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Mri Contrast?


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psipsina Rookie

Hey y'all. I had a MRI last week and really felt glutened after it. I had a bad headache and was super sleepy and out of it . . . I barely remember the night after the scan. Well now I have what looks like DH popping up all over my body. It started on the arm where I was injected with contrast for the MRI and has moved all over my body over the past week. It started right after the MRI. I was out of town in someone else's kitchen so it is possible that I got glutened but I never felt sick until the MRI and usually I can feel it when I get gluten in me. I had another MRI last October and I felt really sick after that one too but chocked it up to being confined in one position for so long and all the banging. I've never had DH symptoms before but I'm pretty sure thats what this rash is because it looks exactly like the pictures and is in all the right spots. Has anyone ever had anything similar happen with MRI contrast?? Thanks.

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rick-spiff Rookie

my son just had a mri begining of march. After contrast he said he didn't feel good either. Was nauseated. Heard that GI/Celiacs sometimes are sensitive to Iodine which is the contrast.

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tarnalberry Community Regular

some types of contrast have a basis from shellfish, so if you have a shellfish sensitivity, that may be an issue. the iodine may also be at play.

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  • 2 weeks later...
SpecialK Newbie

Hi. I had an MRI with contrast about 3 years ago. And while I didn't feel sick I broke out in a rash the next day. It spread around my body. My doctor said it was a reaction to the dye and to never let anyone inject me with the dye again. He said there were other things they could use besides iodine for a contrast.


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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

i HAVE 2 MRI's coming up next week

It is with galian.....or something like that ........they said...'gad' on the script

i have allergies to shellfish so never use the iodine base.

did have a brain MRI with 'gad' and it was ok.

pray this week with the 'gad' goes ok...........

Anyone have info on this.........pleeeeeeeeease post about it.

they said the gad had just water and mercury.......i think..........YIKES..........BUT BETTER THAN SHELLFISH. WON'T DO IT FOR THE BRAIN W/O. IT THEY SAID.

The 2 this week don't need contrast so will double ck when i am there. Will wait for the brain one.


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rpf1007 Rookie

MRI contrast uses gadolinium...there is no iodine in it. It is the CT contrast that has iodine in it.

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rpf1007 Rookie

Oh, and Judy...

The shellfish allergy is usually not a problem with CT contrast anymore (the stuff with iodine) but definitely let the tech know and speak with the Radiologist if you are concerned about it.

It is routine to give contrast for the brain MRI...barring any allergy or major kidney problems, they would never do one without.

You can usually speak with the radiologist if you have concerns about your test and/or the contrast they will give you.

Hope that helps.

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast
Oh, and Judy...

The shellfish allergy is usually not a problem with CT contrast anymore (the stuff with iodine) but definitely let the tech know and speak with the Radiologist if you are concerned about it.

It is routine to give contrast for the brain MRI...barring any allergy or major kidney problems, they would never do one without.

You can usually speak with the radiologist if you have concerns about your test and/or the contrast they will give you.

Hope that helps.

Thanks so much for the info


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Green12 Enthusiast
i HAVE 2 MRI's coming up next week

It is with galian.....or something like that ........they said...'gad' on the script

i have allergies to shellfish so never use the iodine base.

did have a brain MRI with 'gad' and it was ok.

pray this week with the 'gad' goes ok...........

Anyone have info on this.........pleeeeeeeeease post about it.

they said the gad had just water and mercury.......i think..........YIKES..........BUT BETTER THAN SHELLFISH. WON'T DO IT FOR THE BRAIN W/O. IT THEY SAID.

The 2 this week don't need contrast so will double ck when i am there. Will wait for the brain one.





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Judyin Philly Enthusiast



Thanks so much Julie

I guess we'll know after tomorrow nite.

This is the 4th time they have had to re write the scrpts, get different referals, and pre certs.

now i have 2 MRI's back to back tomorrow at 6:15 pm

Now they will be doing dye with the both of them.

but one one injection........but have to do for the brain stem one.

appreciate your thoughts


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rinne Apprentice

Judy, you are in my prayers. :wub:

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rinne Apprentice
......Has anyone ever had anything similar happen with MRI contrast?? Thanks.

I think you bring up an interesting question, I suspect the MRI and I wonder if many others have reacted to an MRI. I hope you feel better soon. :)

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jerseyangel Proficient
Judy, you are in my prayers. :wub:

Mine too, Buddy :)

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Green12 Enthusiast

Judy, how did it go?

