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Excessive Sweating When Glutened


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Lisa Mentor


Once gluten free for a while, my night sweats went away. But remember, that I posted that I began peri-med. at about 35 and it lasted about 10 years. Well over that.

I perspire, while I am eating and not from spice. It is soo odd. Frey's Syndrome.

Maybe we dig too much on the internet. If we believed everything we read, we'd all be dead by now. And doctors hate us. <_<

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TestyTommy Rookie

^^^ That makes us even; I hate doctors! :P

I've got a variation on the night sweats. I've been gluten-free almost a year. I was sick about 9 years before going gluten-free. During that time, I was always hot. Even in the dead of winter in Minnesota, I was trying to find ways to keep cool. The problem was that I couldn't sweat. Even a little bit of physical activity overheated me. I remember reading these threads about night sweats last year and being so envious of all these people who could at least sweat!

Towards the end of last summer, I started noticing that I was able to sweat a little again. Now I can sweat pretty well (though there's not much need to sweat in January).

Starting about 2-3 weeks ago, I've been having some nights where I wake up soaked in sweat. The thing is, these are usually nights that I sleep well (I've had trouble sleeping ever since I got sick 10 years ago). So in my case, these night sweats almost seem like a good thing.

Has anyone else had sypmtoms like these?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest AlabamaGirl

HORRIBLE night sweats, only when glutened, and takes about 2-3 nights to go away. It's like my body is trying to get the gluten out of it ... one way or another!

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alamaz Collaborator

I used to get really bad night sweats. At one point I was convinced I had lukemia because I did a frantic internet search and that's what came up. :blink: Now, I just get hot esp. in the mornings when I am getting ready for work (to the point that I'll stand outside while letting the dog out when it's 5 degrees and STILL be hot) but I don't have the night sweats anymore.

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gerberer Newbie
I used to get really bad night sweats. At one point I was convinced I had lukemia because I did a frantic internet search and that's what came up. :blink: Now, I just get hot esp. in the mornings when I am getting ready for work (to the point that I'll stand outside while letting the dog out when it's 5 degrees and STILL be hot) but I don't have the night sweats anymore.

I get hot to the point of prickling on my scalp around 8 every night, even if I am working, I sweat profusely till around midnight and then I am just plain hot for the rest of the night.

I sleep with the Air con and a ceiling fan, no bedclothes, and sometimes I am still uncomfortable.

I am post menopausal, so its not that.

I am on thyroid meds, looking for an alternative at the moment.

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Lisa Mentor

Ok, I just wanted to update.

I have found that gluten did a re-visit of peri or menopausal symptoms. Since gluten free, those night sweats are gone. They will come back if I am glutened.

After being gluten free for almost two years, I found that I will have facial perspiration almost immediately after consuming dairy products. Which indicates to me that there is perhaps an allergy reaction to dairy. I am currently, dairy light.

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  • 2 months later...
And She Will Be Curious Newbie

I don't have the night sweating part particularly, but I have had odd bouts of sweating during the day before. Last time I got glutened, I was at a clinical rotation. I'm usually a cold person by nature so it was surprising to me that I was sweating. I was warm, but not hot. More like how one feels when sweating in all the creases of your body when there's high humidity in the air. But the air conditioning in the place was on full blast, and no one else felt warm. It was just me. A little while later, I broke out and had stomach problems, letting me know that soemthing somewhere had contained gluten.

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  • 2 weeks later...
KAG Rookie

I always used to have sweaty hands and feet but cold and clamy feeling. In my mid 20's I had bad night sweats and yeast infection problems. They kind of went away but I was never able to tolerate the heat. Just blow drying my hair made me sweat even in winter. Then pregnancy became a big trigger for other problems. After I was treated for low thyroid, I could tolerate the heat. My sweaty palms and feet went away after I went gluten free. I sweat when I eat dairy and it lasts for about a day. I was also very hot and sweaty again just recently when I went back on gluten for testing.

Sweating and not being able to tolerate the heat seem to be related to eating gluten, dairy and thyroid issues together for me.

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little d Enthusiast

I get night sweats too. since it is summertime I ware just a little tank shirt. After reading this post maybe it is not my husbands radiating heat that is making me hot, and we even had the thermostat at 74, 75 degrees. Wow come to think of it ya you might be on to something when I am eating gluten sweat more and snor alot my husband complains. the other night i did not sweat or snor because I had been good and been eating Gluten free.


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Peeweebrit Newbie

I understand exactly what you're saying! I have been having hot sweats regularly for the past few years, and knowing Menopause is over, couldn't figure out why I'm the only hot one and my family is wearing sweaters to make me more comfortable. I can get about 3-4 hours of sleep a night and then I can't get back to sleep at all. It's a terrible feeling! Now that they found Celiac from a biopsy it makes so much more sense, I'm still learning what has and does not have Gluten in it, but I did lose 60lbs so far.

Thank You for Listening

Peeweebrit :D

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Peeweebrit Newbie

I also wanted to add that my stomach is going thru hell right now because I'm trying to eat properly, with a Gluten allergy and a dairy allergy I don't know what is safe for me. Can anyone help me with this?

