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Coping With Anemia From Celiac


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anemic Rookie

Just wondering if anyone else is struggling with anemia as a result of Celiac. My iron is 3 and I'm having iron infusions every week. My dr's office left a message today, probably to let me know that I'll also need a blood tranfusion as I suspect my hemoglobin has dropped- will find out tomorrow. The gluten-free diet is a pain but o'kay, but the anemia is really getting me down- many blood transfusions and iron shots over tha last 2 years. I have a 5 yr old and 7 yr old and a full-time job and feel like I have barely been able to keep it all together as I'm constantly tired, poor memory, no concentration, etc. Just wondered if anyone else felt this way and what to do about it...

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flowergirl Rookie

I don't know how you do it. :o Working full time with kids with an iron count of 3! I am also struggling to get my iron up. Last time the doc checked my count was at 24. There is improvement but very slowly. I just try to take it one day at a time otherwise I'll go mad. Keep drinking your iron tabs and make sure you also get lots of iron rich natural foods. And keep up with the gluten free, dairy free diet. Milk inhibits iron absorbtion big time.

Regards, Flowergirl

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mamabear Explorer
Just wondering if anyone else is struggling with anemia as a result of Celiac. My iron is 3 and I'm having iron infusions every week. My dr's office left a message today, probably to let me know that I'll also need a blood tranfusion as I suspect my hemoglobin has dropped- will find out tomorrow. The gluten-free diet is a pain but o'kay, but the anemia is really getting me down- many blood transfusions and iron shots over tha last 2 years. I have a 5 yr old and 7 yr old and a full-time job and feel like I have barely been able to keep it all together as I'm constantly tired, poor memory, no concentration, etc. Just wondered if anyone else felt this way and what to do about it...

You didn't say how long you have been gluten free? Is it your iron level that is so low, or your ferritin(iron stores) ? There is a relatively new oral iron supplement called Tandem Plus that seems to be better on replacing iron stores....has dual forms of iron along with some other minerals/vitamins. It is by prescription. If you are absorbing again, this could be a good option for you.

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cdfiance Explorer

My fiance is also anemic as a result of celiac and she is getting weekly IV iron. Her doctor told her to stay very well hydrated and to try wearing support hose (I think some pregnant women wear them). It doesn't help the anemia directly but increases circulation and helps raise her low blood pressure. I has helped a bit to reduce the light-headedness and dizziness she experiences. She would often feel faint upon standing and that has lessened somewhat. She wears them during the day and takes them off at night or when she's resting in bed from a prolonged period of time. They haven't worked miracles or anything but they've definitely helped a bit. As far as the fatigue, I wish there were something to help with that, for you and her.

Good luck,


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Hoolie Newbie
I don't know how you do it. :o Working full time with kids with an iron count of 3! I am also struggling to get my iron up. Last time the doc checked my count was at 24. There is improvement but very slowly. I just try to take it one day at a time otherwise I'll go mad. Keep drinking your iron tabs and make sure you also get lots of iron rich natural foods. And keep up with the gluten free, dairy free diet. Milk inhibits iron absorbtion big time.

Regards, Flowergirl

hi Flowergirl,

I have also struggled with anemia. The Iron tablets are hard for me to digest so I found some hebal iron tonics is tea form. I use Nettles, Yellow Dock Root, Dandelion Leaf, as well as chlorophyll. There is also a premade one called Floradix Iron+ Herbs- Made by Flora. (not sure if it's gluten-free as I've never used it). In combination with a lose dose Iron, Vit C and B and lots of leafy green veggies these worked for me and I felt stronger. Hope you get some releif soon.


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alamaz Collaborator

do you eat red meat? it was suggested to me to try Bison meat by my alternative health doc. which is actually very tasty and the only red meat I eat except on rare occasions I'll have a regular steak or lamb. Ostrich is supposed to be very good for you too but THAT i haven't had the guts to try yet. Bison is supposed to be higher in protein and lower in all the bad stuff than regular red meats. Below is a comparison chart of buffalo to the other meats, hopefully it comes out right. I buy my bison online or some health food stores carry it so you can buy a small quantity at first to taste it. Honestly, the other night I was running late and bought regular beef to make tacos with and i realized how much better bison tastes. It much sweeter and tender.


Comparison chart

Fat Calories Cholesterol

Buffalo 2.42 gm 143 82 mg

Beef 9.28 gm 211 86 mg

Chicken 7.41 gm 190 89 mg

Ostrich 2.80 gm 140 83 mg

Comparison based on certified independent research Sept. 1991, Feb. 1993

and USDA research revised May 1990. Based on Buffalo sirloin, beef sirloin (choice),

and chicken breast with skin on. All samples 100 grams (3.5 oz).

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flowergirl Rookie

Hi Hoolie, thanks for that. I didn't know that there are herbal tea options to lift your iron. I'll visit the health shop today... B) I am all for natural therapies.

Regards, Flowergirl

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flowergirl Rookie

I bought some yellow dock just now. Can't wait to try it, I am going to brew it in a coffee plunger with dandelion root and burdock. I saw the Floradix herbal mix. It is gluten-free. Yay!

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suszyQ Rookie

Anemia is what caused me to find out that I had celiac. I was taking iron pills, but since I had no villi, they weren't being absorbed into my system and pretty much were a waste of money. After a blood transfusion and sticking to the gluten free diet, my blood counts have all turned to normal. I hope the same will be true for you!

