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Manna From Anna


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skinnyminny Enthusiast

This bread is amazing.. it was 9$ for one mix at wild oats but had heard such good things about it I bought it I am gonna enjoy every crumb is there anyway to get it cheaper??? I LOVE IT!

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gf4life Enthusiast

You can order them direct from the manufacturer for $5.50-$6.50 per mix. I don't know how much shipping will cost you, but if you buy a bunch it will probably still be cheaper than $9.

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Ksmith Contributor

Which mix of Manna from Anna is the best? Anyone have a favorite? Thanks!

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mamaw Community Regular

I get the yeast reg one but my daughter uses the no yeast one. Depends what other allergies you are trying to avoid. Anna does go to conferences & sells her mixes. Other then that I would say order directly from her website. That is how I've been doing it .... ...All of her stuff is very good.

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floridanative Community Regular

Yes - this is the only bread I've made that tastes like bread to me. It is out of this world great! I pay $10 for the bag but get it locally and that makes two loafs so I don't think it's that bad, as far as gluten free prices go anyway. I'm going to make the pie crust as soon as we get some cooler weather here. Need to practice for my famous pecan pies I always make for the holidays.

I also use the reg. gluten free version but there is a corn free version as well as the yeast free one. I froze some of this for over three months and it was still great. I forgot it was in there but now I have a system so that won't happen again. This stuff is really so good I don't think it's a good idea to have around all the time. It's just empty calories but man it is great!

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TriticusToxicum Explorer

Can somebody tell me what sets this stuff apart from other gluten-free bread (texture/flavor/special anti-crumble ingredients?/All of the above)? Everybody raves about it, but I have yet to track it down locally. I would love to try it if it is as good as everyone says. Just curious about what makes it so much better. That's all. (here's your chance to relate your Yummy Manna stories) :)

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jkmunchkin Rising Star

I've contemplated getting this a few times as I've heard it's really good. Do you need a bread machine for it though or can I just make it in the oven in a regular pan?

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floridanative Community Regular

I don't have a bread machine - one bag makes two loaves of bread. And regarding what makes it different well.......it tastes like really good bread. Not like that spongy stuff that I had with every other type - Pamela's, Authentic, every other one I tried was not like bread to me, or good bread anyway. Breads from Anna (new name) is just fantastic! It's not like gluten free bread at all.

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Ksmith Contributor
This stuff is really so good I don't think it's a good idea to have around all the time. It's just empty calories but man it is great!

Is it really not healthy?

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mamaw Community Regular

I have to come in for Anna's defense here... if you order directly from her the mix is not $ 10.00 it is more like $ 6.50 & others are less. It is the stores that jack up the prices. I bought Namaste stuff for around $ 6.00 the I went someplace else & it was $3.00 more for the same item I just paid less for.....

I like Anna's mix because in my prior gluten world I ate hearty breads , ryes, wheats ect. - you know the staff of life wheat stuff!!!!!I never liked towntalk soft white bread... and if you are a towntalk white bread lover you probably will not like the taste or texture of Anna's mixes. The mix is a hearty mix & it is about the only one I eat ecept for baguettes & crusty rolls from Everybody Eats. And once in awhile I eat black china rice bread toasted with cream cheese on it....plus it doesn't fall apart when slice & it is just as good after freezing ........it is hard to find a good bread that is gluten-free. Plus you can make it by hand or in the machine..

One other thing I like about Anna is she will answer any ????'s you may have & she is a wonderful person...

If you are not sure about her mixes PLEASE send her an e- mail & ask your ???

"Gluten Evolution "


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gf4life Enthusiast
The mix is a hearty mix & it is about the only one I eat ecept for baguettes & crusty rolls from Everybody Eats.

I just checked out the website for this place Everybody Eats, and I want some baguettes! Does it really taste like french bread? Do they do mail order or online orders? It didn't look like it on their site, but what I wouldn't give for some gluten-free french bread!!! It is almost worth a trip to NY just to eat there...

They DO ship overnight with FedEX, I am going to have to place an order!

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jkmunchkin Rising Star
I just checked out the website for this place Everybody Eats, and I want some baguettes! Does it really taste like french bread? Do they do mail order or online orders? It didn't look like it on their site, but what I wouldn't give for some gluten-free french bread!!! It is almost worth a trip to NY just to eat there...

They DO ship overnight with FedEX, I am going to have to place an order!

