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Pizza Fusion In Pittsburgh Pa


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suepooh4 Contributor


My husband's birthday is this Saturday (Valentines Day) and we were thinking of going to Pizza Fushion in Pittsburgh PA. Their menu online tells of gluten free pizza, brownies and beer. I was just wondering if anyone has tried it and if so how was it ? We live about an hour and twenty minutes from Pittsburgh and just wanted to know if it was worth the drive.



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msmini14 Enthusiast

Hi Sue,

I will be very honest with you about this. We have a Pizza Fusion in So Cal and I ate there. I was disapointed, the pizza is ok but is not worth the money at all. I still think you should go just so you know for yourself, have to try it at least once. You do have a long drive to get there so this will give you something to think about.

The pizza is small, it has a very thin crust. I had pepperoni with soy cheese and cost me 34 dollars after a small tip.

Call some of your local eateries, I am going to a casino near me who has cooked everything gluten-free before. They are even making a flourless chocolate cake for my bf and I. There are places that will cater to you.

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mamaw Community Regular

We like Uno's in Cranberry Twp much better. Pizza Fusion is in Gibsonia so actually you would be closer to Uno's.( coming up 79) And the price is so reasonable at Uno's - under $12.00. I know a family of four 2 adults.& 2 kids went to pizza fusion -the adults had a beer a piece plus a gluten-free pizza. the bill was $75.00

I can give you directions if you need them......



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suepooh4 Contributor
We like Uno's in Cranberry Twp much better. Pizza Fusion is in Gibsonia so actually you would be closer to Uno's.( coming up 79) And the price is so reasonable at Uno's - under $12.00. I know a family of four 2 adults.& 2 kids went to pizza fusion -the adults had a beer a piece plus a gluten-free pizza. the bill was $75.00

I can give you directions if you need them......



Hi Mamaw,

Thank you for letting me know about Uno's I would love directions. Is it anywhere near the mall at Robinson ? We go there a couple times a month. Is their pizza gluten free ?



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suepooh4 Contributor
Hi Sue,

I will be very honest with you about this. We have a Pizza Fusion in So Cal and I ate there. I was disapointed, the pizza is ok but is not worth the money at all. I still think you should go just so you know for yourself, have to try it at least once. You do have a long drive to get there so this will give you something to think about.

The pizza is small, it has a very thin crust. I had pepperoni with soy cheese and cost me 34 dollars after a small tip.

Call some of your local eateries, I am going to a casino near me who has cooked everything gluten-free before. They are even making a flourless chocolate cake for my bf and I. There are places that will cater to you.

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for letting me know how it is at Pizza Fusion. We wanted to try it because we saw there is one in Orlando Fl and have reservations for Disney World in June. We are trying to find places that we can eat at while on vacation there. We live in a very small town in Ohio and the only place to go out to eat is either Outback or Red Lobster (if my husband orders crab legs or lobster from Red Lobster).

A lot of the resturants and caters here in the town we live in aren't aware of what celiac sprue is and what gluten free is. I wish we had more options like California. I am from California myself, I was born and rasied there. I have only lived here in Ohio for 12 years.

Thanks again


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savvvyseller Enthusiast

Last time I checked, Pizza Fusion uses crusts from Still Riding Pizza.

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

I thought Pizza Fusion was okay, but not fabulous. But back in my gluteny days, I thought that Domino's Pizza was also okay, but not fabulous. So maybe I'm not a good one to ask!

It IS nice to be able to go out for pizza (they also deliver, though not an hour and a half away!) and not have to make the crust myself. But I'm getting a lot better and faster at making crusts, so we haven't been back to Pizza Fusion (it was really expensive). I'd like to try the Uno's in Cranberry, though!

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mamaw Community Regular

Hi Sue

I just found this message where you needed directions! I'm sorry I forgot to flag this message & then I missed your question....

If you get on 79 & follow to Cranberry exit , this will put you on Rt19, go to the intersection of 19&Rt 228, turn left, go down two or three lights & Uno's is on the left beside Quaker Steak & Lube.

It is probably about 20 minutes from Robinson. I'm terrible about distances. It would be closer than pizza fusion.from Rt79.

WE are in Robinson every two weeks & it takes us about an hour to get there from our house & we are 20-25 minutes from Cranberry Twp.

Sorry on the late reply..


Hi Mamaw,

Thank you for letting me know about Uno's I would love directions. Is it anywhere near the mall at Robinson ? We go there a couple times a month. Is their pizza gluten free ?



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ryebaby0 Enthusiast

I'm so glad you posted this -- we are at the Wexford office of Children's so often, and we get off in Cranberry and go right through Rt. 19, and I never thought to consider any of those restaurants. I'll keep Uno's in mind for our next trip!

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minniejack Contributor

Hi, I know its past Valentines by about a week. Sorry I missed your message. Happy belated B-day to your DH.

We loved Pizza Fusion. My DS13 said it was the best Pizza he ever had in his life.

I'm glad to know that the Uno's is gluten-free. Thanks Mamaw. I had written Uno's corporate and was sent a list of states that had gluten-free menus and only places like Vermont were on it. Glad to know there is another one close. :)

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  • 6 months later...
minniejack Contributor

Thought you all might like to know that on Tuesdays they have a gluten free special pizza and ANY gluten-free drinks (including beer/wine) for a cheap price--I can't remember exactly what that cost was, but it makes me want to try to get there on Tuesdays. :rolleyes:

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    • trents
      But here's the thing. As long as the product in question tests out at less than 10ppm of gluten then the company can legitimately advertise it as certified gluten free according to GFCO standards. Here they claim their products have "No Gluten": https://www.kachava.com/ingredients . I suppose you could quibble with them over the verbiage that "No Gluten" is not the same as "Certified Gluten Free". 
    • rio
      Thanks so much for this post. I was actually thinking of purchasing it as they do advertise it as gluten-free on their website. But, I clearly had not scrutinized the label closely enough!
    • trents
      There are some causes besides celiac disease for elevated tTG-IGA, such as cow's milk protein, some other bowel diseases, NSAIDs, a certain blood pressure med and parasitic infections but the chances of that being true are not very high compared to the cause being celiac disease. And even with CMP (Cow's Milk Protein) most of those cases involve people who already have celiac disease.   
    • cristiana
      Hi @Schellee94,  it is good to know that you have found this a helpful thread.  Do let us know how you get on! Cristiana
    • trents
      Did you purchase it thinking it was gluten free? The company doesn't advertise it as such do they? Barley is not one of the eight main allergens that the FDA requires to be posted in the allergen info. Wheat is but not barley. But good catch. We don't see many products with barley and rye as ingredients and it is easy to get lazy, not really read the detailed ingredient list and to just go straight for the allergen list.
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