Thank You So Much


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barbara123 Apprentice
I don't have the night sweating part particularly, but I have had odd bouts of sweating during the day before. Last time I got glutened, I was at a clinical rotation. I'm usually a cold person by nature so it was surprising to me that I was sweating. I was warm, but not hot. More like how one feels when sweating in all the creases of your body when there's high humidity in the air. But the air conditioning in the place was on full blast, and no one else felt warm. It was just me. A little while later, I broke out and had stomach problems, letting me know that soemthing somewhere had contained gluten.

I too have had sweats and chills, dr put me on neurontin 300mg twice a day for about 3 months. It really worked well and stopped the sweating and freezing. I had a hysterectomy 4 years ago so thought it was surgical menopause. They did the hysterectomy to help with what they thought was shingles.

Now I have been gluten free for about 2 months and do not need the medication anymore. coincidence I think not!!!

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Belinda Meeker Apprentice

I too had my uterus removed at 28 then my ovaries 3 years ago and when I sweat then I would get sick to my stomach first, so I knew it was coming but now that's all gone and if I get glutened I sweat from head to toe just not under my armpits lol wierd huh. ;)

But it will happen within an hour after being glutened and continue til the next day even throughout the night>so watch that u don't get glutned and this should discontinue .....mine did

Good luck in finding wht causes ur sweats !


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  • 2 weeks later...
hathor Contributor

I have hot flashes/night sweats AND periods when I am freezing for no apparent reason. I've yet to figure out why. I've had the latter for years and my doctor couldn't figure it out. I'm in menopause now so I guess that could explain the hot flashes. But then the food intolerances have happened to me about the same time.

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Guest The Weasel

I used to get them too after severe glutening binges. I was terrified for a long time that I somehow contracted AIDS or something because one of my idiot friends told me that was a symptom of it or that I had diabetes because my Mum gets them but blood tests ruled both out. I assume it was from glutening because it only happens then and it seems a lot of people have said the same thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
submarinerwife Newbie

One of the ways that the body helps detoxify itself is by sweating the toxin out, so it didn't surprise me to find that when I am glutened that I also sweat profusely. I have always sweated whenever I was sick and whenever I had an allergic reaction to anything, it is just another way that the body gets rid of all the bad stuff. Although yes it can also be related to other problems as well, so if you don't have other glutening symptoms when you experience the sweating you may have to look somewhere else. My doc. tried to tell me (pre knowing I was celiac) that I was having the sweats due to an early meno, but now that I am gluten-free my horomones are normal and I am back to having a normal (for me) monthly and no sign of meno, I still have the sweats whenever I am glutened. In fact its usually the first symptom. The other thing I noticed is that my mom is so scared of glutening herself that she sweats while she eats. Afraid that she will cc herself somehow. Just a thought that may be what some of you are experiencing as well. I hope that as she gains confidence in herself and the diet that she will do better.

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dally099 Contributor

oh my gosh, when i had to do my gluten challenge (eat gluten again for a week after being off it for allmost 4 months and see how i feel) man did i have the heat flashes and sweats. im not sure what causes it but boy was i glad to get off the gluten and start to sleep again at night and not sweat through the day.

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    • Drewy
    • trents
      But there will still probably be times when you will get together with your brother and father in their home when food will be involved. You need to think through how you will handle that. In the meantime, separate your stuff from their stuff and keep it under lock and key if necessary.
    • Drewy
      Thank you, I'll talk to my doctor and dietitian for some resources they could read. I only have a few months until I can move in with my mother who is a lot more cautious about it.
    • trents
      Okay, so two issue here: 1. Your brother is creating CC (Cross Contamination) problems by using your gluten free food items and mixing into them gluten containing food. I would suggest you consider keeping your gluten free food items in your bedroom instead of the kitchen. Consider getting a small fridge that will fit in your bedroom for things that need refrigeration. 2. Your dad is not giving proper attention to avoiding gluten containing ingredients when he prepares meals for the family. Do you think he has a good understanding of what gluten is and where it is found in mainline food products? Is he doing this out of carelessness or ignorance? Most people do not have a good understanding of where gluten is found in the food supply. Even those with celiac disease find there is a considerable learning curve involved to this. I mean, who would ever suspect that wheat is an ingredient in soy sauce and in most canned tomato soups, even some chocolate syrups and pancake syrups? Is your dad open to being educated about sources of gluten? Do you think your family members understand that celiac disease is not an allergy but is an autoimmune disorder that can permanently damage your body over time if gluten is not avoided? I think you may need to struggle with this until you are in a position to move out of your family home into your own dwelling where you have complete control over what you eat. I also want you to know that you are not alone in this problem. On this forum, we have had a number of threads started by young people in your same situation.
    • Drewy
      Yes, but I also have separated gluten-free and gluten foods in the kitchen but they don't seem to respect it. Especially my brother. We have two jam jars one with a large red sticker and one large green one.  Red is gluten, Green is gluten-free. It's the same with yogurt. He'll intentionally put granola in my yogurt and mix it then dump it out and leave contaminated yogurt in my container and I eat it and have a reaction. Then there's my father, he's better but he doesn't read ingredients or gluten-free scanner apps till after it gives me a reaction  I'm 17. I can cook my own meals but I go to school 3 days a week, and work 4 days a week.  No I'm not usually the one making meals but lately I've been staying up late to make myself gluten-free meals 
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