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Negative Blood Work, But Positive Biopsy?


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MissCici Rookie

My blood test showed negative for Celiac in late May, but since I have many of the symptoms, by doc is going to do a biopsy in a few weeks. She also suspects that my stomach lining has eroded, so that in itself may be the problem. I went gluten-free for about a month do to suspected allergies (I know it's not the same, but a nutrionist suggested I give it a try). I did feel better in that time, but starting eating some gluten again after some craziness with my food allergies. Now I'm really trying to eat gluten to make sure my biopsy results are accurate. I'm not feeling great, so I won't be surprised if the biopsy shows Celiac.

Anyway, has anyone ever had a negative result in their bloodwork, but then been positive for Celiac after a biopsy?



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Guest Chrisbee
My blood test showed negative for Celiac in late May, but since I have many of the symptoms, by doc is going to do a biopsy in a few weeks. She also suspects that my stomach lining has eroded, so that in itself may be the problem. I went gluten-free for about a month do to suspected allergies (I know it's not the same, but a nutrionist suggested I give it a try). I did feel better in that time, but starting eating some gluten again after some craziness with my food allergies. Now I'm really trying to eat gluten to make sure my biopsy results are accurate. I'm not feeling great, so I won't be surprised if the biopsy shows Celiac.

Anyway, has anyone ever had a negative result in their bloodwork, but then been positive for Celiac after a biopsy?



Yes, my daughter's bloodwork was negative, but the biopsy came back positive. It took years to find out what her problem was. Good luck!

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cyberprof Enthusiast

Yes, I had my biopsy first (they were looking for ulcers, not celiac, but did some SI biopsies any way "just because they were there..."). I had the blood tests a week later, but they were all negative. I didn't have flattened or blunted villi, just microscopic damage, immune system response etc. at the cellular level.

I think I was lucky to be diagnosed.

My blood test showed negative for Celiac in late May, but since I have many of the symptoms, by doc is going to do a biopsy in a few weeks. She also suspects that my stomach lining has eroded, so that in itself may be the problem. I went gluten-free for about a month do to suspected allergies (I know it's not the same, but a nutrionist suggested I give it a try). I did feel better in that time, but starting eating some gluten again after some craziness with my food allergies. Now I'm really trying to eat gluten to make sure my biopsy results are accurate. I'm not feeling great, so I won't be surprised if the biopsy shows Celiac.

Anyway, has anyone ever had a negative result in their bloodwork, but then been positive for Celiac after a biopsy?



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MissCici Rookie

Thanks. I'm nervous my biopsy is going to be negative, even thought I think gluten is part of my problem. I'm trying to eat a lot of gluten until then. I don't feel wonderful, of course, but I'd rather have an accurate diagnosis. I think I will go gluten-free even if I'm not positive to Celiac. I think it would help me have less symptoms.


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    • glucel
      Yes I forgot it is the green leafy. I just don't take drugs well. It wasn't just the inr but was also getting nose bleeds. Right now I have to figure out what I am going to do with the mri as discussed with rmj on this page and see how my weight goes. Need to get some info together before my next cardio visit so I can deal with a doc who claims celiac and not aspirin is the problem. 
    • glucel
      I was taking the non biological of folate  and b12. Have since started methyl forms. Looking forward to some healing.
    • trents
      I have been on Coumadin for years because I have a genetic blood clotting disorder known as Factor 5 Leiden. I think it's mainly green leafy veggies that you have to worry about. They are the ones high in vitamin K. And if your are consistent in your consumption of them it your INR should level out. I get my INR checked every 6 weeks. Certain medications can mess with INR too, like antibiotics so occasionally I have to go in more often or INR checks.
    • glucel
      I was on coumadin for a while after surgery and had a lot of trouble with vitamin k which pretty much curtailed how many veggies I could eat. The constant testing for vitamin k was expensive and a nuisance. I plan to ask doc if nsaid can be taken every other day instead of daily.
    • glucel
      Thanks rmj. I should have taken the mri already but I do not take the tunnel well. I thought I would wait to see how the blood test goes. I am also feeling a little bit better about regaining 5 pounds over the last few weeks stalling out at 149 for last several days. The assistant to doc told me today that she would look into an open mri but if I continue to gain weight and other thing gets better then I see no reason to do mri, at least for now. If I could just cut out refined sugar- dream on.
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