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ElizabethN Apprentice

Seems like there are an awful lot of us pregnant ladies on the boards lately, I was just curious how many of us there are. Just for fun I thought everyone could share their due date, what # this is, and if celiac has affected the pregnancy thus far and how... and any other fun stuff you feel like sharing?

I'll start.... This is our first, I am due mid September, the sex is a surprise, and I have been craving gluten food like crazy!!!!

Anyone else?

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gfgypsyqueen Enthusiast

Just wanted to say congrats! No more kiddos for me :P

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Guhlia Rising Star

This is my 2nd. I'm due August 31st. It's a girl! We had a 3d ultrasound done, so we're sure on the sex. Celiac hasn't affected my pregnancy at all other than making it about 50 times easier than my last pregnancy. It's amazing how much energy you can have while pregnant. :)

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dionnek Enthusiast

I'm due June 30 (just went in for a version today - very painful!) and this is my second. Didn't have any problems with the first - she was so easy, but I didn't know I had celiac then (just found out a year ago) and wasn't gluten-free. My digestive problems didn't start until after her birth, but I had all kinds of other problems prior to getting pregnant the first time so was actively searching for a dx. This pregnancy has been horrible! He is a boy (of course) <_<

I luckily am not craving any gluten foods - I never really craved anything with the first one either - just stopped liking coffee, and this time I like coffee but don't like ice - go figure. :blink:

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ElizabethN Apprentice

I can't really imagine being pregnant with undiagnosed celiac! I have been sick enough without gluten, so I am thinking this will be a boy.

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little d Enthusiast

I am living vicarisly through 4 pregnat coworkers does that count. All due 1 June, 2August and January I would like to have another baby but my husband doesnot you know he controls the little guys, not that Ive tried. We do have a daughter and if it was 100% garunteed that we could have a boy we would, but there are no garuntees in life right. Plus I am 36 and I don't think that I will have another smooth preganacy if i did get pregnate and I would be concidered high risk because of my age. So why risk it


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covsooze Enthusiast

Hi! I'm only just pregnant & due on 17 Feb. This will be my second, all being well, although I have had 2 miscarriages. DS was born before I was diagnosed with celiac disease.

Dionne - your little one is due on my birthday :lol: When I felt really rough whilst pregnant with DS, my mum said it must be a boy coz of that. Those boys, they've got a lot to answer for!! :lol:

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sparkynfiesty Newbie

Hi there!! I don't post on these boards too often but I thought I would chime in here. I am a 30 yr old sahm of 6 ( 5 bio, 1 adopt) and am 23 weeks pregnant with our 7th. I was diagnosed after my fourth pregnancy. I had many symptoms as a child but was never given any answers then was asymptomatic until my fourth was about 18 months old. I was not gluten free through the fifth pregnancy but have been gluten free for over a year now. I have noticed a huge energy difference between this pregnancy and past ones. I know I am an extremely fortunate celiac to have given birth 5 times so far with no complications, no miscarriages, no tiny early babies. In fact my smallest so far was 7 lb 9.5 oz and the biggest was 10 lb 5 ozs. We decided not to find out what we are having this time as we already have 3 girls and 3 boys so this is going to be the surprise tie breaker. I am anxious to see how being gluten free will affect the size of this baby. Given the fact that I chose to have natural unmedicated labors, I am truely hoping that this one doesn't end up being the biggest of them all. LOL!!

Happy pregnancy to the rest of you, and I look forward to hearing more from everyone.


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angel42 Enthusiast

Hi! I am eight weeks pregnant. I do not have a due date yet, the doctors keep saying it is too early. I have almost super human gluten cravings.

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francelajoie Explorer

Just pregnant too!! My due date is Feb 21st!

This is my first of many..ahahah!! I want at least 4.

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Mom2BMissy Newbie

Hello everyone!

I am newly pregnant as well, due Feb 28th!

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the-elmel Newbie

I'm due October 2, 2007 with a little boy. This is my first little one!

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ElizabethN Apprentice
I'm due June 30 (just went in for a version today - very painful!) and this is my second.

Any baby news yet? You must be close!!

It looks like there will be lots of babies in February!

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MirandaB Newbie

I'm pregnant with my first, due Feb 3rd. This is so difficult, I find myself crying every night, I feel like I just can't do it! I've been so sick and it's so hard on the diet. If I could only have some saltines to calm my stomach! I'm at 9 weeks, everybody tells me it starts to get better after 12.

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ElizabethN Apprentice
I'm pregnant with my first, due Feb 3rd. This is so difficult, I find myself crying every night, I feel like I just can't do it! I've been so sick and it's so hard on the diet. If I could only have some saltines to calm my stomach! I'm at 9 weeks, everybody tells me it starts to get better after 12.

I really do feel for you, I was in your shoes exactly a few months ago. And it was made even more difficult by the fact I was trying to keep the pregnancy a secret at work and was running to the bathroom all morning. I posted here then and I had a lot of good suggestions of what to eat, the thing that helped the most was drinking a ton of Gatorade and Boost. Tortilla chips are bland as well if you need something that will "stick". I lost about 9 pounds total before I started gaining and unfortunately have had the morning sickness on and off the entire time. I finally got a prescription for Phenegren and it has been a lifesaver.

