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Good Dietician In Portland, Oregon Area


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frec Contributor

I just visited a good dietician in the Portland area who specializes in gastro issues like celiac. Her name is Nicole Strealy. She is with Providence and works on Saturdays once a month (she has little kids) in Lake Oswego near the Kruse Way exit. She was very good--even knew about the obscure stuff like envelope glue and drywall--and would be especially fantastic if you were newly diagnosed. 503 215 0148 or 503 216 2368

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  • 2 months later...

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WestyPDX Newbie

I'm glad to see a positive post about Nicole. I was beginning to doubt I'd ever see one.

I'm newly diagnosed with celiac disease, and last month my doctor's office had Nicole call me to setup an appointment. Yesterday I finally left a voicemail with her office to cancel it. On the initial voicemail she left for me, she claimed to have "exciting and important" things to share. I've called her office 3 times now to get the diagnosis and procedure codes she'd use, at the request of my health plan to see if they'll cover a visit (they won't), and to ask a simple question, "what will I learn?"

So far all I've received is a challenge from her scheduler that it must be about the money. Darn tootin' it is. Just like a professor will publish a syllabus for a class before it begins, I'd like to know what she'll be teaching in my exclusive hour with her, for what I imagine will be in the $200 range (I still can't get them to confirm a price), and if I may field questions to her beforehand so she's prepared.

All my doctor could tell me is that he made the referral since "not everyone has access to the internet". All that my experience with Nicole has gained me so far is more needless frustration, which has been very depressing.

So, what did you learn that was really helpful? Did she go over meal planning issues and propose solutions? That's what I need help with the most. I've canvassed the 10 blocks in each direction of my office in downtown Portland, and all I've come up with so far as a safe choice for lunch is the salad bar at Safeway. After 6 weeks, that's getting old fast, since PF Changs is too spendy for every day.

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mftnchn Explorer

Since I'm from PDX and my daughter is now gluten-free this is interesting to me, and I'd also like to know what you gained from the visit.

WestyPDX, offices and office personnel can be very off-putting. It is sometimes hard to know whether to persist through it to get to the practitioner I want to see. Sometimes it is worth it, and sometimes it is not. But it seems to me that answering questions about prices and what the content of the consult would be is basic information, and especially in this day and age when most of us wrestle with insurance companies as do practitioners, I think you should have been helped.

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luvs2eat Collaborator

I don't know anything about the dietician, but have your Portlanders found the Gluten Free Bakery in the house that looks like a Gingerbread house? I think it's over on the SE side of the city. They have awesome stuff!! I have 2 kids who live in PDX and we ALWAYS stop there when I visit. I can find out the name and a better location if you like!

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JennyC Enthusiast
I don't know anything about the dietician, but have your Portlanders found the Gluten Free Bakery in the house that looks like a Gingerbread house? I think it's over on the SE side of the city. They have awesome stuff!! I have 2 kids who live in PDX and we ALWAYS stop there when I visit. I can find out the name and a better location if you like!

Keanna's Candyland--it's a great treat to take my son there! They are all gluten free, except some of the candy that you can buy may not be gluten free. Everything they make is gluten free. They have many menu options available. Not everything that they make tastes the best, but my son is so excited to go there that he does not seem to notice! :lol:

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WestyPDX Newbie
it seems to me that answering questions about prices and what the content of the consult would be is basic information, and especially in this day and age when most of us wrestle with insurance companies as do practitioners, I think you should have been helped.

Thanks for your support on this issue! I realize that asking too many questions before I even walk in the door could label me as a difficult patient, but on the other hand, if a practitioner can answer a few basic questions ahead of time, that indicates to me that they're organized, know their topic, and can present themselves well.

The other thing that bothers me about Nicole is that she apparently only works one Saturday every 4 to 6 weeks. If I'm having a difficult time, I'm not going to want to wait a month or two to see her. As it was, my initial appt. was scheduled 5 weeks out, and she's not personally returned any of the voicemails I've left on her second number, which I'm lead to believe is her own voicemail, not the one for the clinic. For a while I was tempted to dial the number my Caller ID captured from her initial call, but didn't because that wouldn't be fair to her.

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WestyPDX Newbie

Well of all things, I just got a call from Nicole. Apparently she'd been away for the holidays, and no one from her office had e-mailed her saying that I was trying to get a hold of her, hadn't checked the other line since people rarely leave her voicemail, so she had no idea I was trying to reach her. I can excuse that, stuff happens, it was the holidays, and we've had bad weather that's disrupted a lot of people's usual lives.

She seemed rather well informed, and although she'd never heard of the gluten withdrawal syndrome, she was interested in hearing more about it and thought it might be something valid. So that shows she has an open mind, which was encouraging enough that I'm going to make another appointment with her.

She's starting her own consulting business independent of the hospital, so her fees will be less than the $120 Providence charges. There were a few other tips she gave me, such as she can tell me what her patients report as working the best from all the alternatives out there, but going to a local support group is where they know where things are available and for the best price--she wouldn't know those particulars since she's not on the diet herself.

