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KLTerry Apprentice

Hello all. I'm having a hard time grocery shopping. It takes forever. I was wondering if anyone had a list of regular gluten-free foods that I can get at a normal grocery store. Are there items that you buy on a regular basis that are currently gluten free? (I know, check the ingredients often in case they change). I have lists from various sites with different types of gluten-free foods, but I'm still having a hard time.

Also, are there any cereals that you can get at a normal grocery store? I live northeast, so I shop at Giant Eagle or Wal-Mart. I think that Cocoa Pebbles and Fruity Pebbles are gluten-free. I called Post, and they went over the ingredients with me, and I know that they usually list any allergens, but I'm still afraid to eat them. Anyone know for sure?

Thank you very much.

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KaitiUSA Enthusiast

Post is made by Kraft. All of Kraft foods will not hide any gluten in their products . Unless the labels say wheat,rye,barley, or oats then Kraft is safe to have. :D There is alot of stuff we can have even at regular stores...its a matter of learning the things we can and can't have. If you need help PM me or something and I can help you with a list. :D

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Guest barbara3675

There is a very comprehensive food list at www.napervillegi.com/celiac/GFfoodlist.pdf It is over 50 pages long and is very helpful when shopping at the grocery store. It also has phone numbers for you to call companies if you have questions. I hope this will help you, it sure was a help for me. You will find so many things on there that you will not feel deprived.


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celiac3270 Collaborator

There is a list of companies that clearly list gluten, compiled by Richard (known as "lovegrov" on this message board)...this means that you can just read the label and, like Kraft, know immediately if it's gluten-free or not. On this list are the following companies:

Aunt Nelly's, Balance, Baskin Robbins, Ben & Jerry, Betty Crocker, Blue Bunny, Butterball *lists wheat only, Breyers, Campbells, Cascadian Farms, Celestial Seasonings, ConAgra *lists wheat only, Country Crock, Edy's, General Mills, Good Humor, Green Giant, Haagen Daz, Hellman's, Hershey, Hormel, Hungry Jack, Jiffy, Knorr, Kozy Shack, Kraft, Libby's, Lipton, Martha White, McCormick, Nabisco, Nestle, Old El Paso, Ortega, Pillsbury, Popsicle, Post, Progresso, Russell Stover, Seneca Foods, Smucker, Stokely's, Sunny Delight, T Marzetti, Tyson, Unilever, Wishbone, Yoplait, Zatarain's.

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gf4life Enthusiast

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Here is another good list. Remember to always double check the ingredients, since they change sometimes and no list is 100% accurate, but they are there to serve as a guideline when you shop.

God bless,


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    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Vickey Matteson! What you describe is actually very common in the celiac community. We call it "silent celiac disease". Silent in the sense of not causing significant discomfort or distress. After diagnosis, many silent celiacs look back and realize they did have some symptoms but they were so minor as to not grab their attention or they were symptoms of a nature that they would not have connected with celiac disease. Given enough time, and as damage to the small bowel villous lining progresses, symptoms will eventually appear. Who knows how long before your diagnosis the onset of your celiac disease occurred. The time between onset and diagnosis may have been many years or only a few. You were born with the genetic potential for developing celiac disease but that doesn't mean you had it from birth. Almost 40% of the population has the genetic potential to develop celiac disease but only about 1% actually develop it. It takes both the genetic potential and some kind of triggering environmental or health event that turns the genes on, such as a viral infection or frequent antibiotic treatments.  So, since you say you can eat gluten and not have a reaction and you have no symptoms, how is it that you got diagnosed with celiac disease? What led to that? There must have been some lab work or health issues that prompted your physician to test you for celiac disease. There are over 200 known symptoms associated with celiac disease and most of them have nothing to do with GI distress. Most people (and unfortunately, many physicians) only think of classic GI symptoms when considering celiac disease. What led to your being tested for celiac disease?
    • Vickey Matteson
      Hi all, I've been diagnosed Celiac. I don't have symptom's if I eat gluten and the doctor's don't know why. Has anyone heard of this happening?  I am on a gluten free diet because of the diagnosis but it doesn't make any sense if I don't have symptom's. I was diagnosed when I was 60, I am now 70, so what happened my first 60 ? Any thoughts? Thanks, Vickey
    • cristiana
      Good point, they should never have cut this from the syllabus.  
    • knitty kitty
      Hello, @glucel, I lost sixty pounds in six weeks.  It was shocking.  Fat loss as well as muscle wasting.   Thiamine is needed to turn carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy.  With insufficient Thiamine, the body uses a shortcut to save thiamine.  The body stores carbohydrates as fat, and later burns the stored fat for energy, a process which uses less thiamine.  Unfortunately, this leads to fatty weight gain seen in obesity, NAFLD, POTS, and metabolic syndrome.  With a diet high in carbohydrates, but low in Thiamine, High Calorie Malnutrition is the result.  The more carbohydrates you eat, the more Thiamine is needed.   One of the most important concepts to keep in mind about Thiamine is that high doses are required to correct Thiamine deficiency disorders.  The body responds amazingly when high doses of Thiamine are taken.  There are changes seen in high dose Thiamine not seen at lower doses.  The best results are obtained by taking more than 500 mg/day of Thiamine Hydrochloride or Benfotiamine.   I had taken a multivitamin for years, but it wasn't until I started taking high dose Thiamine that improvements were seen.  More than 100 mgs are needed.  I took 300 mg of Benfotiamine with each meal.  Our bodies can absorb about 300 mgs every three hours.   If all the extra energy keeps you awake at bedtime, take the last dose in the early afternoon. Thiamine supplementation should be continued for three months minimum.  Subtle health improvements continue to surface with continued thiamine supplimentation.   Thiamine interacts with all the B vitamins, so taking a B Complex in addition is important.  Thiamine needs magnesium to make enzymes, so take a magnesium supplement as well.  (Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium chelate, or Magnesium Threonate are great.  Avoid magnesium oxide as it pulls water into the intestines, relieving constipation, but is not absorbed well.) Dr. Derrick Lonsdale and Dr. Chandler Marrs on their website hormonesmatter.com have been sharing information about Thiamine for years.     Cheers to you for eating liver!  My favorite food!   Do keep us posted on your progress!  I'm excited to hear about your progress!
    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
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