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Test Results Confusing


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Calona Newbie

Hi, my name is Patricia and I'm new here.

I recently have gone gluten free in June, this was through my own research that I've discovered that gluten was making me sick. I have nerological problems. I had tests done before but because I didn't know what to ask for ( you assume the doctor knows what there doing) wrong assumtion!!!! anyway, came back normal so I was given Dicitel and was told that it was IBS, I continued eatting wheat and what ever and of course we all know the story so well. Well couple years later new doctor smarter patient, and I ask for test again. They run what I think are the right ones but again all come back NORMAL. When I asked for the test I asked that if I was following a gluten free diet wouldn't they kinda come back wrong, nope was the answer. Of course I knew that to be not true and ate gluten for a week and made myself so sick, to my dismay they came back Negative again. OK, who cares, I know that when I eat the stuff if makes me sick so just don't eat the stuff right. Well now my doctor thinks that all my symtoms are just me running aroung getting test and I'm making all this up, after all I've seen 3 neros and they all say that there nothing wrong with me. Whats up with that????? I've had 3 MRI for MS and maybe if I combine all the times a nero had spent with me it might add up to 1/2 hr. I've ask to see a GI guy but was told that its at least a years waiting. And since my test came back negative you don't need to see a GI guy anyways. ARRRRRGHH!!!!!! I'm still sick, I still have nero problems, and I would like to at least confirm what I already know, reason being is I have to adult boys who could in all likelyhood get sick when they come into there late 30s just like me. And would explain why my moms side of the family is all sick with bowell dieases and autoimmume stuff.

I didn't inttend for this to be long but one thing I did want to ask if any one could help. I noticed that the test run in the US are not like the ones we have in Canada, so again do I need to ask for different ones. This is what was on my test sheet.


F IgE 53 (<430) ug/L


F IgG 10.10 (7.00-16.00) g/L

F IgA 1.46 (0.70-4.00) g/L

F Igm 1.37 (0.40-2.30) g/L

Anti Tissue Transglutaminase

F Tissue Transglutaminase IgA Antibody 11 (<20) Units

IgA antibody to tissue transglutaminase has approximately 95% sensitivity and specificity for gluten enteropathy. False negative results may occur with IgA deficiency or gluten-restricted diet.

I don't see a test for Gliadian or is that the IgG?

And what is the test tTt???? not sure about that But its the test they give celiacs to see if there getting gluten in there diet. Any help would really be appriciated. Thank-you Patricia :)

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floridanative Community Regular

I can't help to really but wanted to say welcome and I'm sorry you've been through what most of us have. Tired of Doctors (member) on here is the best one to help you (many others can help too) as she has severe neuropathy due to gluten. Hopefully she'll be online and can give you some good advice soon. At least you know for sure, without question and forever more...............you need to be gluten free from now on. Good luck!

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    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @cjjones5969 Are you eating much processed gluten free facsimile foods?   Keep in mind that gluten free processed foods, like gluten free breads, pasta and cookies, are not required to be enriched with vitamins and minerals.  Flours containing gluten are required to be enriched with vitamins and minerals lost in processing.  Eating a diet high in carbohydrates requires additional Thiamine and other B vitamins to turn the carbohydrates into energy.  Early Thiamine deficiency can manifest as "Gastrointestinal Beriberi" which results in abdominal pain,  bloating and gastroparesis.   The Gluten Free diet can be low in essential nutrients, like the B vitamins, Vitamin D, and minerals like iron.   Talk to your doctor and nutritionist about supplementing with B vitamins which boosts the absorption of these essential nutrients.     @A.C.123, I agree, iron supplements can cause constipation.  Have you tried taking iron supplements at bedtime, with a Vitamin C supplement?  Taking mine this way helps immensely.  
    • cjjones5969
      Sorry if I'm doing this wrong, but I've never been in a forum before.  I was diagnosed as a celiac when I went to the doctor for unusual weight loss because my children thought it would be a good idea.  I have complex PTSD, which I've had since I was 17.  They used to call it Maniac Depression then, and I dealt with it through diet, exercise and mediation.  No drugs, my family live to be very old-95 plus, and I didn't want to start on drugs especially so early on. I thought the weight loss was from my absolute best friend dying, the stress of dealing with it and all his legal and other problems.  I was also his enduring guardian through his cancer battle. So the doctor thought I now had Celiacs, and I went to a specialist doctor who only deals with this, was diagnosed and confirmed by biopsy in January 2023. I live in a town which has 2 restuarants and 3 cafes-none of which can be guaranteed gluten-free, so I pre-prepare all my meals on a weekly basis, cook these myself in my own kitchen and do not share any utensils of any kind.  I have lists of food additives so I know which to use, including colourings and preservatives.  I have a list of medications I downloaded from Mayo Clinic so I can avoid the wrong ones.  My doctor put me on iron tablets-for iron deficiency-these have Vitamin C-and calcium tablets with Vitamin D for my bones.  I am 65, have rarely been ill, except for dyhration problems with my second pregnancy, and now I have Osteo problems as well-which are actually improving with diet and exercise.  I weight lift and have done so since 17 or 18 years of age. This is why I'm very confused about the symptons I now have. 
    • A.C.123
      Those iron tablets are probably your current culprit for stomach pain. I am also anemic and was prescribed the iron tablets as well. I wouldn’t wish those things on my worst enemy! They constipate me horribly and cause the most awful abdominal pain! I refuse to take them. I’m trying gentle iron right now and I think it’s still bloating me. 
    • cjjones5969
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @cjjones5969! Just out of curiosity, if you had no symptoms, what led to your diagnosis? You may have developed some additional food intolerances which is very common in the celiac community, particularly with foods whose proteins are similar to gluten. Chief suspects are dairy and oats, even gluten free oats. The protein casein in dairy and the protein avenin in oats are similar to gluten. But it can be almost anything. Those two are very common offenders, however.
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