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This Is Hell :(


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hineini Enthusiast


Today I started my gluten challenge. The wheatey things I ate: One chocolate croissant. Three "Petit Ecolier" chocolatey French cookie things. Lots of sushi, complete with lots of wheat-containing soy sauce.

Hell, I tell you.

Acid indigestion, heartburn, unbelievable gas, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps, a sour taste in my mouth. Yeah, I know you needed all the details.

It's either the wheat, or it's the soy. I can't imagine that it could be the rice and beans and swiss chard I ate today, or the tapioca bread w/PB&J.

I don't think I can do this. I might have to shell out the $400 for the stool test, the only test that doesn't require one to be eating a gluten-loaded diet at the time of testing. The only test my @(*@)#$&(#*$ insurance doesn't cover. Sure, my doctor might not take the results seriously. But if it helps me figure out what the poop is making me so sick...

I want to puke.

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Nantzie Collaborator


My GI (very nicely) asked me to do a gluten challenge at some point and report back the results. I told him that it would take Fear Factor money for me to even consider it, and even then, I don't think I could make myself do it. I remember telling a friend of mine that I no more want to eat gluten then I want to plunge my hand into hot Crisco. (I was frying gluten-free chicken at the time...)

Just so you know, Enterolab has kind of an a la carte menu as well. I just ordered the Stool Test for Gluten Sensitivity, which is only $99. They also have just the genetic test for $150. The $99 stool test will tell you if your immune system is reacting against gluten.

I wasn't able to afford all the testing all at once. I did just the genetics for myself (since I can tell how my own body feels on gluten vs. off). Then I got the genetics done for my kids. Then I got the $99 stool tests for my kids as I could afford it. I kind of wish I had gotten the full panel for both of my kids, but I really just couldn't afford that much money for a full panel all at once.

My daughter's pediatrician told me that Enterolab is an accredited lab, and he trusts their results.

It might be worth it to either jump in and go with the full panel, even if you have to use a credit card, OR do it in bits and pieces just to get some answers.

Sorry you're feeling gross. If they ever come out with a pill, I'm heading straight for my favorite (pre-gluten-free) sushi place. It's really the only place I still crave...


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gfp Enthusiast

I find withdrawal as bad as the glutening in many ways.

You could try keeping it ticking over with a nibble in the morning etc.

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

Today I started my gluten challenge. The wheatey things I ate: One chocolate croissant. Three "Petit Ecolier" chocolatey French cookie things. Lots of sushi, complete with lots of wheat-containing soy sauce.

Hell, I tell you.

Acid indigestion, heartburn, unbelievable gas, diarrhea, bloating, stomach cramps, a sour taste in my mouth. Yeah, I know you needed all the details.

It's either the wheat, or it's the soy. I can't imagine that it could be the rice and beans and swiss chard I ate today, or the tapioca bread w/PB&J.

I don't think I can do this. I might have to shell out the $400 for the stool test, the only test that doesn't require one to be eating a gluten-loaded diet at the time of testing. The only test my insurance doesn't cover. Sure, my doctor might not take the results seriously. But if it helps me figure out what the poop is making me so sick...

I want to puke.

This post illustrates why it is so very important to use a whole food to do a gluten challenge. You need to challenge with a food that has only the ingredient you are challenging. Eat cream of wheat or shredded wheat for the gluten challenge and eat something like unflavored soy nuts for the soy challenge and make sure you do them at least a couple of weeks apart. You don't need to shell out megabucks for testing if you do the challenge correctly you will have your answer. Although I think you have your answer to the gluten already, that is most likely what you reacted to, to end all question clear your system again for a week or two and then challenge with a whole food.

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CarlaB Enthusiast

Enterolab may end up costing more in the short run ... but in the long run, not having an official diagnosis may be easier (no pre-existing condition that insurance recognizes).

I appreciate your frustration, and I wouldn't wish a gluten challenge on anyone. Children read the board, including two of my own, so I'd appreciate it if you edited your language.

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hineini Enthusiast

Hi All,

Thank you so much for the support. It means so much to me, you have no idea.

First of all, I'm so sorry... I cut and pasted this post from my blog, without re-reading it so I didn't realize I'd used a rather crass swear word in it. As you can see, I've edited it out! Apologies.

