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ptkds Community Regular

A few weeks ago, I was taking some ibuprofen for some pain. I would wake up the next day with really stiff, achy and swollen fingers. I took more ibuprofen to help with my fingers swelling, and it got worse. I finally stopped taking ALL of my meds for a few days and it cleared up. Well, yesterday, I took some ibuprofen for a sore elbow, and this morning I woke up with really achy, swollen fingers and my neck is really stiff and it hurts. So I am assuming I am having some kind of reaction to ibuprofen. I called the dr's office and spoke to the nurse. She told me that I could try taking ibuprofen again in a few days, but to take the brand name with the enteric coating. What should I do?? I don't feel safe taking the ibuprofen, but the nurse said it should be fine! What do you guys think? And should I go see the dr? Also, is there anything I can take to help me feel better right now? I can barely move my head because my neck hurts so bad.

Actually, this may be related to having celiac because I have never had a problem taking ibuprofen before I was diagnosed!


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mama2 Apprentice

I would not take it and try something different. The more you take something you are allergic to sometimes the worse it gets. I learned that the hard way with my DD... after still taking her they me told me to give her the med anyways... well her next reaction sent us to the ER. But I still would want to see the doc b/c new alleregies can happen at any time,

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Ursa Major Collaborator

I agree, don't take it again. I get a pretty bad reaction to Aspirin (similar to yours, but worse now), and Ibuprofin and Aspirin are both similar. So, don't take Aspirin, either. Try Tylenol instead (possibly with codein).

The problem with Tylenol is, that when you take it over a long period (or too much) it can cause liver damage, even liver failure. So, be careful.

For something like a sore elbow (local pain) I would not take pain killers at all. Do you have peppermint oil or something similar? Rub it onto the sore spot, it might work better than painkillers.

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JNBunnie1 Community Regular
A few weeks ago, I was taking some ibuprofen for some pain. I would wake up the next day with really stiff, achy and swollen fingers. I took more ibuprofen to help with my fingers swelling, and it got worse. I finally stopped taking ALL of my meds for a few days and it cleared up. Well, yesterday, I took some ibuprofen for a sore elbow, and this morning I woke up with really achy, swollen fingers and my neck is really stiff and it hurts. So I am assuming I am having some kind of reaction to ibuprofen. I called the dr's office and spoke to the nurse. She told me that I could try taking ibuprofen again in a few days, but to take the brand name with the enteric coating. What should I do?? I don't feel safe taking the ibuprofen, but the nurse said it should be fine! What do you guys think? And should I go see the dr? Also, is there anything I can take to help me feel better right now? I can barely move my head because my neck hurts so bad.

Actually, this may be related to having celiac because I have never had a problem taking ibuprofen before I was diagnosed!


I wouldn't take it either.

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~alex~ Explorer

I wouldn't try the drug again until you are evaluated by your doctor. My experience with sensitivities to painkillers is mostly breathing trouble but I'm sure it causes different symptoms in different people. My brother is sensitive to aspirin and some other NSAIDs -- he has something called "aspirin triad" which consists of the NSAID sensitivity, asthma, and nasal polyps. Aspirin but not other NSAIDs exacerbate my asthma. So if you have asthma and sinus problems you may want to look into the aspirin triad (I'm sure it has a more technical name but I don't know what it is.)

Tylenol probably won't help much with the inflammation but it might help ease the pain while you figure out if you are sensitive to NSAIDs. Tylenol is pretty innocuous if you don't take more than the recommended dose and you don't drink alcohol excessively.

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Guest kivmom3

Did you buy the brand name of Motrin? I know that is gluten free.

I don't trust generic anything these days or anything that is not guaranteed to be gluten free.


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Vykt0r Rookie

Might I suggest not taking anything at all? I think pain killers and similar things cause cancer as much as food additives and such.

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular

I don't think I would take it either. I would call your dr and see if he could suggest something else in its place. Sounds like you are having a reaction of some sorts.

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

I wouldn't take it, either.

What I would like to know is, what is causing the pain in the first place?

My big beef with pharmaceuticals in the first place is that you are just masking symptoms, so whatever is causing your pain is still there..

Would a chiropractor be able to help?

