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Tinkyada + Nomato = Pinkyada?


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RiceGuy Collaborator

Hi everyone.

I had been planning to make gluten-free, dairy-free, nightshade-free lasagna (yes, lasagna, without any of the traditional main ingredients), and finally got around to it a few days ago. I had already come up with a dairy-free "ricotta cheese" recipe, and figured I'd mimic the tomato-free sauce called Open Original Shared Link.

The sauce is basically carrots, beets, citric acid, ascorbic acid, and a healthy portion of onion, garlic, and spices. To my amazement, the sauce turned out incredibly well. It looked, smelled, and tasted like tomato sauce! (this gets me one major step closer to having gluten-free pizza)

So, I put it all together in the usual manner, and baked it in the oven. Looked great, smelled great, and tasted great. That is, except for one minor detail - the lasagna noodles had actually turned pink! I don't recall this ever happening with tomato sauce, but since this is the first time I used Tinkyada with a red sauce, I don't know if it was the pasta or the sauce that was responsible for the Technicolor Transformation.

Does Tinkyada usually turn pink in tomato sauce? Has anyone used Nomato, or made their own equivalent? If so, does the pasta soak up the color?

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Takala Enthusiast

Congratulations on creating the secret formula to make Barbie

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eringopaint Newbie

I use Tinkyada all the time and have never seen it turn pink - sounds pretty though. :-) I would guess the beets are responsible too.

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Puddy Explorer

You might be on to something, Rice Guy! If this gets out to the world, every little girl is going to want pink pasta for dinner....LOL. Can you market it?

I agree with the beet theory. I use Tinkyada all the time with tomato sauce and it's never turned pink. I like the sound of it though! :D

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MaryJones2 Enthusiast

I got a good chuckle out of this one Rice Guy.

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pixiebell Newbie

My best guess would be that it was the sauce you used. Beets are great for dyeing and staining things. :)

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Darn210 Enthusiast
You might be on to something, Rice Guy! If this gets out to the world, every little girl is going to want pink pasta for dinner....LOL. Can you market it?


I got a good chuckle out of this one Rice Guy.

Me Too!! . . . LOL at all the comments . . . Barbie Lasagne (with the little trademark thingy no less) . . . :lol::lol:

Agreed on the beets . . . Congrats on your lasagne, though!!!

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purple Community Regular

Ha Ha Ha...yup...the beets. Save your recipe to make on Valentine's Day next year!


Headline News

Barbie Lasagna...new trend for Celiacs


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jerseyangel Proficient

Gotta be the beets :D

And Riceguy, I have to ask--what did you use for the ricotta? I can do tomato sauce, but lasagne eludes me because of the ricotta. I've heard of using mashed potato, which also sounds good.

Bet they'd turn pink, too...... ;):P

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RiceGuy Collaborator

Thanks everyone. I was also thinking it was the beets. Interestingly, the color of the carrots showed through slightly after the sauce was cooked. So I added more beets, but didn't have time to cook it again. Perhaps if I had, it may have reduced the color bleeding into the pasta.

And Riceguy, I have to ask--what did you use for the ricotta? I can do tomato sauce, but lasagne eludes me because of the ricotta. I've heard of using mashed potato, which also sounds good.

I actually put some soft tofu, shredded coconut, lecithin, and water through the blender until the coconut was properly pulverized. Then added salt, a bit of citric acid, and Stevia to taste. It's been a while since I last tasted ricotta, but I think both texture and taste were pretty close. However, I don't think it really needed the tofu, so next time I'll try coconut, lecithin, and a bit of xanthan. If you don't have lecithin, an egg or two should work just fine.

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    • cristiana
      Good point, they should never have cut this from the syllabus.  
    • knitty kitty
      Hello, @glucel, I lost sixty pounds in six weeks.  It was shocking.  Fat loss as well as muscle wasting.   Thiamine is needed to turn carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy.  With insufficient Thiamine, the body uses a shortcut to save thiamine.  The body stores carbohydrates as fat, and later burns the stored fat for energy, a process which uses less thiamine.  Unfortunately, this leads to fatty weight gain seen in obesity, NAFLD, POTS, and metabolic syndrome.  With a diet high in carbohydrates, but low in Thiamine, High Calorie Malnutrition is the result.  The more carbohydrates you eat, the more Thiamine is needed.   One of the most important concepts to keep in mind about Thiamine is that high doses are required to correct Thiamine deficiency disorders.  The body responds amazingly when high doses of Thiamine are taken.  There are changes seen in high dose Thiamine not seen at lower doses.  The best results are obtained by taking more than 500 mg/day of Thiamine Hydrochloride or Benfotiamine.   I had taken a multivitamin for years, but it wasn't until I started taking high dose Thiamine that improvements were seen.  More than 100 mgs are needed.  I took 300 mg of Benfotiamine with each meal.  Our bodies can absorb about 300 mgs every three hours.   If all the extra energy keeps you awake at bedtime, take the last dose in the early afternoon. Thiamine supplementation should be continued for three months minimum.  Subtle health improvements continue to surface with continued thiamine supplimentation.   Thiamine interacts with all the B vitamins, so taking a B Complex in addition is important.  Thiamine needs magnesium to make enzymes, so take a magnesium supplement as well.  (Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium chelate, or Magnesium Threonate are great.  Avoid magnesium oxide as it pulls water into the intestines, relieving constipation, but is not absorbed well.) Dr. Derrick Lonsdale and Dr. Chandler Marrs on their website hormonesmatter.com have been sharing information about Thiamine for years.     Cheers to you for eating liver!  My favorite food!   Do keep us posted on your progress!  I'm excited to hear about your progress!
    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
    • Scott Adams
      I also had issues with severe neck and shoulder pain for years, so this may be a symptom of celiac disease.  In case you end up screening negative for celiac disease, approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.  
    • Sarah Grace
      Many thanks to everyone for the advice received and especially to Knitty Kitty.  I have ordered a one month supply of Benfotiamine and very much look forward to trying it.  The expression "I felt like I was dying" really resonates with me.  I have other symptoms which I didn't mention, such as vertigo and brain fog which are referenced by knitty kitty in her very detailed post. Clearly, there is other stuff that I should be trying, but I can only cope with one thing at a time at present! I will be back to let you know if the Benfotiamine, which should arrive in the next few days, has had any impact.🙂
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