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First "party" After Going Gluten Free....


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kbabe1968 Enthusiast

Hi....I'm REALLY nervous.

My husband told me his boss invited him to a party this weekend. We are going. It's a mexican party/feast type thing. Of course, I can tell just from that there will be foods I cannot eat.

It's a group of people I do not know at all. I'm really nervous to offend someone.

HOW do I negotiate this without seeming rude or attracting attention to myself?


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Lisa Mentor

When I go out and I know that there will be food there prepared by someone else I just eat before I go. Some bring their own food

You can politily explain the you have several food allergies. Most people are understanding.

When we get invited out to someones home for dinner, most people know that I have celiac and I always offer to bring a dish that I know I can eat, if nothing else is suitable.

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mamatide Enthusiast
Hi....I'm REALLY nervous.

My husband told me his boss invited him to a party this weekend. We are going. It's a mexican party/feast type thing. Of course, I can tell just from that there will be foods I cannot eat.

It's a group of people I do not know at all. I'm really nervous to offend someone.

HOW do I negotiate this without seeming rude or attracting attention to myself?


I'd eat first as well. You might be able to have some chips and salsa to be sociable.

Good luck.

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kbabe1968 Enthusiast

I thought about eating before going. I don't want to appear rude.

I may have my husband ask the gentleman if it's okay for me to bring something. Maybe I could make a salad and bring a dressing I know I can eat. as well as a desert.

Sigh. I guess I'm just embarrassed. Adn I don't want the evening or the event to become about me and my health issues, ya know? I also don't want to be glutened. I've only been doing this for a week...and for the first few days I felt a lot better. I got glutened over the weekend and have been sick again every since. I may just never eat again! :D LOL.


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tarnalberry Community Regular

You are going to have to turn food down. That does NOT make you rude. Anyone who thinks it does is rude themselves for pushing their desires onto you. Eating first is a good idea (and you don't have to tell anyone either).

You can ask questions if you want, but that can be tricky if you don't know anyone. And if you do ask those questions, you will have to mention your food intolerances to explain why you are asking. That doesn't mean you're making it all about you - it means you're making about 30 seconds of one conversation between two or three people out of the whole big party (aka - a VERY small part of it) about you. And that is TOTALLY fine.

In the end, do NOT err on the side of 'polite' in exchange for hurting yourself. It's never worth it.

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loraleena Contributor

I have been to so many parties lately. It sucks not being able to eat everything, but I usually bring my own chips and hummus. This weekend they had wonderful nachos and they were safe! I don't like having to talk about celiac either, but I have had many great conversations because of having to turn down food. This past weekend I met a man who was really interested and wanted me to send him info on celiac, since he is having lots of skin problems. I like to be able to help people when I can.

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kbabe1968 Enthusiast


Talked to my hubby about it tonight. He's going to mention to his friend that I have a special diet and make sure they're okay if I bring something. That I'm willing to bring something big enough for everyone (like a salad or dessert). I'll also make sure I've eaten before we go, just to make sure I don't get hungry, then start picking at what I "think" is safe, and end up glutening myself.

Thanks for your help! :D

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jukie Rookie

If you do take food to share, remember to be aware of the inevitable cross contamination that can take place with other people and foods around. All it takes is one gluteny utensil or set of fingers in/on your food and it's no longer gluten-free. Try to get the first serving if you can :P

Take care of yourself and have fun!

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sewfunky Rookie

If you're ordering off the menu, I would suggest getting to the party place a little early to talk with a manager about your options available on the menu. If it's buffet - eat before hand. You can politely say that you ate before and can eat a salad so you're not the only one not eating.

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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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