Their french baquettes are incredible!!! I'm pretty sure they do mail order / Fed Ex. I actually live in NY and have it messengered over because they are in Brooklyn, not Manhattan. If you are going to order I'd also suggest the pizza. It is amazing! Even DH who is picky NY'er about his pizza likes it.

Oh and if you need proof how good the bread is. I have a friend who's best friend just moved to L.A. who also has celiac, and we had to order her a whole bunch of the baquettes and overnight them to her. LOL!!

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mamaw Community Regular

Everybody Eats will ship anywhere. If you look at their site they have some places that now carry their stuff. Some may be cheaper than ordering directly from them if they will ship . I'm not sure about shipping but I do know one of the places sells their stuff cheaper than they do. It doesn't make sense to me but I was told they can sell it for less because they are not in the BIG city.......I freeze alot of it ...... We just made garlic bread out of the bagutte --- Yummmmmmy.

You can e- mail them Bruce is very nice & will relpy back to you..... Tell him I suggested that you e-mail him-- Sande from Pa. I don't get anything for that but I told him I would put out the word about his stuff since I love it sooooo much.......


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BabySnooks Rookie
This bread is amazing.. it was 9$ for one mix at wild oats but had heard such good things about it I bought it I am gonna enjoy every crumb is there anyway to get it cheaper??? I LOVE IT!

Dear Skinny,

I agree, Anna's bread is so good! I get mine at Nutri Foods in Royal Oak, Michigan for $7.59. I am sorry, but don't know how much it is at stores across the country. A hint to make it moister: before you make your sandwich, zap slices in the microwave for just a few seconds.

Good luck.


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    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thank you for checking in about choline. I do meet me recommended amount on a plant-based diet already, per my nutritionist. Thankfully, I am not intolerant to soy and the cruciferous veggies I enjoy! 
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thanks for your input. I am fully committed to being gluten-free if I truly have celiac disease.  I suppose my question is more so wondering if that blood test means I definitely have celiac disease. I had one doc look at the results and tell me to ignore them if I don’t have the classic celiac symptoms. The next doc (a few months later, when viewing the same results) said the results were suspicious and might mean gluten sensitivity, but then had her nurse call me later the same day to say I actually have celiac disease based on the results. So my care team seemed a little unsure. It sounds like, from this forum, that the general consensus is any abnormal blood results indicate celiac.
    • Wheatwacked
      Hello @TraceyG, welcome.    I know it is hard.  Giving up gluten is like losing a lifelong friend.  But in this case it is not a friend.   Your doctor is your friend and be thankful he is proactive with you. There is no need for the biopsy. Posistive is positive.  Unless you are looking for proof you are not.  Be sure to ask about vitamin and mineral deficiencies tests from the doctor. If you are vegan for the health benefits, reconsider. To get the daily Adequate Intake of Coline (between 500 mg and 3500 mg) you would need to eat 10 cups of cooked brocolli.      If you continue to eat gluten, even small amounts, it will come back on you.  You may experience up to 15 days of withdrawal from the gluten and cravings may be strong.  Gluten activates the opiod receptors, numbing you to the pain.  Gluten is addictive.  Gluten Addiction  Eating a little gluten is like playing with matches.      Recent statistics say 40% of first degree relatives have Celiac Disease, also.
    • TraceyG
      I would love some opinions. My Tis.Transglut.Ab IgA results were 29.9, with the normal range being 0-14.9.  My PCP said I have celiac disease, based on these results. I asked for a referral to GI, but they can't get me in for 6-9 months! I think I will start gluten-free now, and begin eating gluten again for at least 1 month prior to the biopsy. I know the GI biopsy is the gold standard, but is it reasonable for my PCP to diagnose celiac with just the blood results? I do not have classic celiac symptoms, but have struggled with some mystery peripheral neuropathy and joint pain for years now. Looking at symptoms, I have suspicion for family history of undiagnosed celiac (mom with lactose intolerance, aunts with sjogren's and non-hodgkin lymphoma). I am 39. I don't think I will be someone who can easily and quickly tell the difference in my body from not eating gluten (or getting glutened once gluten-free), so I feel that gluten-free trials will be tricky. If it's relevant, I surely consume smaller amounts of gluten and occasional bread, but my diet is vegan and fairly free of gluten (maybe why bloodwork numbers weren't higher?)  
    • Ltllizzie
      Please do not consume this if you have celiac disease. One of the ingredients is barley.     
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