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Excessive Sweating When Glutened


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Mballerina Explorer

Does anyone have extensive sweating at night and wake up completely drenched in sweat when they are glutened? I wake up absolutly drenched and have a hard time sleeping cuz i am so hot.

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pamelaD Apprentice

Night sweats can be a symptom of an autoimmune reaction/inflamation, so it makes sense that you have them as part of a gluten reaction.

I have lupus and have night sweats related to that autoimmune disease off and on for years. I also had terrible night sweats just before I got my gall bladder removed (turns out it was inflamed).

If you have night sweats, but don't think you were 'glutened', I would be sure to mention it to your doctor, as they can be a symptom of many things....

Good Luck,


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  • 5 months later...
ianm Apprentice

I used to have night sweats where I would be drenched in sweat and all of the blankets would be soaked also. This seems to have gone away once I went gluten-free.


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flagbabyds Collaborator

I would have night sweats when i was sick because I was scared of throwing up in my sleep, and when you are nervous about that i get all sweaty, also when I am reallyu sick, I am always sweaty

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kvogt Rookie

My calves used to sweat like mad at night. Nowhere else. When I was a teen, I had "growing pains" in my calves. The aching would keep me up for hours and was really painful.

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cdford Contributor

Yes! It took me a while to figure out that it was gluten and not just "my age" if you know what I mean. Usually the other symptoms clue me in when it is gluten. It also smells something fierce when I have been glutened.

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  • 10 months later...
Silver-naki Rookie
Night sweats can be a symptom of an autoimmune reaction/inflamation, so it makes sense that you have them as part of a gluten reaction.

I have lupus and have night sweats related to that autoimmune disease off and on for years. I also had terrible night sweats just before I got my gall bladder removed (turns out it was inflamed).

If you have night sweats, but don't think you were 'glutened', I would be sure to mention it to your doctor, as they can be a symptom of many things....

Good Luck,



This was a great Post here, & very informative! I have the "night-sweats" really bad as well, but have attributed it to MENOPAUSE. I noticed only a slight change since I went "gluten-free," but am still wondering if maybe some of mine might be related to an autoimmune reaction/inflamation too? I have an Aunt who has Lupus, and Lordy, I'm sure this stuff runs in the Family!!! When my tests results came back, I was told I had alot of antibodies in my system, so your post here was most interesting! I still have my Gall Bladder tho....... many of my Family members have had theirs removed.

This is a very interesting subject to think about, and thanks for Posting! Regards! :)

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nikki-uk Enthusiast
Does anyone have extensive sweating at night and wake up completely drenched in sweat when they are glutened? I wake up absolutly drenched and have a hard time sleeping cuz i am so hot.

This is my husbands only symptom to being glutened.

Before being dx he suffered from them really bad!

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jerseyangel Proficient

I am currently getting night sweats regularly, but I think they are due to menopause. However, I have had night sweats since my early 30's when I was sick that I now attribute to the Celiac. The interesting thing is, the night sweats that I get when sick are worse than the ones I get now from the menopause. I can tell the difference because the ones caused by the hormones come about every 2 hours and wake me up, but are more mild.

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MACE Rookie


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ebrbetty Rising Star

so happy to see this post, monday night I was up all night with terrible stomach pain and sweating like crazy, it was like the heat would start at my toes and slowly work its way up, this went on all night with the pain. I can't think of any gluten I ate, but I must have been glutened, it happened twice before. I also have discord lupus.

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  • 1 month later...
amybeth Enthusiast

Thanks so much for posting this! I have been waking up in the night drenched -- something I never noticed before diagnosis......haven't thought to link it to being "glutened".......I will definitely investigate.

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Lisa Mentor

I had bad night sweats when I was 35 (early met.) at 51 I do not now. I do perspire when I am eating. Not spicey stuff, just regular gluten free foods, especially at lunch. Don't know what's going on there :unsure:

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Guest Robbin

Lisa Baker--I get that too when I eat anything anymore!! I put up a post on that. I don't understand it but it just started since going gluten-free. I also get hot burning hands as I posted before. Weird, worrisome and confusing :blink: ! Robbin

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Lisa Mentor

Robbin - never had this before gluten free. I don't know why, but it just happens.

Since gluten free, my hands shake. When I drink water out of a bottle, I can see the water vibrate. Don't know about that either.

If anyone can explain, please post. :)

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Guest Robbin
Robbin - never had this before gluten free. I don't know why, but it just happens.

Since gluten free, my hands shake. When I drink water out of a bottle, I can see the water vibrate. Don't know about that either.

If anyone can explain, please post. :)

Mine started since going gluten-free too. Maybe we are all "detoxifying"? I just hope it goes away on its own soon, because I am sooooo sick of being sick and going to the dr. Has anyone had it and it went away? How long did it take? :blink:

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Linda352 Rookie

Yes, I also have noticed that my night sweats are a little less since I've been eating gluten-free but I think I will also have to give up my nightly glass of wine with dinner as I know when I was dieting last summer and had to give up these favorite treats I did sleep a lot better and didn't have any problems with this terrible discomfort. Beginning tonight I am giving up my wine for a week to see if this doesn't help.....sigh....


