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Hives And Celiac


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culhanegirl Newbie

Hi everyone,

I just want to share my experience with chronic hives and how I found out that undiagnosed Celiac was causing my hives because hives are not a common symptom of Celiac and some people may be suffering needlessly. The short version is that I had severe chronic hives and angioedema for six months. They were so bad that I had to quit my job. I was on prednisone, zyrtec, singulair, and zantac, and I still had to go to the emergency room occasionally to get a shot or IV of prednisone. I saw my regular Dr. many times, an allergist/immunologist, and many different emergency room Dr.'s. I had many blood tests including RAST allergy tests which stated that I was not allergic to anything. THe Dr.'s said I would just have to take medication until it just went away on it's own (why do they always say that?). Anyway, I couldn't accept that as an answer. I read somewhere that a Dr. would rather see a live tiger walk into his office than a person with chronic hives! When you can't sleep because you are being tortured by hives as big as plates and a swollen face you look for answers. In my case I found out I have Celiac disease. I figured it out on my own through trial and error and looking around on the internet. I got lab work to confirm it. Since Celiac is not an allergy I tested negative for any allergy to wheat. No Dr. suggested Celiac. I also tested positive for antibodies to the protein in milk called casein (at Enterolab). I stopped eating any foods containing gluten and casein (very hard) five months ago and my hives have gone down to one small patch every other day and I just take one Zyrtec and they go away in 20 minutes. They have progressively decreased since I stopped eating gluten and casein and they are almost gone completely.

For those of you with hives who found this post by googling "hives" and think Celiac could possibly be a cause for your hives, do some research. If you get blood work and it comes up negative that does not necessarily mean you don't have it. You can also be gluten sensitive without having Celiac. Also, you have to be eating gluten for the tests to be valid. I stopped eating it and noticed an improvement and then ate some bread and had to go to the emergency room because of the breakout of hives and angioedema. Anyway, I was able to end my suffering due to the information I learned from message boards and I vowed that if I ever figured out what was causing the torture I was going through I would go back and post because I learned so much from the internet that led me to figure out what was wrong with me. Also, I want to add that I also had very high thyroid antibodies that are now down in the normal range after five months on a gluten free diet. Anyway, hang in there and do your own research. If I had listened to the Dr.'s and just took steroids and "waited for it to go away on it's own" I would still be suffering. I also had my two sons (age 19 months and 5 yrs) tested at Enterolab and they also tested positive. They do not have any symptoms but are now on a gluten free diet to prevent any health problems. Now I am grateful for the hives because if I hadn't had that hell than I wouldn't have found out about Celiac and would have never had my boys tested. Anyway, so much for the short version! Tina

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RiceGuy Collaborator

No doubt there are skin condtiions accociated with Celiac. One of the most common is called Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Here's the link to the forum on that, in which you might find out additional information that may help you. Open Original Shared Link

Welcome to the board!

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culhanegirl Newbie
No doubt there are skin condtiions accociated with Celiac. One of the most common is called Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Here's the link to the forum on that, in which you might find out additional information that may help you. Open Original Shared Link

Welcome to the board!

Thank you for responding. I am aware of Dermatitis Herpetiformis and wanted people to know that hives can also be a symptom so that if they are googling hives my post may come up and they might investigate if Celiac may be the issue for them. There is research linking hives and Celiac but it is still not included in the symptoms list of many web sites containing information on Celiac disease.

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  • 5 years later...
EWeatherman Newbie

I know this is years after the original post, but I just found out after suffering for years with "Chronic" hives that I have celiacs.  Every time I went on the Candida diet my hives would quit, but my doctor just told me it was because I went on an all protein diet, unknowingly removing the problem.  This can be very frustrating, but you have chronic hives, do yourself a favor, get checked for celiacs.

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    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
    • Scott Adams
      I also had issues with severe neck and shoulder pain for years, so this may be a symptom of celiac disease.  In case you end up screening negative for celiac disease, approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.  
    • Sarah Grace
      Many thanks to everyone for the advice received and especially to Knitty Kitty.  I have ordered a one month supply of Benfotiamine and very much look forward to trying it.  The expression "I felt like I was dying" really resonates with me.  I have other symptoms which I didn't mention, such as vertigo and brain fog which are referenced by knitty kitty in her very detailed post. Clearly, there is other stuff that I should be trying, but I can only cope with one thing at a time at present! I will be back to let you know if the Benfotiamine, which should arrive in the next few days, has had any impact.🙂
    • glucel
      OK maybe I will look at future blood test just for historical changes. I am taking b vitamins as I mentioned in my other post to you. Definitely interested in Benfotiaminefor intestinal issues. However I already seem to be feeling some improvement in diverticulosis. Constipation gone but I think that resuming glucosamine may have something to do with that as well as general healing. Beans are antagonizing for me but I eat them anyway every few days in the form of pasta as well as baked beans. gluten-free for 4.5 months so still experimenting. Thanks for the info.
    • glucel
      Thanks @knitty kitty, I read your v b info with much interest for last few months. Here is my weight per event: sept 8, 2022- 181 lbs june 1, 2024 gluten free july 4- 143.5 lbs july31- changed from regular b to methyl folate and b12. oct 8- 150 lbs So weight hopefully coming back albeit very slowly. So probably my villi may be healing and methyl helping although also eating potato chips every few days so that is probably helping too.  Taking 100 mg of b1 along with complex. I took all thiamine maybe 100 or so tablets. Brain fog diminished some and it seems swallowing trouble also diminished. Stopped taking it couple months or so ago and did not notice any reversals. I think I will finally look into bentofothiamine. Also eat 1/2 ounce liver every morning for additional v b support.
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