Pregnancy definitely takes a toll on your emotions and I still have days when I break down and feel like I can't do it, but I am doing it and here I am, just a few months out. I suggest making a countdown until 14 weeks, and then each day you can feel the progress of having survived another day. Just keep hanging in the the best you can, and look forward to all of the fun stuff such as the first ultrasound, finding out the sex (if you intend to) and buying baby clothes, a shower, etc. Just set little goals for yourself and know there will be days that it seems impossible but in the end it will all be worth it. I think celiac does make it tougher to get through the morning sickness, and there aren't a lot of women out there who understand what it is like. But there are a few of us who know how difficult it can be, and I know you will make it through. Keep us updated!!!

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dionnek Enthusiast
Any baby news yet? You must be close!!

It looks like there will be lots of babies in February!

I had a healthy baby boy on June 22 - 6 lbs 14 oz and doing well. Breastfeeding is going ok - he seems to have an aversion to broccoli and dairy (I'm dairy light, so the first time I had dairy several days after his birth he spit up everything - I tested it again and same thing). It's funny b/c my first baby spit up all the time for the first year of her life - I never thought to change my diet (that was pre celiac dx and I didn't really pay that much attention to what I ate - just ate healthy). Celiac makes breastfeeding much more difficult, especially if I can't have dairy!

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missmommy Contributor

hi! im 13 weeks and this is our 3rd! im a new celiac and im totally craving dounuts!!! i just pretend that the apple im munching on is from krispy kream ;)

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tiffjake Enthusiast

I am so excited for all of you! We are trying, and I hope to be posting good news soon!

On a side note, my sister is pregnant. She is not diagnosed, but she has several Celiac symptoms. She wont get diagnosed b/c she thinks she "is not sick" so she isn't worried. I asked her to ask her doc about Celiac, being pregnant and all, and she said that he said "well, if you get sick when you eat something, then just don't eat it" and I got so mad. I am worried about her, and the baby. I do feel a little better though, reading about those of you who have had babies before going gluten free.

I wish you all healthy pregnancies and happy babies!! :)

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SammieMtz Rookie

Hi all!! My names Sammii im 17yrs old..this is obviously my first..funny thing is i wasnt able to have kids...i was on birth control and we used other protection so getting pregnant sure was ment to be.lol anyways im due Feb 27th. celiac has affected my pregnancy so much..i was only gluten-free for one week before finding out i was pregnant so im still tired...moody..everything..i cant seem to keep weight on..i weighed a healthy 145 now im down to 125 in 3weeks... :( so anyways nice to meet everyone!!!!

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angel42 Enthusiast

So I finally have a due date. :) I am due February 1st. Looks like there will be lots of February babies. Must have been something in the air this spring. ;)

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ElizabethN Apprentice
So I finally have a due date. :) I am due February 1st. Looks like there will be lots of February babies. Must have been something in the air this spring. ;)

A February baby sounds nice to me right now. I don't know what I was thinking with this baby due in September- it is going to be a huge and hot few summer months!!

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chellalee Rookie

Hi, I am due August 5th, halelujah, and this is my 5th. I was only dx with celiac 2 months ago. I am fairly asymptomatic, except severely anemic. With the gluten-free diet, my hemoglobin levels have gone up from a 7.4 to an 8.5. Incredible. If I can get up to the 9's I will be so excited. With my first four pregnancies, couldn't figure out why my iron was so low, and nothing helped. 5 year break between numbers 4 and 5, thinking my body would have healed and my iron would be up, and it was lower than ever. Had a million blood tests, and one finally came back positive. Been gluten-free since the day I found out. Used to have a headache every morning, and haven't had one since. Don't know if it is a boy or girl....we have 2 of each right now, so it is the big tie breaker. 2 more weeks and we'll know!

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Q1821 Apprentice

I am 7 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first. My husband and I are very excited (though truth be told I think he is more excited than I am right now, I'm just trying not to throw up everywhere :( ) I'm due April 4, 2008

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mahonia Newbie


I'm new to this site. I'm not officially diagnosed with Celiac, but have been gluten free for just over a year (seriously for the past 6 months) and have seen my health improve dramatically, after being severely sick for 10 years and diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Sydrome. I have had two miscarriage so far, one last fall at 6 weeks, and one this June at 5 months. The first was probably due to my thyroid problem, because my body had finally started absorbing my thyroid medication much better after going gluten free, so I was way over medicated, but I believe the second was due to my celiac disease. I may be pregnant again (accidental this time), and am already experiencing the symptoms that lead to my last miscarriage, so I'm not to optimistic. Unfortunately I believe I must have the most severe kind of celiac disease (my sister also has improved on the diet, but always had milder symptoms), so I'm prepared for a long road and lots of problems. But hearing about others successes keeps me hopeful and optimistic that eventually I will make it. I obviously have no fertility problems from the celiac, so at least I've got that going for me. ;)

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    • trents
      There are some causes besides celiac disease for elevated tTG-IGA, such as cow's milk protein, some other bowel diseases, NSAIDs, a certain blood pressure med and parasitic infections but the chances of that being true are not very high compared to the cause being celiac disease. And even with CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) most of those cases involve people who already have celiac disease.   
    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thank you for checking in about choline. I do meet me recommended amount on a plant-based diet already, per my nutritionist. Thankfully, I am not intolerant to soy and the cruciferous veggies I enjoy! 
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thanks for your input. I am fully committed to being gluten-free if I truly have celiac disease.  I suppose my question is more so wondering if that blood test means I definitely have celiac disease. I had one doc look at the results and tell me to ignore them if I don’t have the classic celiac symptoms. The next doc (a few months later, when viewing the same results) said the results were suspicious and might mean gluten sensitivity, but then had her nurse call me later the same day to say I actually have celiac disease based on the results. So my care team seemed a little unsure. It sounds like, from this forum, that the general consensus is any abnormal blood results indicate celiac.
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