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blueeyedmanda Community Regular

I am off to do some more voting from my work computer now. :)

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jkmunchkin Rising Star
I would hope the magazine would have a lot of substantial, cutting-edge information and not just glitzy ads. I recently subscribed to Martha Stewart Living and was extremely disappointed with the first issue I received. It has very little practical, useable content and a TON of ads.

I can't speak much towards the content, but I doubt Martha Stewart would be disappointed to hear the magazine had a ton of ads. That is how the magazines make their money, not from the subscriptions. You need the subscriptions (and newstand sales) in order to entice advertisers, but your $14 subscription is not what makes money for them. Although, like I said, you need one in order to get the other.

And there should be an ad / edit ratio. Based on ad page forecasts, editorial should plan how many pieces / pages they are going to run. Maybe just the topics in that issue didn't interest you and that's why the ads seemed so overwhelming.

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Lisa Mentor

Ahhh...yes, they did take down the percentages. This way Martha can choose which ever magazine she chooses to do and not by popular vote.

I am sorry to damper the enthusiasm here, but I don't trust that woman and have no faith in her integrity. :angry:

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confused Community Regular
Ahhh...yes, they did take down the percentages. This way Martha can choose which every magazine she chooses to do, and not by popular vote.

I am sorry to damper the enthusiasm here, but I don't trust that woman and have no faith in her integrity. :angry:

Oh i agree with you. I was thinking this the other day, i really doubt she would have this magazine anyway cause of all the drama with her daughter a few months ago with her talk show and celiac. She is going to pick whatever one she wants she dont care what we have to say lol. I will keep voting jsut because tho, but im afraid to see which one she will pick in the end.


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hayley3 Contributor

I thought the same thing at first, but Martha is a business woman. She's gonna go where the market is, and there is definitely a market for a food magazine for allergies, etc.

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jkmunchkin Rising Star
Oh i agree with you. I was thinking this the other day, i really doubt she would have this magazine anyway cause of all the drama with her daughter a few months ago with her talk show and celiac. She is going to pick whatever one she wants she dont care what we have to say lol. I will keep voting jsut because tho, but im afraid to see which one she will pick in the end.


That's why I posted the other day that it will take a lot more than a few votes on a blog to get this magazine published. It take millions and millions of dollars to make a publication of her quality; and a bunch of votes is not going to be the deciding factor. It will entice them to do more market research and find out if this truly is a real market and worth investing in, but this alone is not going to do it.

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular
Ahhh...yes, they did take down the percentages. This way Martha can choose which ever magazine she chooses to do and not by popular vote.

I am sorry to damper the enthusiasm here, but I don't trust that woman and have no faith in her integrity. :angry:

From the begining I was a little weary of the percentages. They would always drop during the times I would check in. Another member explained it has to do with how things are calculated but that didnt make sense to me.

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home-based-mom Contributor
Did my daily vote at 5 AM today and have to report that the site no longer gives a percentage of each category of votes....somehow someway they must be on this forum noticing that we're talking about the vote percentages and they took that part of their site.....

As to the pets - there are a couple of great magazines already out there: Dog Fancy and Cat Fancy magazines which do an excellent job already. I wonder if there are more gluten free people than pets in this country?

If they *are* on this forum then hopefully they will look around and see what so many people have to deal with on an every day basis. Remember that a successful business does not find a good product and then try to get people to buy it. A successful business finds a need and fills it. ;)

Martha *is* a successful business woman.

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Mom23boys Contributor
Did my daily vote at 5 AM today and have to report that the site no longer gives a percentage of each category of votes....somehow someway they must be on this forum noticing that we're talking about the vote percentages and they took that part of their site.....

This isn't the only forum talking about it!! Every allergy/sensitivity forum I'm on is buzzing about it. I've even peeped into some I am no longer active in and they are discussing it.

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Mom23boys Contributor
Ahhh...yes, they did take down the percentages. This way Martha can choose which ever magazine she chooses to do and not by popular vote.

I am sorry to damper the enthusiasm here, but I don't trust that woman and have no faith in her integrity. :angry:

I too will have to question her integrity if the mag doesn't win and some princess pup thing does. It didn't even cross my mind until the % were taken down.

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Mango04 Enthusiast
From the begining I was a little weary of the percentages. They would always drop during the times I would check in. Another member explained it has to do with how things are calculated but that didnt make sense to me.

Percentages can drop if another category suddenly has a higher percentage of the vote. That can happen even if we have more votes than we did previously.

I too will have to question her integrity if the mag doesn't win and some princess pup thing does. It didn't even cross my mind until the % were taken down.

Hey I still have hope! :P Maybe they are just having trouble with the software, or maybe...hmmm...there's some other explanation (?)

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Lisa Mentor
Percentages can drop if another category suddenly has a higher percentage of the vote. That can happen even if we have more votes than we did previously.

Hey I still have hope! :P Maybe they are just having trouble with the software, or maybe...hmmm...there's some other explanation (?)

