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Tia Like Symtpoms When Glutened?!


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DestinyLeah Apprentice

So I accidentally got glutened through misinformation the other day while out on the go. Shortly after, I was slurring my words, couldn't get a thought completed to save my life (except to remember the "FAST" mnemonic for a stroke) and went weak down the left side of my body and fell into the shelves at Wal-Mart. Great start to my day. So I went home to get some rest and took a potassium and a b-12 supplement, and thought everything was fine, until about 3 hours later when it happened again. The third time this happened was at 1:30 in the morning, and left behind the worst migrane I have ever had. Ben took me to the ER, where they looked at me as though I had completely lost my mind for coming in and telling them what I thought was wrong, nevermind that I am the first female in 5 generations of my family to not go to any medical schooling. I asked for a CT scan to rule out a Transient Ischemic Attack, and blood tests to rule out any major nutritional deficiencies. The doctor instead put me on narcotics and gave me the CT scan, then asked what Celiac was, refused to run blood work, and sent me home saying it was just a migrane, not Celiac related (How would he know?!?! Ask me?) with a prescription for a non gluten-free narcotic. Way to go, buddy!

So does anyone else get stroke-like symptoms when they get a LOT of gluten in their system? Hoping this is not just me...

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Ursa Major Collaborator

I had jerk doctors like that in the ER in my local hospital as well. Doesn't it make you soooooooo mad to be treated like a joke? It makes me angry on your behalf that you have been treated like that.

Yes, I get symptoms like that as well. And narcotics make my migraines worse.

You should go and be tested for nutritional deficiencies anyway, ordered by your regular doctor. What comes to mind is vitamin D, vitamins B6 and B12, ferritin, calcium and magnesium, potassium and vitamin K.

I avoid my ER like the plague now, after being treated like garbage there several times. I know I take chances by not going when I have heart-attack-like symptoms (which is what happens to me when glutened). But I just can't handle going any more.

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    • trents
      There are some causes besides celiac disease for elevated tTG-IGA, such as cow's milk protein, some other bowel diseases, NSAIDs, a certain blood pressure med and parasitic infections but the chances of that being true are not very high compared to the cause being celiac disease. And even with CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) most of those cases involve people who already have celiac disease.   
    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thank you for checking in about choline. I do meet me recommended amount on a plant-based diet already, per my nutritionist. Thankfully, I am not intolerant to soy and the cruciferous veggies I enjoy! 
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thanks for your input. I am fully committed to being gluten-free if I truly have celiac disease.  I suppose my question is more so wondering if that blood test means I definitely have celiac disease. I had one doc look at the results and tell me to ignore them if I don’t have the classic celiac symptoms. The next doc (a few months later, when viewing the same results) said the results were suspicious and might mean gluten sensitivity, but then had her nurse call me later the same day to say I actually have celiac disease based on the results. So my care team seemed a little unsure. It sounds like, from this forum, that the general consensus is any abnormal blood results indicate celiac.
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