of curiosity, if you had no symptoms, what led to your diagnosis? You may have developed some additional food intolerances which is very common in the celiac community, particularly with foods whose proteins are similar to gluten. Chief suspects are dairy and oats, even gluten free oats. The protein casein in dairy and the protein avenin in oats are similar to gluten. But it can be almost anything. Those two are very common offenders, however.
    • Scott Adams
      Do you eat out in restaurants? This is a common source of contamination. The first step for you would be to re-examine your diet to be sure that it is 100% gluten-free. This article has some detailed information on how to be 100% gluten-free, so it may be helpful (be sure to also read the comments section.):    
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