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Mad At Grandmother For Glutening Baby...


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zachsmom Enthusiast

I have read a million times ... how everyones parents glutend their babies...

I AM SO MAD .. I swear I was not gone two hours... I went to dinner... one time in 15 months with out my three kids... baby is my appendage... come back and my MOM PROUDLY TELLS ME HOW MUCH THE BABY LOVES FRIED CHICKEN.. I love my mom .. BUT GOD...

MY 12 year old told my MOM NO grandma ... he cant have that ... SHE TORE OFF THE COATING ...and gave himt he chicken underneath... She said OH hE WILL BE OKAY... I am so mad... My son later told me .. he tried to tell her but she wouldnt listen...

I guess that no matter what I say .. my mom isnt going to be able to keep the baby .. with out supervision ... its sad she is not really old 65... but I guess that she isnt 'all there ' any more.

BUt the baby did NOT PUKE.. I could tell he was glutened ... he got really nervous and angry... he changed and turned all white and pastie for an hour... he then drank his bottle and never vomited.. it was like it passed.... I think that he is wheat intolerant... not celaic...

I am mad that my mom did that but.... think this stumbled on to something... ( this is my family .. example...NOT REAL JUST AN EXAMPLE >>>> all though i was stabbed... by my .. ah brother... it was good because they found cancer in my bowels... but if he wouldnt have stabbed me .. I would have never known and died form the cancer.. so thank god he stabbed me.... .... But it would have been easier to find this out some other way... ( lol ) but it still makes me mad.

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Ursa Major Collaborator

I am sorry to hear that you can't trust your mother with the baby. I can't believe she gave it to him in spite of the protests of the other two kids!

That reminds me of my mother-in-law, 21 years ago when my fourth child was born. She volunteered to look after the other kids while I was in the hospital (I had to have a cesarean because my daughter was transverse). My family is in Germany, so she was all I had.

She didn't take good care of them at all (she doesn't like small children). What really made me mad was that she got a pair of sandals from the very top shelf of the closet (which were obviously out of the way) to put on my son (who was two at the time). My daughters (four and five years old) protested and got very upset, telling her, "No, Nanny, those are too small for him, that's why Mom put them way up, they'll hurt his toes!" They told me, that she just told them that she didn't care (she didn't like my son, he looks too much like me), and put them on anyway. I NEVER left anybody under the age of five with her again.

I hope your baby will be okay and not get sick after all. Seeing him look all pale and obviously not well must have been frightening.

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zachsmom Enthusiast

She loves the baby ..( we are close and she adores the kids really ) but I think that the Celaic .. wheat thing .. is something that DESPITE she babysat while I went to the specialist... thinks that its okay to TEST the baby to see what he can eat... (I like to play it safe and read the ingredients) .. But I think that she somehow wants to test the therory and maybe prove that its wrong??? like she can fix it.. moms fix everything... I dont know... I think that she in her world thought that taking the coating off .. made it okay... and giving him a treat.

any way .. its just sad... you want your parents to have time alone with your kids... I think that she is having 'issues .. memory loss and other things that she doesnt want to deal with. .. due to her medical problems... I dont know .. I am just sad an having to coem to the realization of my parents older age... my dad is fine and does what you ask to a shiny t.

I just know everyone here has had this happen.

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FeedIndy Contributor

I am having issues with my parents too. I skipped the biopsy and went straight to the diet with my youngest (with the doctor's recommendation, btw) and she is doing so great! When I started seeing signs in my older 2 we skipped the diagnostic stage altogether and went with dietary response. They did great, but my parents think it's okay "just this one time" since they don't really have celiac like the baby. Ugh!

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kbtoyssni Contributor

Some people just won't listen. When I was a kid dairy and sugar made me extremely hyper - like off the walls for three days. My mother would tell people not to give it to me, but they would anyway. And then they'd get scared when I started going wild and call my mum and she'd take me home and deal with me for the next three days. They were never the ones who had to deal with the consequences. I never understood why people won't take your word for it. Do they think you just woke up one day and decided to cut all gluten out of your kid's diet just for the heck of it??? There's got to be a reason why you don't let your child have gluten, and people should respect that no matter what the reason is. I'd tell grandma that you have to deal with the side-effects of her feeding the baby gluten so she will not be looking after the kids on her own again.

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vampella Contributor

You are not alone!!

My Mother in law asks my dh EVERYTIME he calls if Emmah is still on that "silly diet" I almost went through the phone at her a few weeks ago. I have done everything I told them, I sent them website links & after that I wrote a letter to them about celiac disease and what it was and so on...BIG SURPRISE but I didn't get a reply!!

My family is great. Though they don't know it all they know a lot and TRY, if they don't know if it's a safe food, she doens't get it.

I'm so sorry that happened to your little one.

Hope your baby is feeling better!!

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MySuicidalTurtle Enthusiast

Eek, I am sorry, ZachsMom.

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Juliebove Rising Star

I guess I'm lucky that my parents do not give my daughter anything without checking the label first. But they do not seem to understand the cross contaminiation thing and will do things like put the gluten free cookies on a plate with the regular cookies so they are touching. Actually they only did that once and won't do it again but remind me of it very nastily. You can tell they do not believe me.

What got me upset was what my husband did last year when he took my daughter to the fair. He seems not to know what she can and can not eat. I packed a lunch for her and then told him to bring her home by dinner time. He didn't. I worried that he hadn't fed her at all which is something he will also do. Take her out all day and not let her have a bite to eat at all in case she is allergic to it. Since those times I've always sent snacks and drinks with her just in case. But this time he thought he was being smart. Saw a Teriyaki stand and asked her, "Are you allergic to chicken? Are you allergic to rice?" She replied "no", so he got her some fried rice and chicken Teriyaki, paying no mind to the fact that they might have use peanut or soy oil, probably had eggs in the fried rice and almost certainly put soy sauce in there. All things she was allergic to. Needless to say she was home sick the next day. :angry:

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stef-the-kicking-cuty Enthusiast

That sounds like something my mother would do, too. She can't even behave, when she's not allowed to feed my parents-in-laws dog from the table. No kidding, she visited us from Germany and when we went to visit my parents-in-law my m-i-l, Thelma, told her not to feed Jada (the dog) from the table. Thelma turned around and seconds later I saw my mom fumbling around under the table and giving me a dirty smile. I'm like, 'mom, stop it. You heard what Thelma said.' And she's like 'oh, the poor dog, that won't hurt her'. I already see her with my baby (in case it's celiac also) 'oh, the poor kid, a little gluten won't hurt it'. This is what makes me angry about my mother. You can tell her whatever you want. She always knows it better and has the last word :angry: .

Thankfully my m-i-l is not that way. She actually listens to what you have to say and tries to accomodate you.


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  • 2 weeks later...
zachsmom Enthusiast

I guess the only good thing that came of this is that he is wheat intolerant not Celiac. so I guess some thing good came of it .

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ryebaby0 Enthusiast

Just out of curiosity, why do you think this proves he's intolerant? My son was a symptomless celiac right up until the time he was so sick (from the years of gluten exposure destroying his system) that he was hospitalized for 8 weeks, with no villi left.......

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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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