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Felidae Enthusiast
I hope I'm not stating the obvious, but does everyone know that there are two (at least) types of quinoa that are readily available?

The first is the grain, that you would make pilaf or salads out of. This is what you need to rinse before using. It would make disgusting breakfast cereal.

The second type is the quinoa flakes, which look like little oatmeal flakes. My daughter actually likes this for an oatmeal replacement. It does not need rinsing. I like it in "oatmeal" cookies and in those chocolate no-bake fudgie things.

Exactly what I do.

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jesscarmel Enthusiast

im totally obssesed with quoina! its is my new favorite food and one of the positive things that came from celiac for me. i eat it like a couscous with olive oil, balsamic, garlic, tomatoes, onions etc..... i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mine comes in a box and ive never rinsed it

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Rachel--24 Collaborator

Quinoa is GROSS! :blink:

I thought maybe it was just gross because I hadnt washed the soapy chemical off....but NOPE....its just "naturally" gross....saponin or no saponin.

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larry mac Enthusiast

When I first started baking gluten-free, I went to the hfs and bought a bunch of stuff, including quinoa and millet (both tiny balls from bulk bins). So I ground some of each with my coffee grinder and added a small amount of each to a gluten-free flour blend I mixed up and made muffins.

Well, the batter smelled really odd, and not in a good way, almost stunk up the whole house. I baked them anyway, and some of the odd smell subsided, but you could taste it pretty good too. I froze the muffins and ate a couple every day and by the 3rd or 4th day it had gone away completely. Wierd huh?

Needless to say, I haven't tried the quinoa or millet since (I never did find out which one was responsible). best regards, lm

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gfp Enthusiast
Quinoa is GROSS! :blink:

I thought maybe it was just gross because I hadnt washed the soapy chemical off....but NOPE....its just "naturally" gross....saponin or no saponin.

We all taste things differently, I love grapefruit... so long as its not too sweet... and I'm not against eating a lemon if its a sweetish one.. I'm sure lots of people find that gross :D

I personally find quinoa pretty bland (in grain form) (when washed)... but that doesn't mean everyone will.

An interesting article you might find interesting is here

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Anyway, perhaps Quinoa should be added to the list....

# Brussels sprouts[9][10][11] (I really find it hard to believe anyone likes these) :D

# cabbage[12] Not a great preference for me,

# Coffee[13] 100% Arabica, I can taste the tiniest amount of Robusta and it makes me gag.

# grapefruit juice[14] MMMM

# green tea[15] MMMMM (but I really don't like black tea - and I'm English!)

# kale[16]

# spinach[17]

The pair of these I can happily avoid but do force myself

# soy products[18]


* chilli peppers - capsaicin burn is more intense in supertasters

Oh but so worth it (IMHO)

* Tonic water - quinine is more bitter to supertasters (UGGHGHHGHGHHH )

* Olives - for a given concentration, salt is more intense in supertasters (I only like fresh or preserved in brine)

* Coriander - People either hate or love this herb.. the ones that don't like it say it tastes 'soapy'.

Like sprouts.... but the opposite... from how I taste it I don't see how anyone can not like coriander (cilantro) ... hehe but I know MANY do.

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Michi8 Contributor

A couple of those things can be good when prepared the right way. Brussel sprouts, for example, with the right recipe and careful cooking can be quite good. If you cook the heck out of it though, it becomes inedible...I guess that's pretty much like any veggie...can't stand them mushy! I'm one of those who doesn't much like coriander, but, again, it depends on the recipe. It tastes really out of place with some foods, but works well with others.

Tonic water and olives are definitely off my list though. :)

My middle child is a supertaster and seems to really enjoy foods with some spice/flavour to them...but he finds pretty much all veggies bitter and hard to eat (even carrots!)


We all taste things differently, I love grapefruit... so long as its not too sweet... and I'm not against eating a lemon if its a sweetish one.. I'm sure lots of people find that gross :D

I personally find quinoa pretty bland (in grain form) (when washed)... but that doesn't mean everyone will.

An interesting article you might find interesting is here

Open Original Shared Link

Anyway, perhaps Quinoa should be added to the list....

