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Nutrient Dense Foods


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j9n Contributor

I am not sure where to post this so I am posting here.

I am having alot of trouble with vitamins making me ill (they say gluten free but.....) and am still dairy free. I feel as though I am not getting enough nutrients (spinach cravings again). What foods (natural) can I eat that have the most vitamins without all the "side effects". Green leafy veggies seem obvious, my body is craving them right now, but what else would be good. I do have ulcers so I am suppose to stay away from anything too acidic and of course dairy. I have been drinking low sodium v8 but it is giving me reflux.

Any suggestions?

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tarnalberry Community Regular

nuts and seeds - particularly with ground flax seeds. (you can use honey to hold together sesame seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, and ground flax meal (and coconut flakes too); refrigerate it to make it solid, and eat cold. it's actually rather tasty!)

avocados - in anything, or just straight up. I particularly like it paired with turkey breast (such as one I baked the night before and had leftovers from).

coconut milk - you can use it in smoothies with fruit (like bananas and berries), and this can carry more flax meal too.

cream of buckwheat - filling, but fairly caloric dense as well.

eggs - in an omlette with veggies or hardboiled or on a salad or in soup.

veggies like sweet potatoes, kale, chard, broccoli, and spinach - mashed, baked, steamed, baked like fries, sauteed... etc.

fatty fish - like salmon and tuna and mackrel.

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burdee Enthusiast

Tarnalberry: MMMMMM! YUM! :lol: I like (and EAT) everything you mentioned except for coconut flakes and milk. <_< Do you have a recipe or proportions of the nut, seed, flax meal, honey mixture? That sounds really good. Since I can't have gluten, dairy or soy, that eliminates every chocolate I have found, and don't like hard candy. :( (I know Ener-G Foods makes a gluten/dairy/soy free chocolate chip, but that's not available till winter.) I haven't tried the cream of buckwheat, but then I haven't found an acceptable milk substitute--no soy, dairy and hate rice & nut milks.


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Nadtorious Rookie

Blackstrap Molassas-tons of calcium and iron (I like Plantation)

I like to grind nuts because I still have a hard time with them (sensitive tummy)

Avocados are great!!!

Olive oil-I fry lots of stuff in it now.

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j9n Contributor

I think I will try the nut mixture too. Do you use raw nuts? Fresh fruit smoothie sounds good too. I have some flax seed meal that I was experimenting with in breads and some honey and raw almonds. All I need is some smaller nuts and coconut flakes. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yes, I love avocados too. And salmon and fresh tuna (I hate canned)

Oh, should the flax seed meal be refrigerated?

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catfish Apprentice

More suggestions;

Beans are full of amino acids and are very nutritious. Peanuts are excellent also, and for protein you could look to quinoa or a rice and bean combination. You don't specify whether you are vegetarian, but if not then red meat is a good source for protien, iron, and if you eat it on the rare side it has a lot of vitamin C (the vitamin C is destroyed by heat). If you want more vitamin C, you might try rosehips. They aren't as acidic as citrus.

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tarnalberry Community Regular

rosehip tea is actually quite taste (with some honey), and I keep it at work in case I feel like I'm coming down with something.

ground flax meal should be refrigerated or "frozen" (it won't actually freeze into a block - not enough moisture).

cream of buckwheat works ok with water, and you might find that rice milk works ok to just add a touch of sugar. but water, with a bit of honey, vanilla, and cinnamon should work fairly well. (buckwheat has a relatively strong flavor - not in a bad way - so it may work just fine.)

the nut mixture... I usually just eyeball it, so, let's say 1/4 cup each of lightly crushed almonds or other nut and sunflower seeds, 1/8 cup sesame seeds and ground flax meal, a pinch of salt and/or cinnamon if you like it, then somewhere between 1/8 cup and 1/4 cup honey - as much as it takes to just hold it together decently well. Then squish it between two layers of plastic wrap, and put in the fridge or freezer. (You can roll it up if you need more space.) and eat it once it gets cold.

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celiacfreeman Contributor

my two favorites

1 can of rotel (canned diced tomotoes)

1 can black eye peas

1 can black beans

mix with the good seasoning itilian dress packet

everyone loves this and I eat in on the frito scoops

or tostito scoop or by itself

Just discover

Quinoa red by ancient havest

cook by direction in crock pot or whatever

add a little milk and sugar and eat. lots better then

cream of wheat.

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    • knitty kitty
      I didn't want anyone to think rinsing quinoa would get rid of lectins.  
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @Jean Shifrin Yes, I get achy swelling joints if exposed to gluten.  The antigluten antibodies can attack the connective tissue in joints.   Here's an interesting article... Isolated polyarthritis revealing celiac disease: A case report https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37434897/ And another... Celiac Disease Masquerading as Arthralgia https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9237855/
    • trents
      Good point. But I have been made very ill by eating unwashed quinoa that was not cooked but used in a side salad.
    • knitty kitty
      Lectins are broken down by cooking.  Using a pressure cooker is recommended for breaking down lectins in beans.  Cooking all alternative grains and rice thoroughly should help.
    • trents
      Quinoa is high in lectins. Try rinsing it thoroughly before cooking and consuming it.
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