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Everybody Eats


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lapetit8 Explorer

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know about a recent experience I had with Everybody Eats, Inc (Open Original Shared Link). They are a company that sells gluten free pizzas, bread, cakes, etc. in Brooklyn, NY.

About 2 weeks ago, I ordered a birthday cake from them. It seemed ridiculously expensive, $50 for a 6 inch cake, but the cakes looked beautiful so I thought it would be worth it.

They told me when I placed my order that I wouldn't be able to have buttercream because it couldn't ship in the heat, but that I could have whipped cream instead. I didn't really think that made sense but they said that the cake would be frozen solid and it would arrive at my house the day before the party.

I called them in the beginning of the week of the party to confirm all the details. They assured me everything would be fine. The day that I was supposed to receive the cake, they said that their freezers weren't working properly due to the extreme heat (there wasn't any extreme heat by the way). But, they told me that it would arrive early the next day.

It didn't end up arriving until 11:30 on the day of the party. When I opened up the case it was sent in overnight to me the cake was MELTED into liquid and completely squashed by the poor packaging they had decided to use. All they had placed in the box was a cool pack.

I called them up to complain and they were YELLING at me saying that it took them 3 days to make the cake. They were acting like it was my fault. They should have told me they were not capable of sending a cake. And then when I told them that they hung up on me.

So, just in case anyone was thinking of ordering their overpriced food, I would think again. They obviously have no idea how to properly package food and they are obnoxious business people!

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queenofhearts Explorer

What a horrible experience! So sorry they spoiled your cake... hope you got another somehow? Thanks for warning the rest of us. The condition of the cake was bad enough-- their response to your complaint was even worse.


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Ursa Major Collaborator

I hope you managed to serve something else. I guess that's reason enough to learn to make your own gluten-free cakes, I am sure you NEVER want to repeat that awful experience! I hope you didn't end up paying for the cake. Obviously, those people don't know what they're doing.

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jerseyangel Proficient

That is awful--I'm sorry that happened to you. I would think by now, they would know how to ship a cake, or just say that they can't--right off the bat. :angry:

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jkmunchkin Rising Star

I'm sorry that happended and you had such a horrible experience with them.

I've actually had several great experiences with them and think their stuff is incredible. It is very expensive, but even my non-celiac husband who is extremely picky about his pizza, loves theirs.

I'm in NY so I've never had any problems with delivery, but I'm sorry your cake was ruined.

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Guest nini

How rude!

This is why I bake my own cakes. My mom special ordered me a cheesecake from some company that does gluten-free cheesecakes and it was smashed when it got here. It still tasted good though!

and why on earth would it have taken THREE DAYS to make the cake????

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jayhawkmom Enthusiast

That's terrible!!! I'm so very sorry that happened to you!!

We are lucky that we have a gluten-free/DF baker near our home. She's just getting started, really - but her business is picking up rapidly!! She baked my daughter's gluten-free/CF cupcakes, and she's making my little boy a cupcake cake - also gluten-free/cf!

I'm not a baker... I can ruin even the simplest of baked goods, so I would never attempt a gluten free cake. I hope you are able to find someplace else that can cater to your needs. This place will never get my business after what I've read from your experience.

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VydorScope Proficient

If htey did not refund your money, hopefully you paid via a VISA/MASTERCARD CHECK CARD, or a CREDIT CARD, so that you can call your bank and refuse the charges. I would not accept paying for this mess at all.

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frenchiemama Collaborator

You know, I was thinking of ordering something from there a while ago. They didn't have any ingredients listed, so I emailed them with some questions about what else was in the products and I found them to be quite rude. They were very snippy with me, and pushy about making an order. Then when I ultimately decided not to make the order because of other ingredients, they were so huffy about it! I couldn't believe it, but now I see that it wasn't an isolated incident. Hmpf.

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    • Scott Adams
    • Mari
      Hi Edene - I usually feel hungry after eating a healthy meal. I also eat some food that has protein and fats or oils assnacks and I don't gain weight by eating extra food. If you are worried that you are not eating enough protein you could take a good look at your fingernails. Malnutrition often causes fingernails to break, crack or be too flexible. They may have prominent ridges either side to side or up and down. This was how my fingernails were when I was malnourished. What keeps me from going to sleep easily is usually some intestinal disturbance that I have not noticed. Sometimes it is because I need to drink more water so I drink water until I get. Sleepy. Sometimes I have very faint intestinal spasms. For this I gently but firmly press down on my abdomen and see if I feel any mild cramps pr spasms. If I do feel something with my fingers or a place that is sore I gently massage that area until the cramp relaxes and allows the intestinal contents to flow on. I learned this from 2 nurses years ago and it has been very useful. I don't have the references but I have seen several articles about this online.   You might want to look up the ileo-cecal valve which can get stuck open or closed. This valve controls the passage of the intestinal contents to be released from the small intestine into the large intestine. Shortly after we eat a meal this valve normally opens to allow the new food we just ate to replace the food we ate in the previous meal to pass on into the large intestine.    Hope this helps!  
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Chris Tonelli! Has she been officially diagnosed with celiac disease? When gluten containing grains are removed from the diet, so is a major source of vitamin and mineral content. Gluten-free flours are not required to be enriched with vitamins and minerals by the FDA as are mainline flours. Your granddaughter should be on some serious vitamin and mineral supplementation, more than just a multivitamin product. Especially important in this situation would be D3, calcium and magnesium. Phosphorous is also important to bone and dental health so she be making sure she is eating foods high in phosphorus. Seeds are a good source of phosphorus but so are many other common foods. Make sure all vitamin and mineral supplements are gluten free as wheat starch can be used as filler or a texturing agent in these kind of products.
    • trents
      You are more than welcome. Blessings on your work in this area and thank you for watching out for those of us with gluten disorders.
    • Chris Tonelli
      My 13 year old granddaughter has aggressive decay  on her anterior teeth. She is on a strict glutin free diet for about one year. Can it be related  to Celiac disease?
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