I am 95% confident that my (main) problem is gluten, because I don't react this badly when I eat tofu, when I eat corn, etc. I do sometimes get gassy but I don't feel this awful. So I don't think that cleaning out my system for a week and starting all over is something I am willing to do at this point, though it makes total sense to do a single whole food at a time if you really want to identify what's making you sick!

These responses to my post make me feel pretty clear that what I really need to do is suck it up and pay for the full Enterolab panel. Ultimately, I think people who've posted here are right... it will save me money, physical pain and stress.

I am relieved to know that some doctors do take it seriously, so if I find out I have celiac disease or any other allergy I can talk to my GP (if not also my GI) about it.

Thanks again - i'm so glad I've found you all!

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CarlaB Enthusiast

Thank you :)

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Nancym Enthusiast

It's an individual thing but the testing is only needed for one thing. To help you go gluten free or not. And if you've figured it out via diet, then I'd think the test is optional.

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hineini Enthusiast

Well, that didn't last long. As you'll see in my sig I gave up on the gluten challenge. I called my doc and asked him to call me back so we can discuss. But I don't think I can agree to go back on gluten just for the purpose of a diagnosis. I"ve been gluten-free again since Saturday afternoon and damned if I don't feel WAY better.

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floridanative Community Regular

Dr. Cynthia Rudert of Atlanta (only Celiac doc in SE) says she never asks a paitent to do a challenge if it makes them too sick. She thinks that is a barbaric practice as a matter of fact. Or she might have said inhumane but in any case, she says it's not necessary if you know gluten is the culprit.

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hineini Enthusiast
Dr. Cynthia Rudert of Atlanta (only Celiac doc in SE) says she never asks a paitent to do a challenge if it makes them too sick. She thinks that is a barbaric practice as a matter of fact. Or she might have said inhumane but in any case, she says it's not necessary if you know gluten is the culprit.

Thanks. That is reassuring. And I think she's right! Why is it necessary to make someone sick in order to verify that they're sick?

Guess what? I just shelled out $589 (on my credit card - Just after I'd finally paid all my CC's off! Bah :( ) for the full Enterolab tests for celiac disease, soy, yeast, milk and eggs.


I will finally have some answers, in just a couple of weeks! Whether or not my doc takes the results seriously, I think they will be useful for me and well worht the investment.

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eleep Enthusiast

I'm definitely glad I did the Enterolab thing -- I was only trying to "gluten challenge" myself for a week before the blood tests and those results turned up inconclusive. By the middle of that week, I could barely get up off the couch. Frankly I don't want to do any more damage to my body than has already been done and I don't have the time to put my life on hold while I'm sick -- I've been feeling sick long enough.


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    • Richwhitelady
    • Drewy
    • trents
      But there will still probably be times when you will get together with your brother and father in their home when food will be involved. You need to think through how you will handle that. In the meantime, separate your stuff from their stuff and keep it under lock and key if necessary.
    • Drewy
      Thank you, I'll talk to my doctor and dietitian for some resources they could read. I only have a few months until I can move in with my mother who is a lot more cautious about it.
    • trents
      Okay, so two issue here: 1. Your brother is creating CC (Cross Contamination) problems by using your gluten free food items and mixing into them gluten containing food. I would suggest you consider keeping your gluten free food items in your bedroom instead of the kitchen. Consider getting a small fridge that will fit in your bedroom for things that need refrigeration. 2. Your dad is not giving proper attention to avoiding gluten containing ingredients when he prepares meals for the family. Do you think he has a good understanding of what gluten is and where it is found in mainline food products? Is he doing this out of carelessness or ignorance? Most people do not have a good understanding of where gluten is found in the food supply. Even those with celiac disease find there is a considerable learning curve involved to this. I mean, who would ever suspect that wheat is an ingredient in soy sauce and in most canned tomato soups, even some chocolate syrups and pancake syrups? Is your dad open to being educated about sources of gluten? Do you think your family members understand that celiac disease is not an allergy but is an autoimmune disorder that can permanently damage your body over time if gluten is not avoided? I think you may need to struggle with this until you are in a position to move out of your family home into your own dwelling where you have complete control over what you eat. I also want you to know that you are not alone in this problem. On this forum, we have had a number of threads started by young people in your same situation.
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