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flowergirl Rookie

I agree with the statement in the header of this topic: Its not gluten-free that is as difficult as low iron

If your iron is low you have no energy, your body can't fight infection properly (as is the case with me at the moment) and it is incapable of healing itself because of anemia of the blood. There is simply not enough oxygen and nutrition in your blood and your health suffer. I have been trying to get my iron up by high potency iron tablets, eating natural iron rich food and now I'll be taking iron rich herbs too but I have one major setback month after month. I'd like to hear from the ladies what to do when they built up their iron through the month, only to loose it to menstruation. :blink: I sometimes feel like my iron stores may never recover. :(

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SanteeBay Rookie

I also was anemic and that was the reason I went to the Doc because I felt so weak and tired. My Hemoglobin was 8.9 and my stores of iron were quite low also. My hemotologist put a PIC line in my arm and I had 8 doses of Ferrlicet over a period of about 2 weeks. It brought my HMG up to 11.2 in about 1 month. After they did that they found I had Celiac through a biopsy and blood test. I have been gluten free for 4 months and it seems to be working with my iron absorbtion. I go back next week for an iron check to make sure. Do you crave chewing on crushed ice? I couldn't get enough of if it but after I had about 4 doses of the Ferrlicet I haven't wanted to eat it. It is pretty amazing how our bodies work.. I wish you the best, I know just how you feel. I have 6 kids and it took all I could do to get out of bed to take care of them.!Also, I was taking Shaklee's iron with VIt. C and not knowing that I had Celiac, I finally read the label and it has barley in it. No wonder I wasn't absorbing it! So don't take Shaklee's iron. Take Care.


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mn farm gal Apprentice

I was also in a very low state with the iron. My doctor put me on iron tablet and my iron got worse. Put me on a liquid iron and it worked great I got above normal limits. Use the rest of the bottle and by the time I see my doctor about 60 days later I was back down so far again. So now she has me on a liquid iron and a liquid B vitamins and boy they do wonders. I don't think I will go off them again. My B vitamins were not checked until this last time so I have only been on the liquid Bvitamins for about a month and work much better than a tablet. I get my liquids from a Health Alternatives place for a better grade than what you can find in a store.

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bliss Newbie

I can so relate to what you are saying here. My iron level is 8 and has been 8 since before I was diagnosed and went gluten-free in September of 2006. My B12 levels are also very low (can't think of the number at the moment). My doctor is going to finally refer me to a hematologist. I've been undergoing all sorts of GI procedures in order to officially "nail down" my absorption problem. They've included an upper GI, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. I go in Friday for a small bowel series, as my dr wants to check for lesions.

I'm just so tired. I have neuropathy in my arms and legs/feet and hands. I get heart palpitations and am constantly out of breath. I feel like heck and have felt this way for more than a year. I've been taking supplements since September, too, with no effect.

My heart goes out to you. I hope you feel better soon.

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katecopsey Newbie

I was also very mineral (both irons, calcium and others) deprived when they found I was celiac. They did not do a blood transfusion but it was close - instead they stuffed me full of so many tablets I swear I rattled!!! Its not the gluten free that makes you tired its the lack of nutrients that your body let through when you were ingesting the gluten - this takes time to adjust. So hang in there, your body will finally sort itself out and tell what it needs (sleep, or play)

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  • 8 months later...
radiantrapunzel1 Rookie

I was severly anemic three years prior to being diagnosed as a celiac. My hematologist gave me the Tandem supplements and my counts picked up very fast. They are still low, but my gastro. says that should get better once I've been gluten-free for a while. I definitely recommend the Tandem pills for anemia.

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Sharon Marie Apprentice
I also was anemic and that was the reason I went to the Doc because I felt so weak and tired. My Hemoglobin was 8.9 and my stores of iron were quite low also. My hemotologist put a PIC line in my arm and I had 8 doses of Ferrlicet over a period of about 2 weeks. It brought my HMG up to 11.2 in about 1 month. After they did that they found I had Celiac through a biopsy and blood test. I have been gluten free for 4 months and it seems to be working with my iron absorbtion. I go back next week for an iron check to make sure. Do you crave chewing on crushed ice? I couldn't get enough of if it but after I had about 4 doses of the Ferrlicet I haven't wanted to eat it. It is pretty amazing how our bodies work.. I wish you the best, I know just how you feel. I have 6 kids and it took all I could do to get out of bed to take care of them.!Also, I was taking Shaklee's iron with VIt. C and not knowing that I had Celiac, I finally read the label and it has barley in it. No wonder I wasn't absorbing it! So don't take Shaklee's iron. Take Care.


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MaryJones2 Enthusiast

I had unexplained anemia for years. Once I cut out gluten my iron levels slowly corrected themselves - it took about 1 year though and I had to be religious about taking iron supplements. I take a prescription supplement and really love it. It's called Chromagen. I also give myself B12, folic acid and B-complex injections once a week.

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Rindy Rookie

I think this is pretty common. I was diagnosed with low iron, actually before I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I found out I was Celiac the day before Thanksgiving, but my regular md had gotten a review of my blood work form a Health Fair and put me on iron supplement. I'm assuming it is all associated. I guess I am lucky as mine is just considered mild and hopefully the iron supplements will help bring it up. Good luck...hopefully once your doctor can get you on top of it that will help. I know when I go in for my next physical in the next couple months, I will see what the doctor says about diet for the anemia.

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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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