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And The Winner Is....


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Mom23boys Contributor

Well, it was a tie (they said) between pets and "allergies". "Allerglies" had 56% of the popular vote.

The pets are getting their own publication and goodies. The "allergies" are going to be stuck in sections of 3 preexisting publications. :rolleyes:

Whoever said it was rigged was right!! I'm not paying for THREE mags where I have to throw out 95% of it.

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Lisa Mentor

A TIE MY A$$......I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. It's all about the bucks. (Grrrr, I better stop now)

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hayley3 Contributor

Why in the heck did she even ask us to vote when she picked the pet idea!

I just lost a lot of respect for Martha and I will never buy her magazine again!!

I really am amazed at how she weaseled out of it. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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jayhawkmom Enthusiast

56% tie - huh??

Unless I'm really stupid, if both got 56%, that would be 112% and that would mean that none of the others got ANY votes. That's just ridiculous, pure crap.

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confused Community Regular

Omg does she just think we are stupid. I knew it wasnt going to matter. I am going to email her when i calm down some and tell her how i feel about her bogos tie. Im sure her dtr had a say in all this to.


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modiddly16 Enthusiast

It makes me mad that they even asked us for votes and asked what we want when Allergies got the popular vote but "everybody has pets" so she'll sell more...I think it's ridiculous....I won't be buying all of Martha's magazines just to see when they decide they want to put a special recipie or article in there. This goes to show that Martha doesn't really care about what her fans want she cares about making more money...as if she needs more..

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hayley3 Contributor

The thing that kills me, is she said that the Allergy magazine won the popular vote but the pet magazine and the allergy magazine tied. So I want to know who was voting if it wasn't by the popular vote. Now we know why they took down the percentages. I really am shocked that she would do this. If she didn't want us to vote, then why did she.

And I still think that it is a bad business decision, if you are going against the popular vote. Unless she did market research and it told her otherwise, but then again, why did she even bother to have a popular vote at all.

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angel-jd1 Community Regular

I guess we had our hopes up for nothing. I agree with everyone else, I am NOT buying 3 magazines so I can get 1 or two recipes (which I probably would not even use). Pbbbbtttttt on Martha!!! :P


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jerseyangel Proficient

No way on God's green earth could that have been a tie. I knew this was going to happen when they took the results off the screen. :angry:

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kenlove Rising Star

Yep, my thoughts too when the results were gone -- maybe we all need to send more comments and express our disappointment. If only I could find the pictures I took of Martha in the 70s when she operated the Swifts Turkey Hotline!

No way on God's green earth could that have been a tie. I knew this was going to happen when they took the results off the screen. :angry:
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Lisa Mentor

As much as this angers me, we have to take a business like approach. An angry e-mail will just further harden our goal.

My husband always says that "you catch more flies with honey". If anyone plans to contact the "Stewart Machine" I would recommend that it be done rationally, logically and approach this issue in a business-like manner.

Our numbers and statistics should be used and they speak for themselves. Numbers and money talk. B)

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jerseyangel Proficient
If only I could find the pictures I took of Martha in the 70s when she operated the Swifts Turkey Hotline!


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Mango04 Enthusiast

Don't forget there's a chance that the multiple votes per day ended up not counting.

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Phyllis28 Apprentice
56% tie - huh??

Unless I'm really stupid, if both got 56%, that would be 112% and that would mean that none of the others got ANY votes. That's just ridiculous, pure crap.

Martha must have failed her math class.

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cruelshoes Enthusiast

I don

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jerseyangel Proficient

Colleen--I think you make a lot of good, valid points. :)

I'm still disappointed, though :(

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular

I always hated Martha Stewart. I just was not going to broadcast it, now I can! No way would I buy that magazine!

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confused Community Regular
I always hated Martha Stewart. I just was not going to broadcast it, now I can! No way would I buy that magazine!

Ditto, i was just hoping she would of done the right thing here and then maybe i would have at least tolerated that lady lol.


I can see your point but i dont think there was there many of us that were voting from more then one puter, so i dotn think it would have made that big of a difference in the popular votes.


