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Does This Sound Like A Reaction To Gluten?


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nasalady Contributor

Just a quick question for those of you who are more experienced at this stuff....

I was gluten-free for exactly eight days (well, I THOUGHT I was gluten-free until I read the posts on this site that say that you have to get rid of your pots and pans and cutting boards and buy all new equipment!), and then I went back on gluten on Sunday because I want to be tested. I did feel better off gluten.

After reading Gerri's experiences on the "14th Day" thread, I was scared. But my reactions to going back on gluten were not nearly as dramatic. On Sunday, the only thing that happened was that I felt tired and a little bloated. On Monday I developed gas and more bloating, but I wasn't really sick or anything. But today I woke up with a stomach ache, and I felt really dizzy. Brain fog all day, and total exhaustion. Plus I have sores on my tongue....is that part of it?

I guess this isn't really a "challenge" because I'd have to be gluten-free for longer, and I'd have to be REALLY gluten-free for any of this to count.

Could such delayed reactions be consistent with celiac disease? Or should I be sicker than I am?

Of course, please keep in mind that I have autoimmune hepatitis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and fibromyalgia....some of these symptoms could be caused by those illnesses. How do you manage to sort out what symptom is caused by which disease?

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frec Contributor

I don't know about Hashimoto or hepatitis symptoms--hopefully someone else will chime in with some info on that--but all of your symptoms are also classic celiac symptoms. I always had fairly immediate bloating with delayed diarrhea and chronic mouth ulcers. Many people on this forum talk about brain fog and exhaustion as symptoms. Some people show very few symptoms but, when finally tested, their intestines are quite damaged. Everyone reacts differently--that is one of the reasons it is hard to diagnose.

My reactions to gluten have become more immediate and more severe the longer I have been off it.

Good luck--

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Ursa Major Collaborator

Actually, all of those reactions are consistent with celiac disease. As are fibromyalgia and Hashimotos's, which could have been caused by celiac disease to begin with.

Your fibro may clear up completely on a gluten-free diet, by the way. And yes, I always get delayed reactions from gluten. They may not be apparent for a day or two, and then they will hit with force.

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nasalady Contributor

Thanks, frec and Ursa Major. Knowing that delayed reactions can happen and also that gluten reactions can vary quite a bit from person to person is helpful.

My first appointment with the gastroenterologist is scheduled for September 5th....it was the earliest appointment I could get. Oh well.... :rolleyes:

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Gerri Explorer

Hi JoAnn

Hope you don't mind I tried to show what I am going through. I did put important message in this note. (NO NIACIN for you ever, a vitamin B, not with you having liver problems.)Already knew I had hepatitis A. Seems my whole family has it since living on the farm.

Another thought though, many years ago when I was much younger, it seemed every Holiday, just before the holiday I was alway sick. My family always went visiting just before the holidays. All the goodies, (made from lots of Gluten), and the day before the holiday, I was always sick. Never thought about this until now. I had celiac going back to when I was child. All the ear aches, all the sore stomachs, always falling, and all the brain fog. Everything then was described as the common flu.

Day 24 (July 30, 2008)

Going little crazy - Insomnia and sleep apnea higher as I was out in sun - Rash on face, arms and legs, walked only from car parked in front of store, walked into store . That night I even was dreaming (thought impossible with sleep apnea, who know. Can only go my readings on CPAP)

- using many pillows to control movement at night - harder each day to get out of bed next morning

- Swelling in hands still bad - Eyes swelling severely - seems to be getting worse everyday- jaw pain much of the time

- ongoing ear aches, neck and glands

- Asthma- taking inhalers especially at night - use them at least twice a day

- depression increasing - Brain fog bad

- don't get anything done

- severe back right rib pain - right side - also in right ribs- doubled over severe pain in right groin - much pain all over - pain level about 7 - no medication so can't bring this number down - going swimming helps

- perception of things very off (might find dishes in fridge), Severe Auditory Processing disorder worsing - avoiding people

- Continue to eat at least 5 gluten a day

- heart burn not as bad - take more allergy pills for my allergy of sulfites in bread - seems to help gerds - not eating before bed

- stomach bloating severe - hard time moving around - continuing to falling into things

- Feel alright before breakfast then day gets much worse as I eat my daily intake of gluten.

- pimples that hurt, and turn to sores are popping up all over my body.- Ongoing itching- severe

Was up to hospital week ago Tuesday, liver enzymes really out of whack. Had hamburger helper, with a trace of niacin tha night before (big big no no) - Don't whatever you do take niacin if you have liver problems. Any rate, found out also had kidney bladder infection.

AST/SGOT normal (5-40 U/L) *** mine high @ 117

ALT normal (24-57 U/L) *** mine high @ 197

Alkaline Phos normal (40-130 U/L) *** mine high @ 199

LDH normal (100-190 U/L) *** mine high @ 290


ULeucocytes 500/UL High

Ublood 10/UL

No medication given because of allergies - just drinking more fluids because of kidney, bladder infection.

I tried to get into family doctor before he went on holiday, instead they booked a day after the holiday (August 8th) - obviously not concerned. Both my GASTRO and family doctors are on holidays.

Going away this Saturday, not looking forward to this weekend. Good possiblity back in hospital on Monday we will see.



PS: JoAnn - just a little note - I believe your Celiac- I also believe Celiac caused my liver problems as it is causing yours - remember back to the gluten filled holidays - were you always sick before he holiday?