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Guest Happynwgal2
A few weeks ago, I was taking some ibuprofen for some pain. I would wake up the next day with really stiff, achy and swollen fingers. I took more ibuprofen to help with my fingers swelling, and it got worse. I finally stopped taking ALL of my meds for a few days and it cleared up. Well, yesterday, I took some ibuprofen for a sore elbow, and this morning I woke up with really achy, swollen fingers and my neck is really stiff and it hurts. So I am assuming I am having some kind of reaction to ibuprofen. I called the dr's office and spoke to the nurse. She told me that I could try taking ibuprofen again in a few days, but to take the brand name with the enteric coating. What should I do?? I don't feel safe taking the ibuprofen, but the nurse said it should be fine! What do you guys think? And should I go see the dr? Also, is there anything I can take to help me feel better right now? I can barely move my head because my neck hurts so bad.

Actually, this may be related to having celiac because I have never had a problem taking ibuprofen before I was diagnosed!


Please note that I am very skeptical about medical doctors and nurses. I would NOT continue taking Ibuprofen in ANY form if you have already had two reactions to it. Trust your body - not the nurse. Nurses and doctors are good for a lot of things, but they also ignore a lot of symptoms that we, as Celiac patients, have.

How about naproxin? (may not be spelled correctly). Personally I can use neither Ibuprofen nor Naproxin, because I get very sick to my stomach from both, no matter how much or what kind of food I take with them.

I am sorry you are having problems like these, and hope that you will soon find a solution...

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nmw Newbie

Yes - stop using it, and go ahead and check to see if it really is gluten-free. Think about what is causing your pain. Many foods cause joint pain.

I gave up ibu after I went gluten-free for the exact reasons you are stating - it made things worse instead of better. It's really hard on the gut and can contribute to leaky gut, and you don't want to go there.

Try arnica tincture and peppermint oil - a couple of drops of each on a cotton ball and apply to the affected area(s). Use a hot water bottle or other safe source of heat to help it soak in. An effective and safe approach to pain relief.

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mftnchn Explorer

I am floored that a nurse would give you that advice. You are having strong reactions to a drug and why would enteric coating fix that? Scary.

I second the suggestion to make sure it is gluten-free. It may not be the drug at all, but what is in the fillers that is the problem.

What about your other meds? Have you isolated the symptoms to being for sure just with the ibuprofen? If you are having chronic pain, perhaps if you tell us about it someone here can offer some suggestions.

For me, I lived on asperin, 4 at a time, sometimes around the clock every four hours. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me, until I found my current LLMD who picked up right away that it might be lyme disease. He was right.

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

Generic or store-brand ibuprofen gives me diarrhea, but, for some reason, the brand-names (Motrin and Advil) do not.

Still, I would not continue taking ibuprofen AT ALL, and I think you need to find out what is causing the neck pain in the first place before masking it with drugs.

How are you doing today? Please let us know--I'm getting worried that you haven't posted again recently. :huh:

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ptkds Community Regular

Thanks for all your help guys! I have decided that I will NEVER take ibuprofen again. Now I just don't know if I should also avoid aspirin and aleve, too. I haven't had a chance to do much research yet since I felt so bad yesterday.

Today I am feeling better. My fingers aren't as stiff or swollen, and my neck is better, though it still hurts. I have a pulled tendon or something in my elbow. It has been fine for awhile, but I must have re-injured it or something. So I took some ibuprofen to stop the pain. I don't take it on a regular basis. I know it is gluten-free. I get completely different symptoms when I have gluten.

I have to go take the kids to school. Thanks for all the info!!


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tarnalberry Community Regular

I would encourage you to talk to your doctor about it - and not take it again. But *DO* talk to him/her about it and get tested for allergies to painkillers. Those *are* things that they may give you in an emergency situation for fever/inflammation/etc, and you need to know if you need special records that note if you have an allergy.

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Susanna Newbie

You might want to try talking to the pharmacist at whatever place you buy your ibuprofen--pharmacists are a wealth of knowledge about meds--prescription AND over-the-counter--and they know about all kinds of crazy reactions people have. Your pharmacist might have some recommendations for you.

I agree with the others--don't take ibuprofen--find some other anti-inflammatory med that works for you, or some non-medicine remedy (heat or cold to the sore area, yoga, etc.).

I have a friend who had a weird reaction to ibuprofen once: she had blurred vision and difficulty with speech and walking--scary.


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ptkds Community Regular

I talked to a pharmacist today, and he said that I was having some sort of allergic reaction and I should not take it again. He said i need to avoid naproxin, aleve, all ibuprofens, etc. When I told him what the nurse told me, he kinda laughed and said that she was really wrong to tell me that. The enteric coating will only help me if my stomach got upset. Next time I see my dr, I will talk to him, though.

Thanks everyone! You guys are wonderful!!


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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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