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Tyson Chicken Breast


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bakinghomesteader Contributor

Is their boneless, skinless chicken breast gluten free? I see they have added broth.

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bakinghomesteader Contributor

No one knows? I emailed them, but no answer. I just thought someone would know.

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GlutenGalAZ Enthusiast

I got a bag of the frozen chicken you are talking about at WalMart... I have had it a couple of times and haven't noticed any problems. I was going to call them about the broth in it but forgot before I left for work.

There should be a toll free line on the bag you can call.

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GlutenGalAZ Enthusiast
Is their boneless, skinless chicken breast gluten free? I see they have added broth.

I just called really quick and asked -- did't get into detail though about what type of broth (ahh forgot, I am on lunch right now at work). The rep at the contact phone number said that the broth is gluten free and so is that chicken.

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happygirl Collaborator

All plain meats/chicken/etc are gluten free. By law, any grain must be listed on meat products.

Its gluten free.

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bakinghomesteader Contributor

Thanks all. It just said chicken broth and not what was in the broth. So I just wondered. Thanks again.

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bakinghomesteader Contributor

I never did get an email, but I DID get a letter in the mail. :D It said the chicken broth was gluten free and they sent me coupons. :P Yeah!

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  • 2 months later...
Algdoll Newbie
I never did get an email, but I DID get a letter in the mail. :D It said the chicken broth was gluten free and they sent me coupons. :P Yeah!

Thanks so much for doing the leg work on this for me! I usually buy the Great Value brand at Walmart, but they were out and I bought the Tyson brand. Forgot to check on gluten-free status until just now when I'm about to throw it in the oven. Thanks so much!

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  • 2 years later...
quincy1775 Newbie

I'm not sure if they have gluten or not, but I do know that I always react to Tyson chicken, along with Holly Farms, Great Value, and Kroger brands, all of which say they contain a broth solution. The reaction is just like a gluten reaction, maybe even a tad more violent than if I simply ate a loaf of bread. But it's bad.

I've since switched to other brands of chicken like Perdue (they provide a gluten-free list on their website), some Food Lion frozen chicken (that uses only a salt/water solution), Harvestland, and locally-raised options...and I never react to them.

I did a test to confirm my suspicions, and isolated it to the chicken after having continued gluten-like reactions to simple dishes like chicken and rice. When I switched chicken suppliers, the reactions went away and have been gone for more than 8 months.

Not sure why that would be, but I avoid Tyson products now as a result to be on the safe side. I don't even have chicken in a restaurant unless I can verify its source, it's too risky and I react too horribly to it to take the chance.

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lovegrov Collaborator

"I always react to Tyson chicken, along with Holly Farms, Great Value, and Kroger brands,"

I've used all of those brands except GV and they are gluten-free.


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  • 2 years later...
texasarah Newbie

Hi All,

I know I'm arriving late to this conversation but I found this thread today as I was doing a bit of research (somehow I just realized that the boneless skinless chicken breasts I've been purchasing for 3 years may have had gluten in them - yikes!). Anyway, I did a search on the Tyson website and found this information:


It specifically states,


Boneless, skinless chicken breasts with rib meat contains up to 15% natural chicken broth. ALL NATURAL CHICKEN BROTH INGREDIENTS: Chicken broth, salt, natural flavorings.


This may be old news to everyone else, but it was helpful/reassuring for me :)

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  • 2 years later...
snow4jc Newbie
On 2/18/2013 at 1:44 PM, texasarah said:


I'm also responding late to this thread, but when I read this last response I had to comment.  I'm not celiac, but have a multitude of food intolerance, which cause extreme inflammation in my whole body and many physical repercussions.  I'm Always finding something else that titles up my body even when I thought I was eating safely.  

Please be aware that natural flavoring is something you should avoid.  It is listed on ingredient lists, but they don't tell you what is in it!  I have too avoid it like the plague, along with caramel coloring.  They both very often include a wheat derivative.  

I just ate two different kilter products, a fresh Turkey for thanksgiving and a Tyson whole chicken yesterday.  I have reacted to both. ??.  The solution is the culprit.  There was no other foods that were suspect because they were freshly prepared veggies and sweet potatoes which don't bother me.

This is so frustrating....    There are many other additives and preservatives that also affect me.  So I eat fresh only... Make all my own food.  

Hope this helps someone who still reacts when they think they're eating cleanly but react.

On 2/18/2013 at 1:44 PM, texasarah said:


Boneless, skinless chicken breasts with rib meat contains up to 15% natural chicken broth. ALL NATURAL CHICKEN BROTH INGREDIENTS: Chicken broth, salt, natural flavorings.