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast
Judy, how did it go?


I really like to post positive hopeful posts but with this link I guess this post will just be a heads up for us.

Open Original Shared Link

I didn't read till I got home and had itching and a headache in about an hr. Then the lymphodemea area on my L leg started getting very red......from knee to waist. I get this, I've found when glutened or some food allergic reaction. Very shaky, and of course brain fog.

Was still there the following morning.......like glut-end w/o the 'd' thank God.

Called the MRI center and they had me talk to a radiologist and i asked him to amend my report with the symptoms I had. Asked first if he was aware of celiac disease. He'd never heard of it.

This is a big respected hospital too.

long story short without allot of details ..........just not up to a long post today............This is just info to be aware of........there are many links to this on goggle but this one wasn't from attorneys as didn't want those.........

I know that this injection does not have iodine.....but this MRI injection still seems to have risks for some of us.........even tho it is 99.9% safe per the radiologist.......... :ph34r: who of course didn't know about celiac.

I know for me............they could only do one of the 2 tests ordered that nite and wanted me back tonight to finish.

well, I canceled it. No more dye for me ever. Yes they can do w/o dye for the others but i need a break to be kind to my body. ;)

would love to have other celiac's who have had not problems with this chime in too.




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Green12 Enthusiast

Sorry you didn't have a very pleasant experience Judy.

Thanks for that link, I had heard on the news the dye is pretty dangerous stuff.

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast
Sorry you didn't have a very pleasant experience Judy.

Thanks for that link, I had heard on the news the dye is pretty dangerous stuff.

wow Julie, I sure never heard any of this on the news.

Everyone says it 'so safe' :ph34r:

There are just so many links on google that are amazing.

Wish i had read those.


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pattyc Newbie

Just in time!

I'm sorry you had such a bad reaction, but thank you for posting! I came back from the orthopedic dr. today, with an order for a hip MRI for next week. He was suggesting gad, (the dye) but said if I had an allergic reaction last time I can go without. I had the dye a few years ago and didn't like it so much. Would you consider a red itchy rash on my arm around the injection site, thick feeling in my throat/tongue, warmth everywhere, headache, the "normal reaction" that they say can happen or an allergic reaction? My allergies/intolerances were actually in low gear at the time of that last MRI, and they are up now, so after seeing your post and the link, I don't think I want to risk it. Last time the gad/dye was injected into an iv...this time it would be injected right into my hip. Would that make it less risky?

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast
Just in time!

so after seeing your post and the link, I don't think I want to risk it. Last time the gad/dye was injected into an iv...this time it would be injected right into my hip. Would that make it less risky?

I don't know if it would be LESS risky or not. Frankly after reading up on it it seems if there was any reaction the first time.......they say not to take again.

I know from my 'personal experience' i would not ever take that dye again....but this is just me.

my internist and the radiologist didn't put much credence in what happen to me..........but then they just go by the research and not my body. My body doesn't like it..........that's all i know.

if they give you the option to NOT have the dye........i wouldn't. My next MRI is to be scheduled and It didn't need dye just the brain one did and they refused to do it with out and since i didn't have a reaction to it the first time i thought i was OK. But the second time..........it was not a good response.

good luck


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Joni63 Collaborator


Sorry you had such a reaction Judy. It sounds like nasty stuff to deal with.

Judy, did they make you take a blood test first to screen your kidneys. I'm supposed to get screened for creatinine, GFR, and Buix (something like that, can't understand the script)??? It's to make sure your kidneys are functioning properly to allow the gadolinium to exit out bodies. Apparently, those with kidney problems can't excrete the gadolinium and it becomes toxic to our body.

I'm scheduled for an MRI of my head next friday with the gadolinium. Did someone say they have to use the gadolineum for an MRI of the head?

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rpf1007 Rookie

You should be screened for kidney function (creatinine, BUN) and can calculate GFR. Most people that have very serious reactions have kidney issues.

Doing a brain MRI with contrast is routine- unless the patient has a prior allergy to the contrast or bad kidney function. It really limits the exam to do it without. Some things you just don't see without contrast.

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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

Hi bellyfat

gosh i just hate to post and scare people :ph34r: but knowledge is power so i guess we just have to find what's best for our bodies.