# Brussels sprouts[9][10][11] (I really find it hard to believe anyone likes these) :D

# cabbage[12] Not a great preference for me,

# Coffee[13] 100% Arabica, I can taste the tiniest amount of Robusta and it makes me gag.

# grapefruit juice[14] MMMM

# green tea[15] MMMMM (but I really don't like black tea - and I'm English!)

# kale[16]

# spinach[17]

The pair of these I can happily avoid but do force myself

# soy products[18]


* chilli peppers - capsaicin burn is more intense in supertasters

Oh but so worth it (IMHO)

* Tonic water - quinine is more bitter to supertasters (UGGHGHHGHGHHH )

* Olives - for a given concentration, salt is more intense in supertasters (I only like fresh or preserved in brine)

* Coriander - People either hate or love this herb.. the ones that don't like it say it tastes 'soapy'.

Like sprouts.... but the opposite... from how I taste it I don't see how anyone can not like coriander (cilantro) ... hehe but I know MANY do.

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gfp Enthusiast
A couple of those things can be good when prepared the right way. Brussel sprouts, for example, with the right recipe and careful cooking can be quite good. If you cook the heck out of it though, it becomes inedible...I guess that's pretty much like any veggie...can't stand them mushy! I'm one of those who doesn't much like coriander, but, again, it depends on the recipe. It tastes really out of place with some foods, but works well with others.

Tonic water and olives are definitely off my list though. :)

My middle child is a supertaster and seems to really enjoy foods with some spice/flavour to them...but he finds pretty much all veggies bitter and hard to eat (even carrots!)


LOL, I eat sprouts but they're not something I buy for myself but then they must be firm and cooked with a little cross in the stalk.,..

Funny you mention carrots though....

Sometimes I get a batch which tastes really bitter.... they can look perfectly OK and my girlfriend pretty much hates any cooked carrot but eats them raw.... she notices no difference to those I find bitter and those I don't....

I have always wondered if they are really bitter or its just me?

Anyway.... how about quinoa .....do WE think it should be on that list?

I find Rachels comment intriguing because at best I would say quinoa is bland and boring.... having said that I usually add lots of chilli peppers and coriander (cilantro) if having it as a salad....

That someone can find (the rinsed) quinoa strongly anything is intriguing.

How about everyone else?

Rachel--24: In the interests of science that you now convinced me of please describe UGGH as best you can ..... bitter? tart? acid? soapy?

p.s. this will probably lead to MSG... at some point and the taste unagi.

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Jestgar Rising Star
# Brussels sprouts NASTY

# cabbage NASTY

# Coffee FABULOUS when good coffee, Nasty when the cheap stuff

# grapefruit juice DOUBLE NASTY

# green tea YUCK

# kale YUCK

# spinach pretty good with enough cheese

# soy products tend not to like them

* chilli peppers - capsaicin burn is more intense in supertasters

Oh but so worth it (IMHO) YEP

* Tonic water - NASTY

* Olives - for a given concentration, salt is more intense in supertasters (I only like fresh or preserved in brine) YEP

* Coriander - Good stuff

Quinoa? It's OK. Millet, however, is yucky

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gfp Enthusiast
Quinoa? It's OK. Millet, however, is yucky

In the interests of science thoough by OK do you mean bland?

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larry mac Enthusiast
..... p.s. this will probably lead to MSG... at some point and the taste unagi.

I thought it was umami? At least the Japanese word. I think unagi is a fish.

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gfp Enthusiast
I thought it was umami? At least the Japanese word. I think unagi is a fish.

I think your probably correct.....

Still you knew what I meant :D ... now everyone else can too ...

Hold on.. if unagi is fish what is eel?

Where's my girlfriend when I need her... (she's the one speaks Japanese)...

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Jestgar Rising Star
In the interests of science thoough by OK do you mean bland?

Yes, bland, with a tiny bit of bitterness.

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gfp Enthusiast
Yes, bland, with a tiny bit of bitterness.

aha... you're the missing link ...

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Michi8 Contributor
I think your probably correct.....

Still you knew what I meant :D ... now everyone else can too ...

Hold on.. if unagi is fish what is eel?

Where's my girlfriend when I need her... (she's the one speaks Japanese)...

Unagi is eel...I believe it is BBQ'd? Umami is the sense of taste for MSG.


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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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