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Minxymand Back Really Il Now....missed You All


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needtobebetter Apprentice

Hi ya all..

I did the gluten challenge back in May and was negatove on biopsy so dietian at work (hospital said right your malnourised lets get some food in you. so carried on eating gluten felt ill but thought may be its just malnourished???

Then my skin on my face changed big time when I smile it has fine lines all over some one has told me its massive dehydration since...

any way my family have been very nasty as whilst eating it all I was very depressed again..mum said go on antidepressants tried them felt wierd (maize starch in them)??? any way on the second night on tablets my mum woke me at 3 am said your sisters covered in blood police are bringing her in...I jumped up out of bed was alseep..anhd when looked in mirror my face was lop sided and my neck taught my heart was pounding and couldnt stop going to the loo..number 2s..

I lost about 3/4 a stone..white as a gost..i went doctors next day he said may be bels palsy..but since then Ive noticed I am weaker on right side and my neck really hurts..he said get of tablets as they have maize starch in them you could be cleiac..??? I said dont you start thought I wasnt ..

My hair has been like straw, my skin is so badly dehydrated cant put make up on as it sits in the creases...and my face is slightly lopsided...please if any one can help Id appreciate it..

I had endocrine appointment and thyroid slightly low..so not done any thing about that..

I got back on diet 3 days ago started feeling a bit better hair felt better..but today I feel very fatigued ..heart burn, constipated, dry hair again and skin..big black circles and down..

The only thing I have done different is:

I had fry light oilve oil spray which has E number, litchen, alchahol, olive oile, emplusifier..but says gluten free????

I had gluten free fafel patties which contain yellow peas, garlic, tumeric, salt, herbs and spices but is made by gluten free brand??

Been drinking nescafe fine blend mild coffee???


Brought some vitamins and minerals but the vit c is a liquid made from pure vit c acid ( I do have agressive candida to)????

Ive done something wrong to make me feel like this today and I dont know what ..

Doctors arent helping as they are sick of me and I am sure my face is a stroke mild one as it shouldnt affect your arm and neck!!!....

Ive got dermotology next week so hoping they will help me as parents are trying to throw me out as sick of me being ill..

does any one else suffer dehydrated facial skin really getting me down and the drop in my face...

hope your all okay xxx

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Guest Doll
Hi ya all..

I did the gluten challenge back in May and was negatove on biopsy so dietian at work (hospital said right your malnourised lets get some food in you. so carried on eating gluten felt ill but thought may be its just malnourished???

Then my skin on my face changed big time when I smile it has fine lines all over some one has told me its massive dehydration since...

any way my family have been very nasty as whilst eating it all I was very depressed again..mum said go on antidepressants tried them felt wierd (maize starch in them)??? any way on the second night on tablets my mum woke me at 3 am said your sisters covered in blood police are bringing her in...I jumped up out of bed was alseep..anhd when looked in mirror my face was lop sided and my neck taught my heart was pounding and couldnt stop going to the loo..number 2s..

I lost about 3/4 a stone..white as a gost..i went doctors next day he said may be bels palsy..but since then Ive noticed I am weaker on right side and my neck really hurts..he said get of tablets as they have maize starch in them you could be cleiac..??? I said dont you start thought I wasnt ..

My hair has been like straw, my skin is so badly dehydrated cant put make up on as it sits in the creases...and my face is slightly lopsided...please if any one can help Id appreciate it..

I had endocrine appointment and thyroid slightly low..so not done any thing about that..

I got back on diet 3 days ago started feeling a bit better hair felt better..but today I feel very fatigued ..heart burn, constipated, dry hair again and skin..big black circles and down..

The only thing I have done different is:

I had fry light oilve oil spray which has E number, litchen, alchahol, olive oile, emplusifier..but says gluten free????

I had gluten free fafel patties which contain yellow peas, garlic, tumeric, salt, herbs and spices but is made by gluten free brand??

Been drinking nescafe fine blend mild coffee???


Brought some vitamins and minerals but the vit c is a liquid made from pure vit c acid ( I do have agressive candida to)????

Ive done something wrong to make me feel like this today and I dont know what ..

Doctors arent helping as they are sick of me and I am sure my face is a stroke mild one as it shouldnt affect your arm and neck!!!....

