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Irritability & Weight Gain


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tannilisa Rookie

Hi, my husband was recently diagnosed with celiac, and has been doing well on the gluten free diet,(we're still learning) but I noticed that if he does happen to accidently ingest gluten, the next day he is bloated and very down/irritable which is very unlike him, he's a very good natured guy most of the time, and he says he noticed some mood swings too. So I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a change in moods after eating something with wheat in it after going on the gluten free diet? I was also wondering if anyone else has gained, or has a loved one who's gained weight after going gluten free? He's gained about 10 pounds since the diet.

Thanks! :)

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darlindeb25 Collaborator
;) all normal---if you are doing well on a gluten free diet and you get glutened, it stands to reason that you would be down in the dumps--it's such a job to stay gluten-free and its a big let down to get glutened and yes--many people gain weight when they go gluten-free because they are eating better and finally food taste good again---some of us lose weight only because the gluten was keeping us heavy to begin--i lost 60# when i went gluten-free-----seems there are many symptoms for celiacs---some have this one, some have that one--some have many and some have few--try not to dwell on the bad days and be thankful for the good ones :lol: deb
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FreyaUSA Contributor

I also firmly believe that gluten does effect our emotions, maybe not with all people, but in my family, absolutely. My 15 year old explains it like this. No gluten, life if fine. With gluten, life sucks. He says he can literally feel his whole body becoming slow and depressed, which makes him think about how awful life is having to be gluten-free and having celiac disease and because he then has a dh flare up, he's even more depressed. My 10 year old becomes very irritable, unable to keep varying things in perspective, he's likely to have many more emotional meltdowns that take him a much longer time to get under control...exactly like he'd always been before going gluten-free! Even my husband feels more down, acts cranky (and he's Mr. Easygoing himself!)

I just realized it hits all three of my guys but not me or my daughter like this. I wonder if this reaction if more pronounced in males than females?

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Mballerina Explorer


When I have gluten, I actually gain weight. I am sure that half of this weight is edema but nonetheless weight gain, which is like 15 pounds in five days. ABout the irritability, it is an immediate reaction for me. Every second is like being trapped in a torturous prison that your conciously and subconciously aware of. YOu have rage about it, but you have no one to be angry at so you become irritable. The irritability is really like a desparate cry that you need help. A plea for someone to understand and drop all the other insignificant things and rescue you.

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MichelleC Apprentice

I also gained a little bit. (I was in the normal range for my height before, still am) My dietcian said that's good, because it means my intestines are healing and absorbing more.

And, yes, emotional reactions to gluten are very common, as you've read here.


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Guest NancyNet

When first diagnosed with Celiac I was extremely anemic and had lost 35lbs. Now after 8 years of being on the gluten-free Diet, I have gained it all back and some more. Everyone says that shows I am healthy now, but I am still overweight and not happy about it :angry: I have had to substitute many things in my diet and some were good and some have made me gain weight I think. :unsure: I went on the SouthBeach low Carb diet with my husband, he lost constant weight while we were on it and after being on it for months, I had not lost 1lb. :( ...I have been told my body is in starvation mode which makes it hold onto fat. Oh also the low-carb diet I had a problem with being regular, my digestive tract did not like all that meat and veges... and no bulk items like potatoes, bread, ect...Oh well, good luck to your husband, and you, and like they say, enjoy the good days...Nancy

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Gracie Newbie

When I get gluten, I am irritable, my hearing bothers me, and sometimes even my skin gets ouchie to the touch. That might have to do with the DH. My son gets tired and cranky also.


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  • 1 month later...
jendenise Rookie

When I get glutened I get terrible headaches that won't go away unless I take a prescription migraine medicine. I also get very irritable, I cry over everything and lose my patience and temper very easily. I also want to be left alone and hate everything, and then as quickly as it hits, it's gone. I feel terrible for my fiancee because I don't mean to be mean or "psychotic" I can't really control it, I know how I'm acting but don't stop. I hate that more than anything, I can get over not feeling well, but I feel horrible for a long time when I'm rude or impatient especially towards him. :( Thankfully he's very understanding and loving, poor guy...

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azedazobollis Apprentice

I wish my six year old would gain weight.

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hapi2bgf Contributor

Irritability and mood swings are just a symptom of gluten ingestion for me. Some doctors are wiling to treat the symptoms if they are bad enough. Otherwise, my spouse usually sees the change in moods before I notice it.

Best of luck finding a happy middle ground.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest spruette

I just had my first unknown gluten ingestion over the weekend. And it was time to call an exorcist. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I was jumping down my husband's throat every chance I got and couldn't help it.

Before my gluten-free diet, I never noticed attacks of irritablity like now. But now when I have anything with gluten, I lose it - nearly literally. It's very strange but everyone here was very supportive and said, "It's okay. And it's normal." Then I relaxed, and it went as quickly as it came. It took a couple of days though for just one gluten food

BEWARE OF "MODIFIED FOOD STARCH". I thought it was safe. Nuh-uh. Make sure you know it's source. Mine was nacho cheese over the weekend, and my husband and I thanks to my dietician, figured out that it must have had gluten. And it did.

Good luck. Remind him that it is a normal response for us to act during one of those "fits" of gluten. When we put it in to perspective (my hubby and I) it was easier to handle - the next time a wave of temp. insanity hit. (humorously speaking of course.)

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    • Richwhitelady
      I keep seeing people post on social media that it's ok for celiacs to eat gluten-free food that's made on shared equipment. Early in my diagnosis I was told otherwise. Is it really safe for us to eat gluten-free food made on shared equipment? I'd like to hear from an expert if possible.
    • Celiac comments
      It is fall feeding time and feeding 6 bales of wheat hay a day. Now I have eyelid rash and other rashes. It is hot and dry, so easy for hay dust to get in the air. Especially if a cow grabs a flake and shakes it by me. And we are feeding up the last of leftover hay from last year which has some mouse damage. I think I am going to need someone else to feed the wheat hay, at least until it rains. Anyone else have problems with handling wheat hay? 
    • Scott Adams
      I agree, and here is an older article on this topic:  
    • Wheatwacked
      She should be tested for 25(OH)D vitamin D blood level.  Most newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease are disturbingly low.  Malabsorption syndrome causes poor dietary absorption of vitamin D orally and super high sunscreens block skin production.  Hypervitminosis D which nearly every article written warns of, is a very rare disease. Many these days drink bottled water so do not get the benefit of floridation.  I had lots of cavities as a kid and when they floridated the water I stopped getting cavities.  Of course in those days all we had for sunscreen was baby oil and that "don't be a paleface" stuff, so we actually got vitamin D from the sun.  Celiac Disease uses a lot of vitamin D to control the immune system response to gluten, but we don't get enough. Iodine can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, and may be more effective when used in combination with fluoride.  Get her medium urinary iodine concentration (Muic) tested for iodine intake deficiency.  In the last 30 years iodine levels have fallen by 50% in the United States.
    • Wheatwacked
      When my son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 1976 as soon as he was weaned, his doctor insisted that we feed him only Nutramigen it was the only hyperallergenic with complete nutrition.  Enfamil and Similac were not acceptable if we wanted him to get healthy.  For one thing they had no  choline back then. Given the lawsuits against them now, he was right. He spent about 6 months on the Nutramigen formula exclusively and weaned off of that to a gluten free diet and thrived. He also predicted that by kindergarden the teacher would beg us to put him on Ritalin, which he took all the way through High School.  
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