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Weird Dh Stories


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minton Contributor

Okay, my first DH patch showed up in 6th grade a day after I saw a brown recluse looking spider on my leg. The patch was on the top of my foot and grew steadily and looked alot like the description of a brown recluse bite except the skin was not dying, just peeling off. So my first guess before diagnosis was brown recluse attacks.

When it spread to a patch on my inner calf, I panicked and exterminated my whole room thinking it was brown recluses.

Then the doctor got involved years later and said it was probably plaque psoriasis. I calmed down and tried to treat it and hide it. The treatments BURNED but I kept trying. I started crying during treatment applications. Then it spread to my face. I could barely eat from pain.My lips got it. Talk about embarrassing!

I had it that way, constantly spreading, for about 8 years before I met my new doctor. The gluten free diet cleared up and he said it was probably DH, not psoriasis. I didn't tell him about the spider panic. Looking back, I can laugh at myself. Even though the DH is starting up on my legs again, I can laugh and know what it is. No more room exterminations for me!

Anyone else have funny stories on their road to diagnosis of DH?

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flourgirl Apprentice

Over the years I've had several really bad cases...and thought it was a sensitivity or allergy to poison Ivy......as my Dr.s believed, too. Before my diagnosis of Celiac, I had a really bad rash. I was sure it was poison Ivy but didn't know how I'd gotten it. I recognize the plant and avoid it. Nothing I did relieved the burn and itch. As it spread, I washed every tool I was using outside, threw out my clothes and shoes that I'd been wearing (even tho' I had washed them I thought some of the oils were remaining in my clothes). Then I realised that a neighbor down the road was burning brush over a period of many days, so I blamed him for burning Ivy in with the brush. Maybe the oils were traveling in the smoke.

By the time I had my endoscopy I was covered head to toe with rash. I knew by that time that it couldn't be poison Ivy because I had it on the bottom of my feet and on my hands. My feet were so bad (my job had me standing 12 hours a day) that they were peeling and bleeding. What fun!

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ravenwoodglass Mentor

I had DH from about age 7 and it would cover my arms and legs and I also was told it was poison ivy. My Mom could never figure out how I would get into it in the wintertime and one doctor explained I had poison ivy 'in my blood'. A lot of bunk of course. He prescribed these incredibly painful shots with a serum that the nurses would have to heat in hot water to even get to go through the syringe (they don't use those particular shots anymore). I had those every year for ten years and when I would complain about the shot my Mom would threaten me with her mothers remedy. My Grandmother, in the early 1900's, used a scrub brush on my Mom's lesions and then would pour salt on them to dry them up. Can you imagine!!!!!!!

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flourgirl Apprentice

I heard the old poison Ivy, sumac in the blood bit, too. I had it so bad one time it was everywhere. Doc at the time said there was nothing he could do just go home. It got a lot worse! It was years ago, though, and maybe they really did believe it got into your bloodstream to spread. I hope they don't still pass on such bogus info!

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kenlove Rising Star

For 15 years I was told it was mango rash (The Hawaiian version of Poison Ivy!) and not to eat or work with mango and cashew trees. Needless to say the rash didnt go away. When I was finally diagnosed with celiac and dh confirmed, I was so happy I could eat mangos again that I wolfed down 5 big ones at one sitting!


I had DH from about age 7 and it would cover my arms and legs and I also was told it was poison ivy. My Mom could never figure out how I would get into it in the wintertime and one doctor explained I had poison ivy 'in my blood'. A lot of bunk of course. He prescribed these incredibly painful shots with a serum that the nurses would have to heat in hot water to even get to go through the syringe (they don't use those particular shots anymore). I had those every year for ten years and when I would complain about the shot my Mom would threaten me with her mothers remedy. My Grandmother, in the early 1900's, used a scrub brush on my Mom's lesions and then would pour salt on them to dry them up. Can you imagine!!!!!!!
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    • glucel
      hi @knitty kitty I knew there had to be somebody else that liked liver. Hearing of your weight loss/recovery and seeing another half pound gain this morning helps relieve some of the anxieties associated with celiac disease. I never thought that I would get excited about weight gain.  I am going to add a 100 g thiamine tablet at noon time and will add the Benfotiamine for a few months.  
    • cristiana
      @trents  @Vickey Matteson   Trents makes a very interesting point.  I did not have gastric symptoms initially but about six months before my diagnosis I had very odd liver function test results, iron deficiency and anxiety.  I developed gastric symptoms just prior to my diagnosis - I honestly think that if I hadn't, my doctors would still be wondering what was causing those other issues.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @Vickey Matteson! What you describe is actually very common in the celiac community. We call it "silent celiac disease". Silent in the sense of not causing significant discomfort or distress. After diagnosis, many silent celiacs look back and realize they did have some symptoms but they were so minor as to not grab their attention or they were symptoms of a nature that they would not have connected with celiac disease. Given enough time, and as damage to the small bowel villous lining progresses, symptoms will eventually appear. Who knows how long before your diagnosis the onset of your celiac disease occurred. The time between onset and diagnosis may have been many years or only a few. You were born with the genetic potential for developing celiac disease but that doesn't mean you had it from birth. Almost 40% of the population has the genetic potential to develop celiac disease but only about 1% actually develop it. It takes both the genetic potential and some kind of triggering environmental or health event that turns the genes on, such as a viral infection or frequent antibiotic treatments.  So, since you say you can eat gluten and not have a reaction and you have no symptoms, how is it that you got diagnosed with celiac disease? What led to that? There must have been some lab work or health issues that prompted your physician to test you for celiac disease. There are over 200 known symptoms associated with celiac disease and most of them have nothing to do with GI distress. Most people (and unfortunately, many physicians) only think of classic GI symptoms when considering celiac disease. What led to your being tested for celiac disease?
    • Vickey Matteson
      Hi all, I've been diagnosed Celiac. I don't have symptom's if I eat gluten and the doctor's don't know why. Has anyone heard of this happening?  I am on a gluten free diet because of the diagnosis but it doesn't make any sense if I don't have symptom's. I was diagnosed when I was 60, I am now 70, so what happened my first 60 ? Any thoughts? Thanks, Vickey
    • cristiana
      Good point, they should never have cut this from the syllabus.  
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