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nasalady Contributor
Hope you don't mind I tried to show what I am going through. I did put important message in this note. (NO NIACIN for you ever, a vitamin B, not with you having liver problems.)Already knew I had hepatitis A. Seems my whole family has it since living on the farm.

Of course I don't mind...it's very informative, just a little scary! :) Thanks for the tip about niacin...I didn't know that.

Day 24 (July 30, 2008)

Going little crazy - Insomnia and sleep apnea higher as I was out in sun - Rash on face, arms and legs, walked only from car parked in front of store, walked into store . That night I even was dreaming (thought impossible with sleep apnea, who know. Can only go my readings on CPAP)

- using many pillows to control movement at night - harder each day to get out of bed next morning

- Swelling in hands still bad - Eyes swelling severely - seems to be getting worse everyday- jaw pain much of the time

- ongoing ear aches, neck and glands

- Asthma- taking inhalers especially at night - use them at least twice a day

- depression increasing - Brain fog bad

- don't get anything done

- severe back right rib pain - right side - also in right ribs- doubled over severe pain in right groin - much pain all over - pain level about 7 - no medication so can't bring this number down - going swimming helps

- perception of things very off (might find dishes in fridge), Severe Auditory Processing disorder worsing - avoiding people

- Continue to eat at least 5 gluten a day

- heart burn not as bad - take more allergy pills for my allergy of sulfites in bread - seems to help gerds - not eating before bed

- stomach bloating severe - hard time moving around - continuing to falling into things

- Feel alright before breakfast then day gets much worse as I eat my daily intake of gluten.

- pimples that hurt, and turn to sores are popping up all over my body.- Ongoing itching- severe

Was up to hospital week ago Tuesday, liver enzymes really out of whack. Had hamburger helper, with a trace of niacin tha night before (big big no no) - Don't whatever you do take niacin if you have liver problems. Any rate, found out also had kidney bladder infection.

AST/SGOT normal (5-40 U/L) *** mine high @ 117

ALT normal (24-57 U/L) *** mine high @ 197

Alkaline Phos normal (40-130 U/L) *** mine high @ 199

LDH normal (100-190 U/L) *** mine high @ 290


ULeucocytes 500/UL High

Ublood 10/UL

No medication given because of allergies - just drinking more fluids because of kidney, bladder infection.

I tried to get into family doctor before he went on holiday, instead they booked a day after the holiday (August 8th) - obviously not concerned. Both my GASTRO and family doctors are on holidays.

Going away this Saturday, not looking forward to this weekend. Good possiblity back in hospital on Monday we will see.

Wow! Are you going to be OK? Are you sure that getting tested is worth all of this??

PS: JoAnn - just a little note - I believe your Celiac- I also believe Celiac caused my liver problems as it is causing yours - remember back to the gluten filled holidays - were you always sick before he holiday?

Yes, I do remember being "sick", especially my "IBS" getting worse around the holidays. I always attributed that to the rich food, but didn't connect it with gluten of course, because I thought I just had IBS! Diarrhea was always a problem....but I never would have thought of celiac disease.

Hope that you're still surviving!

Take care,


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nasalady Contributor

P.S. This is my eighth day back on gluten, and I should add that the sores on my tongue have now spread all over my entire mouth, and it feels like I have blisters on the roof of my mouth. It's kind of hard to eat anything right now because it hurts.

I'm also very tired and very forgetful.....brain fog strikes again. For example, I think of something I need to tell my husband but by the time I walk from one room to the other to speak to him, I've forgotten what I wanted to say!! LOL!

Well, maybe it's really NOT funny. :(


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Gerri Explorer

Hi JoAnn

Brain fog really bad. I knew mild dylexia and severe auditory processing disorder, but they both are getting really bad. Went to have doctor's address instead of 564 I game them 654. I just woke up and I making so many mistages.

I have few sores in my mouth not like you.

Just started on medication for my bladder infection. So tired all the time.

My step-son is visiting, I keep calling him by another name, talk about Brain fog.

JoAnn, get your blood checked often while your doing this because, it could tell how your liver is doing and your bladder as well.

My blood for celiac supposedly came back neg. When Gastro seen how much my other blood work (liver enzymes, cholesterol, sugar etc.) improved, she believe that this was also sign for celiac. Now they are totally out of whack again.

My whole stomach seems to be in a knot and sore.

hope you don't get any sorer.



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Kitt1027 Rookie

Hello all! I am very new to this site. I've been hearing about Celiac for a couple of years now, but before that didn

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    • trents
      There are some causes besides celiac disease for elevated tTG-IGA, such as cow's milk protein, some other bowel diseases, NSAIDs, a certain blood pressure med and parasitic infections but the chances of that being true are not very high compared to the cause being celiac disease. And even with CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) most of those cases involve people who already have celiac disease.   
    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thank you for checking in about choline. I do meet me recommended amount on a plant-based diet already, per my nutritionist. Thankfully, I am not intolerant to soy and the cruciferous veggies I enjoy! 
    • TraceyG
      @Wheatwacked thanks for your input. I am fully committed to being gluten-free if I truly have celiac disease.  I suppose my question is more so wondering if that blood test means I definitely have celiac disease. I had one doc look at the results and tell me to ignore them if I don’t have the classic celiac symptoms. The next doc (a few months later, when viewing the same results) said the results were suspicious and might mean gluten sensitivity, but then had her nurse call me later the same day to say I actually have celiac disease based on the results. So my care team seemed a little unsure. It sounds like, from this forum, that the general consensus is any abnormal blood results indicate celiac.
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