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Poisoned By A Naturopath And ....


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Mballerina Explorer

I have been trying to go gluten free for three weeks and i never get farther than 6 days.

This time my naturopath reccommended Udo's Beyond GReens which is fantastic but loaded with gluten.

Then when i thought i had that covered the lady at the nutrition store gave me the non gluten free version of liquid iron.

So i am in hell again and i am so tired of this...

Just venting, beware of health professionals,

Magdalena, ON, Canada

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SteveW Rookie


I've stopped taking advice from "experts" unless they're Celiacs themselves.

And I would still double check everything I put in my body.

I hired a nutritionist that was a celiac specialist and she was good but a few of the supplements she reccomended had gluten in them.

Health food stores are the worst. I was told the one in my town was specializing in Gluten Free foods yet they use 2 wheat stocks for a logo <_<

Hopefully you'll feel beter soon

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gf4life Enthusiast

I'm sorry you were given bad advice. I just thought I would warn you that the Customer Service representative at the company that makes Udo's products gave me wrong information, also. I called to find out why their Udo's Digestive Enzyme Blend for Canada was gluten free, but their US version contained Barley. She kept telling me they were the same, and that both were gluten-free. The US label clearly stated BARLEY,a nd she would not believe me that this meant it wasn't gluten free. I just wanted to know how I could get some of the Canadian product shipped to me in the US! I ended up using Pioneer Digestive Enzymes and they worked great. So I guess what I'm saying is that you can't always trust the "professionals". Look on every label for yourself and go with your instincts.

God bless,


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    • trents
      But there will still probably be times when you will get together with your brother and father in their home when food will be involved. You need to think through how you will handle that. In the meantime, separate your stuff from their stuff and keep it under lock and key if necessary.
    • Drewy
      Thank you, I'll talk to my doctor and dietitian for some resources they could read. I only have a few months until I can move in with my mother who is a lot more cautious about it.
    • trents
      Okay, so two issue here: 1. Your brother is creating CC (Cross Contamination) problems by using your gluten free food items and mixing into them gluten containing food. I would suggest you consider keeping your gluten free food items in your bedroom instead of the kitchen. Consider getting a small fridge that will fit in your bedroom for things that need refrigeration. 2. Your dad is not giving proper attention to avoiding gluten containing ingredients when he prepares meals for the family. Do you think he has a good understanding of what gluten is and where it is found in mainline food products? Is he doing this out of carelessness or ignorance? Most people do not have a good understanding of where gluten is found in the food supply. Even those with celiac disease find there is a considerable learning curve involved to this. I mean, who would ever suspect that wheat is an ingredient in soy sauce and in most canned tomato soups, even some chocolate syrups and pancake syrups? Is your dad open to being educated about sources of gluten? Do you think your family members understand that celiac disease is not an allergy but is an autoimmune disorder that can permanently damage your body over time if gluten is not avoided? I think you may need to struggle with this until you are in a position to move out of your family home into your own dwelling where you have complete control over what you eat. I also want you to know that you are not alone in this problem. On this forum, we have had a number of threads started by young people in your same situation.
    • Drewy
      Yes, but I also have separated gluten-free and gluten foods in the kitchen but they don't seem to respect it. Especially my brother. We have two jam jars one with a large red sticker and one large green one.  Red is gluten, Green is gluten-free. It's the same with yogurt. He'll intentionally put granola in my yogurt and mix it then dump it out and leave contaminated yogurt in my container and I eat it and have a reaction. Then there's my father, he's better but he doesn't read ingredients or gluten-free scanner apps till after it gives me a reaction  I'm 17. I can cook my own meals but I go to school 3 days a week, and work 4 days a week.  No I'm not usually the one making meals but lately I've been staying up late to make myself gluten-free meals 
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, Drewy! So help me understand about the Tacos and "trying to keep my gluten free food from my dad and brothers gluten food." When you say, "keep my gluten free food" from them, do you mean they take your gluten free food items and then use them to make meals that also us gluten things? So, for instance, they would make taco meet or salsa that contained gluten but use your gluten free taco shells to put that stuff in? May we ask your age? May we assume you are not the one who is usually fixing the meals in the house?
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