Others posted on this thread that's it's usually given for brain scans. Yes i had blood work done 37 days before the test and all was ok but then they said protocol was for 30 days before test so i had it done 3 days before and they said all that blood work was good.

i don't know what to say to comfort you but I'd sure talk to a radiologist as someone else suggested before you go in for it......not the day of it.

there was no dr there when they did my test........just the tech doing it but she did call a dr to come down to approve the way she wanted to arrange this metal plate over me.

please keep us posted, ok. Some one on another forum posted some info for me and it was above my head but i could link if you want or pm anyone interested.

i'll be checking on you both and offering prayers


EDIT--rpf1007--thanks for the info...we must have been posting at the same time.

I just think we all need to be aware of this info. I sure don't know if celiac or kidney issues make us for intollerant to it.

maybe rpf1007 can shed some more lite on the topic.

I sure would appreciate more info from you as you seem to know alot about this issue.

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rpf1007 Rookie


I'm honestly not sure why some react with GI issues to contrast and some do not. Some people do get GI disturbances after contrast...which would probably not be considered an allergy...more of an intolerance. (Not that it makes it any better for the person who is intolerant!) Rashes would be considered more of an allergic reaction and those should be discussed with the Radiologist prior to any future injections. Since MRI contrast and CT contrast are different...allergy to one doesn't mean that you can't get the other...but again, speak with the radiologist.

I will try and do some research about people with celiac disease and reactions/intolerances and get back to you. As far as I know it hasn't really been studied.

I emailed the producers of Magnevist (one brand of gadolinium MRI contrast) and got no response. Very helpful!

Unfortunately I'm working graveyard shifts in April and won't be able to talk to too many people about it.

I will let you know if I find anything out.


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Judyin Philly Enthusiast

I'm honestly not sure why some react with GI issues to contrast and some do not. Some people do get GI disturbances after contrast

I emailed the producers of Magnevist (one brand of gadolinium MRI contrast) and got no response. Very helpful!

I will let you know if I find anything out. Rachel

Thanks so much Rachel. It would be so helpful to me.

I didn't get the 'd' this time......only other issues I listed in above posts.

I think that they listed the contrast they used by name and i'll see if i can find it

so appreciate your help

good luck on the grave yard shift.


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    • Wheatwacked
      Growing up I wondered why restaurants always put parsley on the plates when no one ate it.  ten grams of parsley sprigs have Vitamin K (phylloquinone)164µg. The RDA of vitamin K is 19+ years male: 120 mcg  female: 90 mcg. Maybe your doctor would agree instead of the pills? The USDA Food Data Centra is a good source of nutrition. USDA Food Data Parsley, fresh I'd be interested in your test results vis a vis the Celiac vitamins.
    • Scott Adams
      If you are doing great on a gluten-free diet and see no reason to get a formal diagnosis of celiac disease, then it's perfectly fine for you to just stay gluten-free.  In the Europe the current protocol for making a celiac disease diagnosis in children is if their tTg-IgA (tissue transglutaminase IgA) levels are 10 times or above the positive level for celiac disease. According to the latest research, if the blood test results are at certain high levels that range between 5-10 times the reference range for a positive celiac disease diagnosis, it may not be necessary to confirm the results using an endoscopy/biopsy: Blood Test Alone Can Diagnose Celiac Disease in Most Children and Adults TGA-IgA at or Above Five Times Normal Limit in Kids Indicates Celiac Disease in Nearly All Cases No More Biopsies to Diagnose Celiac Disease in Children!    
    • trents
      Well, you have some decisions to make. If you want an endoscopy, you must start the "gluten challenge" and daily eat the gluten equivalent of 4-6 slices of bread for several weeks.
    • Debstaats
      Thank you. I just get tired of my PCP acting like I’m an idiot. My GI feels I have it, but cannot officially give me the diagnosis without an endoscopy. So, I’m officially gluten sensitive, without the endoscopy.
    • trents
      Your PCP is not well informed. The tTG-IGA is a very reliable celiac blood antibody test. There are some other foods, medications and diseases that can cause elevated tTG-IGA but the chances of the elevated tTG-IGA count being due to some other cause than celiac disease is not very great. This is especially true given your symptoms, your genetic profile and the fact that you have improved on a gluten free diet. Is there any particular reason you need an official diagnosis? I am attaching an article which outlines the various antibody tests for celiac disease and their reliability:       
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