This may be old news to everyone else, but it was helpful/reassuring for me :)


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squirmingitch Veteran
3 hours ago, snow4jc said:

Please be aware that natural flavoring is something you should avoid.  It is listed on ingredient lists, but they don't tell you what is in it!  I have too avoid it like the plague, along with caramel coloring.  They both very often include a wheat derivative.  

I just ate two different kilter products, a fresh Turkey for thanksgiving and a Tyson whole chicken yesterday.  I have reacted to both. ??.  The solution is the culprit.  There was no other foods that were suspect because they were freshly prepared veggies and sweet potatoes which don't bother me.

This is so frustrating....    There are many other additives and preservatives that also affect me.  So I eat fresh only... Make all my own food.  

Hope this helps someone who still reacts when they think they're eating cleanly but react.


Please do not spread rumors like this on the board. These 2 items are a huge misconception. Please read the following links:



If natural flavors and carmel coloring were glutening celiacs then most of us would be dead by now. 

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cyclinglady Grand Master

Squirming itch is right.  I drank a Diet Coke on Saturday during a party and I did not get glutened.  It was full of Carmel coloring.  There was not any safe party food for me.  Diet Coke is not healthy, but at least I looked like I was indulging in something!  

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  • 3 years later...
Valkyrie Newbie

quincy1775 and snow4jc make a good point.

I usually get sick from these products, too. What doesn't make some people sick, will make others sick. There isn't one "way" to be a celiac or allergic to wheat. Sometimes natural flavorings and carmel do contain wheat, according to the links squirmingitch provided and other sources. But sometimes they do not. Just like soy sauce. Just like cross-contaminated chicken breast or breast from chicken fed a wheat diet. Just like products labeled gluten-free that are processed in a facility that also processes wheat. Sometimes they make people sick, sometimes they do not.

It's not a rumor because it happens to people who are celiac often enough. Not everyone experiences the world the way you do, squirmingitch. You're very fortunate yourself that those products don't make you ill, personally. 

As for me and it seems quincy and snow, we must avoid those products because they have potential to be cross contaminated with, or derived from, wheat. It's a harmful misconception you spread, squirmingitch, when you tell other celiacs that their experience is invalid. Shaming people who are in tune with their body is extremely unskillful.

Isn't it helpful for celiacs like me and snow to know to avoid these products, too?

Edited by Valkyrie
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    • cristiana
      Just to add something here... if any people in the UK are reading this, there can be definite advantages if you are formally diagnosed coeliac,  in terms of getting extra support from the NHS.  For free you get to see a nutritionist, additional vaccinations if deemed necessary, in some areas prescriptions for gluten free food; bone density scans, annual blood tests and reviews with a gastroenterologist, plus it has been my experience I've been able to see a gastroenterologist without a GP's re-referral when I've had complications.  That said, I don't know what impact there would be on health insurance; but I have found that when it comes to travel insurance I have had to declare it but it hasn't made any difference to the premium. However, I realise things can be very different in other parts of the world, and I am not sure where you are from, @Ginger38  
    • Ginger38
      Yes I figured out I couldn’t have gluten years ago when I was symptomatic and tested positive, but was misinformed and told I couldn’t have celiac but to go gluten free. I was already gluten free. I was never willing to go back on gluten and make myself so sick to have the biopsy especially when the biopsy isn’t 💯. But Now I have to have a procedure anyway and he told me he was doing the biopsy either way .. but I should consider the gluten challenge since I have never had the biopsy. He acted like it was super important to have this on paper.  I had no idea there were any possible negative drawbacks to having a formal diagnosis 🤦🏼‍♀️
    • Scott Adams
      While I understand wanting a formal diagnosis, it sounds like you will likely remain gluten-free either way, even if you should test negative for celiac disease (Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS). Keep in mind that there are also drawbacks to a formal diagnosis, for example more expensive life and private health insurance, as well as possibly needing to disclose it on job applications.  Normally I am in favor of the formal diagnosis process, but if you've already figured out that you can't tolerate gluten and will likely stay gluten-free anyway, I wanted to at least mention the possible negative sides of having a formal diagnosis.
    • Wheatwacked
      I take Clonidine for BP no gluten reaction.  It was originally prescribed for adolescence who could not take Ritalin.
    • Ginger38
      Basically because he was going to do the biopsy either way , so I agreed after him bugging me lol (after all this time of refusing) (and I’m already regretting) to do the gluten challenge. But yes he’s already told me even in if the biopsy is negative I still have to live as a celiac for the rest of my life bc he’s certain I’m celiac positive regardless of what the biopsy shows. But he can’t put it on paper if it’s negative so I really don’t know what the point is. I have all the symptoms and have had positive IgA antibodies every time I’ve been tested. They did decrease after starting a gluten free diet but never made it to zero.  Also my daughter is going to pediatric gastroenterology in a few months so I thought it may be helpful for her for me to have the procedure 🤷🏼‍♀️
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