Ive got dermotology next week so hoping they will help me as parents are trying to throw me out as sick of me being ill..

does any one else suffer dehydrated facial skin really getting me down and the drop in my face...

hope your all okay xxx

Hi sweetie pie! I don't know if you really have Celiac or not, but you sound *very* ill and malnourished. :o I suspect you may have WAY more than simple food intolerances here. Please call your doctor and ask him to admit you to the hospital (again?) to get parental nutritional support and rehydration. You sound like you need to be on a IV. Tell them that you will not leave until you get a Dx. and proper treatment. You need full blood work, and it sounds like you are not taking in nearly enough calories. You need to be careful, because if you are cutting out foods you don't need to cut out (besides gluten), you can be hurting yourself more than helping. You may have simple dehydration/malnourishment and/or Celiac, multiple "common" conditions, or a rare illness that needs a specialist.

PLEASE call your doctor today.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

I agree with Doll. Also want to add that if you are malnourished and dehydrated, you should NOT be drinking coffee. I know, you'll end up with caffeine withdrawal, but caffeine dehydrates you. There is also evidence that it contributes to bipolar disorder, and a diabetic friend of mine told me that her endocrinologist says it messes up blood sugar levels as well.

People don't have face strokes. A stroke affects the brain, which then can affect one side, including neck and arm, and even legs. Did they rule out stroke in your case?

I hope you feel better soon.

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needtobebetter Apprentice
I agree with Doll. Also want to add that if you are malnourished and dehydrated, you should NOT be drinking coffee. I know, you'll end up with caffeine withdrawal, but caffeine dehydrates you. There is also evidence that it contributes to bipolar disorder, and a diabetic friend of mine told me that her endocrinologist says it messes up blood sugar levels as well.

People don't have face strokes. A stroke affects the brain, which then can affect one side, including neck and arm, and even legs. Did they rule out stroke in your case?

I hope you feel better soon.


thank you...

They wont listen anymore to me and parents only listening to doctor. Doctor said bells palsy another said its not bels palsy..but my face is paralisised one side still not like it was but hollow one side and still bit wonky but my eye didnt doop like bels palsy which is why I really think its a stroke. I aslo read that you cant wrinkle forehead with bels palsy and I can. When I went to A&E they wouldnt listen they said bels palsy but head felt like it was exploding and my heart was pounding..I couldnt stop opening my bowels either lost so much weight and my skin has gone very strange. I tried to go gym to help circulation but even with very light weight felt like Id put my right arm out of joint.

Ive got no support and I am scared as I know I have something really wrong with me ..Ive just been to see accupuncture lady going back this afternoon she thinks Ive had a stroke and is going to treat me she said she will take case history and will write to my doctor if she thinks its a stroke. Hopefully this will help as I am worried I will get another one.

I still cant eat all the foods but may be its not celiac maybe I have yeast infection due to another illness..I am very worried about my skin I look so illand feel like no one is helping me as been dotors so much they just dont listen any more..

thanks for your support so you dont think celiac has cause dehydration in my skin ??

xxxxx mand

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    • MCS
      ebans per loaf is pretty much same as every other gluten free in market. But way better tasting if you can do gluten free oats. If you have freezer space, spend $50 and shipping is virtually free. Also if you want to try before you buy, they will send you free loaf and cookie of your choice. They did for me. I do not do Costco.
    • MCS
      I will likely stick to making my own frozen yogurt where I can control the sugar, most of what I find in stores is way too sweet for me, but thanks.
      I recently tried olmesartan, and it gave me horrible fibromyalgia symptoms. I am going to start amlodipine tonight. I hope I don’t get the same reaction you did. 
    • Scott Adams
      I agree with @trents and reactions can vary quite a bit from person to person, and can depend on the "dosage" of gluten ingested.  This article, and the comments below it, may be helpful:    
    • Scott Adams
      The amounts you're consuming seem reasonable. The recommended daily intake for folate is around 400-600 mcg for most adults, and you're likely meeting this through a combination of your supplement and diet. Natural folate from food, like what you're getting from beef liver, is less likely to cause toxicity compared to synthetic folic acid, even at higher doses. However, it’s important to avoid excessive supplementation—most recommendations suggest staying under 1,000 mcg of supplemental folate unless advised by a healthcare provider.
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