I'll be getting some things in e-mail to fill out to send back to her so she can do some planning for my appointment, and said she can help with structuring meal plans, making sure I get proper nutrition, and can give me a list of things to stock my pantry with so I'm good to go when it's time to cook or I'm just hungry.

That all sounds reasonable and worth paying for. I'll post about my appointment when I have it.

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mftnchn Explorer

Glad you posted that update.

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Hummingbird4 Explorer

Westy, you might find, as I did, that you will learn more by reading a book or two and searching this website (and others). Especially if you have to wait a month or two to see her -- by then you'll already have the GFD down pat!

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frec Contributor

Sorry--I didn't know anyone was writing on this thread until today. I saw Nicole in October and I remember I did have quite a time communicating with her office. Once she and I got on email we did fine. I was diagnosed 6 years ago and went to her to consult on why my antibody levels were still positive, so the focus of my visit was a bit different. She was really well informed on the really little known sources of gluten. She had information on websites, support groups, local stores, and mail/online gluten-free companies. She had product samples, and some recent info on labelling laws. I don't know what she would tell you about restaurants--I avoid them and did not ask for help in that area.

There is a gluten free pizza place over near Candyland--I don't know anything about it but drove by it the other day. There is also another gluten-free bakery on SE 17th just south of Tacoma called A Piece of Cake.

Hope your appointment goes well. By the way, Trader Joe's has a lot of good alternative food products, especially non-dairy stuff. I also like New Seasons and Whole Foods.

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  • 2 weeks later...
lucy-Q Newbie

Well, since we've found a forum topic for Portlanders...

I'm glad to hear some local reports about practitioners and places to eat! Any other Portland places to check out if I'm new to gluten-free eating?

I'm currently waiting for my test results in the Kaiser system. Anyone else in Portland have Kaiser coverage? If so, how has your experience been with getting diagnosed and support following diagnosis?

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JennyC Enthusiast
Well, since we've found a forum topic for Portlanders...

I'm glad to hear some local reports about practitioners and places to eat! Any other Portland places to check out if I'm new to gluten-free eating?

I'm currently waiting for my test results in the Kaiser system. Anyone else in Portland have Kaiser coverage? If so, how has your experience been with getting diagnosed and support following diagnosis?

I can't comment on Kaiser, but there are many places to eat gluten free in Portland.

Here's a helpful link:

Open Original Shared Link

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caek-is-a-lie Explorer

I haven't seen this doctor, but I do go to the Community Clinics that the Open Original Shared Link runs every week. It's only $20 to go and you meet with a student who consults with the doctors, but it is amazing how much they know. And many of them have Celiac children so it's not just from booklearnin'. lol The student I'm seeing now is going to give me a comprehensive list of places to eat out around Portland next week, so I'll share with anyone interested, when I get it.

If you can't find a good MD in Portland, I recommend calling NCNM. In fact, I can't recommend them enough! They know tons about food and could help you establish a healthy gluten-free diet pretty quickly. :)

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sandejosgirl Newbie

Heyyah, Oregonians! I'm down in Brownsville (close to Eugene & Corvallis). If anyone heads in this direction there is good food in Corvallis & a great gluten-free bakery!

We are heading up to Portland for a week class/cert. for my husband and for testing for my babe with celiacs/crohns at OHSU. I was looking around and found a website:

Open Original Shared Link

that I thought looked good. I also remembered a book that I have looked at from a local GIG but haven't purchased myself: Gluten Free Portland a Resource Guide by Wendy Cohan.

Anyone else tried these resources? Like them?

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sbj Rookie
I'm currently waiting for my test results in the Kaiser system. Anyone else in Portland have Kaiser coverage? If so, how has your experience been with getting diagnosed and support following diagnosis?

Hi lucy_Q:

I'm not in Portland but I have Kaiser in Southern California and they have been awesome. My gastro performed an endoscopy and didn't see anything wrong. Pathology saw celiac sprue so my gastro had me do the celiac panel. It confirmed celiac so he had me do the genetic test through Prometheus. That confirmed that I had the genes. I told my intern about the results and requested some further tests. He immediately approved a CBC and tested for vitamin/mineral/nutritional deficiencies. He also ordered a bone density test. He also referred me to a Kaiser dietician who was quite helpful.

My experience with Kaiser has been just great - I really enjoy them. You can view your test results online, email your doctor, talk to an RN any day. I have been able to get same day appointments twice recently. I have also seen that Kaiser offers training to their doctors and support staff and I've seen where that training has included updates on celiac. They will order appropriate tests for you but not do any extra testing. They are not quick to put you on meds but first rely on exercise/diet options. I am very impressed with them. Best of luck - I hope you don't have celiac!

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    • Schellee94
      Thank you, to everyone who posted here. I am touched, and edified. I am grateful for your in depth and extremely helpful posts, and I am grateful for this forum.  This has generated a pivot point.. thank you, again 🥹 💛💛💛 thank you
    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
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