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  • 8 months later...
dragonmom Apprentice

What a shock= I thought that my sweating was due to my advanced age and being a female........good to know that I can also attribute it to Celiac.. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rebecca47 Contributor

Again Wow!! I have really bad night sweats also. wake up totally wet feels like a river. I thought I was going thru menopause tested and I am not in menopause and ny doctor is how testing for other things. Thyroid and c couple other things 24 hr calcium, vit D should have results tomorrow


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Lisa Mentor

Some of this may be glutened related, many other may be "change" related issues. My peri-med symptoms lasted a good 10 years until the big "P" was gone and done with.

But......I still have strange perspiring when I am eating foods. I have not narrowed it down to anything specific and don't know even whether it is gluten related. I have no other "gluttened" symptoms to accompany the perspiring.

If anyone finds a connection, please let me know. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
nikki8 Explorer

I was just about to post a question about this when I saw this thread. I have had night sweats the past 3 or 4 nights. I've only been gluten-free for a little over 2 weeks now and I'm wondering if it's a detox thing. As far as I know (and I'm still learning) I have not gluten-ed myself. I have not had night sweats for a few years until now and was wondering what was going on. Good to see that I'm not the only one.


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  • 1 month later...
coveowner Newbie
Robbin - never had this before gluten free. I don't know why, but it just happens.

Since gluten free, my hands shake. When I drink water out of a bottle, I can see the water vibrate. Don't know about that either.

If anyone can explain, please post. :)

My hands shake when my thyroid becomes more hyper and I need to adjust my meds. You might want to get tested.

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coveowner Newbie
Robbin - never had this before gluten free. I don't know why, but it just happens.

Since gluten free, my hands shake. When I drink water out of a bottle, I can see the water vibrate. Don't know about that either.

If anyone can explain, please post. :)

My hands shake when my thyroid becomes more hyper and I need to adjust my meds. You might want to get tested.

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Lisa Mentor

I did some research on this after I posted this thread. Frey's Syndrome appears to be what I was describing. I have forgotten alot now, but it has to do with the glands re-routing themselves to the face. Perhaps when I was pre-diagnosed and had a highly dry mouth, things got re-wired.

I do have questions about thyroid, but my bloodwork did not indicate an issue. It's always something. :(

Time for another doctor!

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Mtndog Collaborator
Does anyone have extensive sweating at night and wake up completely drenched in sweat when they are glutened? I wake up absolutly drenched and have a hard time sleeping cuz i am so hot.

Yes- used to have them all the time before going gluten-free. Now I only have them when I am glutened.

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    • Drewy
    • trents
      But there will still probably be times when you will get together with your brother and father in their home when food will be involved. You need to think through how you will handle that. In the meantime, separate your stuff from their stuff and keep it under lock and key if necessary.
    • Drewy
      Thank you, I'll talk to my doctor and dietitian for some resources they could read. I only have a few months until I can move in with my mother who is a lot more cautious about it.
    • trents
      Okay, so two issue here: 1. Your brother is creating CC (Cross Contamination) problems by using your gluten free food items and mixing into them gluten containing food. I would suggest you consider keeping your gluten free food items in your bedroom instead of the kitchen. Consider getting a small fridge that will fit in your bedroom for things that need refrigeration. 2. Your dad is not giving proper attention to avoiding gluten containing ingredients when he prepares meals for the family. Do you think he has a good understanding of what gluten is and where it is found in mainline food products? Is he doing this out of carelessness or ignorance? Most people do not have a good understanding of where gluten is found in the food supply. Even those with celiac disease find there is a considerable learning curve involved to this. I mean, who would ever suspect that wheat is an ingredient in soy sauce and in most canned tomato soups, even some chocolate syrups and pancake syrups? Is your dad open to being educated about sources of gluten? Do you think your family members understand that celiac disease is not an allergy but is an autoimmune disorder that can permanently damage your body over time if gluten is not avoided? I think you may need to struggle with this until you are in a position to move out of your family home into your own dwelling where you have complete control over what you eat. I also want you to know that you are not alone in this problem. On this forum, we have had a number of threads started by young people in your same situation.
    • Drewy
      Yes, but I also have separated gluten-free and gluten foods in the kitchen but they don't seem to respect it. Especially my brother. We have two jam jars one with a large red sticker and one large green one.  Red is gluten, Green is gluten-free. It's the same with yogurt. He'll intentionally put granola in my yogurt and mix it then dump it out and leave contaminated yogurt in my container and I eat it and have a reaction. Then there's my father, he's better but he doesn't read ingredients or gluten-free scanner apps till after it gives me a reaction  I'm 17. I can cook my own meals but I go to school 3 days a week, and work 4 days a week.  No I'm not usually the one making meals but lately I've been staying up late to make myself gluten-free meals 
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