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dandelionmom Enthusiast

I'm very disappointed. I have to say that I think she's making a mistake. There are already so many good pet magazines out there (I subscribe to one that is very much in the Martha Stewart style already!). And it could only help her to have the gluten-free group hooked on her label. It seems like we're all very brand-loyal!

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular
Ditto, i was just hoping she would of done the right thing here and then maybe i would have at least tolerated that lady lol.

my thoughts exactly, maybe she would be tolerable but I guess not.

What boggles my mind is why do we need another pet magazine, go to the Pet Store there are a ton of them. I have a cat and I love him, spoil him, you name it. I just think an allergy magazine would be a benefit to so many. Martha is a twit!

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hayley3 Contributor

Computer programmers are too smart to let people vote multiple times, at least at big websites like Martha's. I don't think that's what happened. She said the Allergy magazine got 57% of the vote, period. I think she selected from the two most popular. She doesn't have allergies, so she picked the animal one. I think that's a bad business decision myself. But she can afford to have a loss on this if it doesn't go over.

I was always a Martha fan, but I think that if she was going to do the picking, then she should have said so upfront. We'll never know what happened really, but it was a real letdown. :(

I will never trust her again. Sorry. :( :(

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kenlove Rising Star

Maybe we all need to think about an alternative to her publishing a magazine. There is obviously a need for a mass market consumer magazine that deals with food allergy issues. We would all buy it <G>!

So how do we go about convincing someone to publish one? Do we back Scott, our fourm founder who already publishes the newsletter and updates we get? Do we as a group approach Time-Warner publishing, Amex publishing or another major publisher?

Online petition to Martha?

There are 19,000+ members here as well as other celiac groups which should make an impact on someone?

A paid circulation of 10,000 members would make a lot of magazines happy!

How can we mobilize to get something like this accomplished?

We have numbers and we have strength as a group here. We just need to put it together.


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Mom23boys Contributor
Maybe we all need to think about an alternative to her publishing a magazine. There is obviously a need for a mass market consumer magazine that deals with food allergy issues. We would all buy it <G>!

What are some competitors magazines?? Let them know how she dropped the ball. (I'm still kind of miffed about how she kind of snubbed Alexis (??) this morning for the pampered pup lady). We can back this person and make a #1 mag. We have style, class and shouldn't have to hide in the corner like the dark ages.

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blueeyedmanda Community Regular
What are some competitors magazines?? Let them know how she dropped the ball. (I'm still kind of miffed about how she kind of snubbed Alexis (??) this morning for the pampered pup lady). We can back this person and make a #1 mag. We have style, class and shouldn't have to hide in the corner like the dark ages.

great idea!

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Lisa Mentor

"Living Well, Living Without", is considered the #1 magazine for living gluten free.

Living Without

Post Office Box 2126

Northbrook, IL 60065


I have never seen this magazine, but I understand that others have subscribed.

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    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @RondaM! These two tests are celiac antibody tests and they both look to be negative: Endomysial Antibody IgA:  Negative t-Transglutaminase (tTG):  <2 We commonly refer to the t-Transglutaminase (tTG) as tTG-IGA.   This one is what we commonly call "total IGA" and is on the high side:  Immunoglobulin A, Qn  Serum :  417.  H Total IGA is not an antibody test for celiac disease per se but the reason it is run is that if it is on the low side (i.e., you are "IGA deficient") it can cause the individual IGA tests that are designed to check for celiac disease per se to be falsely negative. This is not a problem in your case. I do not know that there are any particular health concerns connected to having a higher than normal total IGA. Based only on these IGA tests it does not appear that you have celiac disease but it is unfortunate that only IGA tests were ordered. I would have been helpful to also include the DGP-IGG test. Some people who truly do have celiac disease just have immune systems that don't throw positives for IGA celiac antibody tests. But here is an important question. Had you already begun limiting gluten in your diet before the blood draw for the testing was done? If so, it rendered the testing invalid.  
    • MaximilianKohler
      What do you think of the contrary information on SIBO I shared which argues that the term itself is misleading, erroneous, and even harmful?   There are current patient-led efforts to get FMT approved by the FDA. Anyone interested in FMT should get involved.   Do you have a citation for this? The wiki I shared in my previous comment has a whole page on antibiotics, including dozens of studies and reviews concluding that the damage is permanent and compounds over generations.
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