Hope is good. I'll keep hoping :D

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Green12 Enthusiast
Maybe they are just having trouble with the software, or maybe...hmmm...there's some other explanation (?)

I am thinking the response from the food allergy/intolerance community has been so overwhelming that we crashed the system :lol:

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast
I am thinking the response from the food allergy/intolerance community has been so overwhelming that we crashed the system :lol:



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blueeyedmanda Community Regular

I don't trust her either, never did though. I would buy the magazine but I would like the content to be good too.

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jerseyangel Proficient

I don't know--I could be completely off-base here, but the first thing I thought when I noticed the percentages were gone was--here we go again....another company ignoring the gluten-free issue. Now they can say anything they want about the outcome of the vote.

I hope I'm wrong :) I'd be first in line to subscribe, though, if this should ever happen.

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cruelshoes Enthusiast

I think they took the percentages down to build up anticipation for the announcement tomorrow. There would be no reason for us to watch the show if we all knew who won ahead of time. Have faith, grasshoppers.....

I personally would love it if it had tons of ads in it. I love to read about new products. And the more manufacturers see that there is money in it the more products they will make.


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angel-jd1 Community Regular

Someone please post the results tomorrow!! (for those of us who are at work with no tv, but of course can check on here to see the results)

-Jessica :rolleyes:

I think they took the percentages down to build up anticipation for the announcement tomorrow. There would be no reason for us to watch the show if we all knew who won ahead of time. Have faith, grasshoppers.....

I personally would love it if it had tons of ads in it. I love to read about new products. And the more manufacturers see that there is money in it the more products they will make.


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highrentsmile Rookie

I agree, I think it was for anticipations sake. They do i for all the shows that air with voting results, they want us to watch the show! And why not? Makes sense to me! I have faith, lets keep voting, there's no harm in it!

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highrentsmile Rookie

PS. Results don't air until TUESDAY! :)

"Vote for your favorite idea as many times as you'd like (once per day) through Thursday, February 7. On Tuesday, February 12, Martha will announce the big winner live on "The Martha Stewart Show." Be sure to tune in to find out which idea Martha will be bringing to life. Select your favorite idea from the poll below:"

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debmidge Rising Star
I don't know--I could be completely off-base here, but the first thing I thought when I noticed the percentages were gone was--here we go again....another company ignoring the gluten-free issue. Now they can say anything they want about the outcome of the vote.

I hope I'm wrong :) I'd be first in line to subscribe, though, if this should ever happen.

I thought this too...that it's all a staged gimmick and they never intended to follow the results of the poll in the first place. Doing a food allergy/intolerance magazine to them probably seems too complicated and now they want to back off by not showing the voting results each time a vote is cast - or their vote counting system can't count that high :D

All the ideas are nice ideas, but are not as important as food allergy/intolerance issues. Somehow I get the feeling that she's going to go with scapbooking.

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular

Deb- you may be on to something. Scrapbooking is more up her alley in the crafty sense.

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Lisa Mentor

Isn't there an area that you can write a little bit about why you voted for a certain topic. Perhaps we should back up our votes with the importance of why.

I'm going to do that shortly.

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

morning all

Lisa i went on and read the comments last nite.............i would guess that 95% are all for food allergies. Lots of really good documentated reasons.

gave me alot to think about. i thought of writing but went to bed......... :o:lol:

will be interesting to see how this turns out on the 12th


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Piesmom Apprentice
Isn't there an area that you can write a little bit about why you voted for a certain topic. Perhaps we should back up our votes with the importance of why.

I'm going to do that shortly.

Were you able to vote today? I can't find it!!!

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    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @RondaM! These two tests are celiac antibody tests and they both look to be negative: Endomysial Antibody IgA:  Negative t-Transglutaminase (tTG):  <2 We commonly refer to the t-Transglutaminase (tTG) as tTG-IGA.   This one is what we commonly call "total IGA" and is on the high side:  Immunoglobulin A, Qn  Serum :  417.  H Total IGA is not an antibody test for celiac disease per se but the reason it is run is that if it is on the low side (i.e., you are "IGA deficient") it can cause the individual IGA tests that are designed to check for celiac disease per se to be falsely negative. This is not a problem in your case. I do not know that there are any particular health concerns connected to having a higher than normal total IGA. Based only on these IGA tests it does not appear that you have celiac disease but it is unfortunate that only IGA tests were ordered. I would have been helpful to also include the DGP-IGG test. Some people who truly do have celiac disease just have immune systems that don't throw positives for IGA celiac antibody tests. But here is an important question. Had you already begun limiting gluten in your diet before the blood draw for the testing was done? If so, it rendered the testing invalid.  
    • MaximilianKohler
      What do you think of the contrary information on SIBO I shared which argues that the term itself is misleading, erroneous, and even harmful?   There are current patient-led efforts to get FMT approved by the FDA. Anyone interested in FMT should get involved.   Do you have a citation for this? The wiki I shared in my previous comment has a whole page on antibiotics, including dozens of studies and reviews concluding that the damage is permanent and compounds over generations.
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