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Lump In Your Throat Or.........


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GlutenGuy36 Contributor

Does anyone in here with Celiac have a feeling like there is something stuck in their throat? I do it comes and goes though. I have hypothyroidism as well as Celiac and noticed that this started around the same time I was diagnosed.

I had an endoscopy so If I had Barrets disease I am sure the gastro would of told me. It's just really annoying because normally I would never even give swallowing a conscious thought.

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wilem008 Contributor
Does anyone in here with Celiac have a feeling like there is something stuck in their throat? I

I have this....Its hard to explain though. My biggest symptom is nausea but I often feel like there's a lump at the base of my throat - it feels like all my food is sitting in my throat - its uncomfortable but I dont have any trouble swallowing....I think mine is a symptom of reflux.

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GlutenGuy36 Contributor
I have this....Its hard to explain though. My biggest symptom is nausea but I often feel like there's a lump at the base of my throat - it feels like all my food is sitting in my throat - its uncomfortable but I dont have any trouble swallowing....I think mine is a symptom of reflux.

That's the bizarre thing for me is that I don't have acid reflux yet it feels like there is a pill stuck in my throat.

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puggirl Apprentice

Hey. I was just reading your post... and I have what your talking about all the time, What it is.. They are called Tonsil stones, They are bacteria and Mucus build-up in the pockets in the back of your throat, they feel like somethings tickeling your throat and they have a bad taiste, they make me naucious sometimes, they are white and it looks like food back there but its not. I get them all the time, because I have alot of allergies, so Im always sneezing and blowing my nose (basically alot of mucus) and it catches in the tonisil pocket and turns hard. What I do to get rid of them, I have to pick them out with a coffee straw and use something to hold my tongue down, cuz i have a bad gag reflex, you can also use a waterpik (which I want to buy soon and try it) I was told to gargle with Salt water every day to help clean out the pockets and it might also try and loosen it up to come out, Mine rarely ever come out on their own I always have to pick it out and I hate doing it. I have one now and its driving me bonkers.. Does this sound like somehting thats bothering you? I hope I helped! Good luck

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flourgirl Apprentice

I've been complaining about a choking sensation for quite some time. I can't stand to have anything near my throat....even if there is nothing there! I have given up eating a number of foods because they are just too hard to swallow. Pills get stuck. It is often very uncomfortable. I get nowhere with doctors about this. First its....well, it's just because you are so ill. Then it's .....well, it's only because you're so upset about being so ill. Here, take these antidepressants and all of your pain, fatigue and choking will go away. I tried them....tossed them out after 2 months because I just felt "flat". I had even less interest in anything than I did before! Second specialist shrugs it off because she doesn't know. Who do I go to that doesn't think it's all in my head, or thinks I'm making a big deal out of nothing? If anybody has any suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them. Thank you.

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thleensd Enthusiast
Does anyone in here with Celiac have a feeling like there is something stuck in their throat? I do it comes and goes though. I have hypothyroidism as well as Celiac and noticed that this started around the same time I was diagnosed.

I had an endoscopy so If I had Barrets disease I am sure the gastro would of told me. It's just really annoying because normally I would never even give swallowing a conscious thought.

Me me me! This has been one of the most persistent annoyances for me! Before I was diagnosed, I was told this was everything from reflux to stress. And, of course, they wanted to throw drugs at it (prilosec--I know some people can't live without it, but it is NOT a good thing for me). Even had it checked out by the allergist...he said it wasn't related to allergy.

When they did my endoscopy, though, there was no sign of problematic acid.

Some days it's worse than others. For the life of me I can't figure out what is causing this.. Except that when my stomach is completely empty (like first thing in the morning) it's least problematic.

The only thing that seems to make sense is that there is a little sphincter muscle in your throat there to keep things from coming up the wrong way...so...somehow my body thinks that could happen. From what I've read, low stomach acid can cause this as well, because food stays in your stomach longer trying to digest.

I'm considering trying some digestive enzymes, but my system is so messed up, I don't want to make anything worse!!

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Roda Rising Star

Do any of you have any trouble with certain types/consistency of foods? Do you feel like food/liquid is "going down the wrong tube?" Tests can also check for narrowing. Just some information to pass on if anyone is interested:

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You would have to verify the gluten status of the barium sulfate.

Also I have heard if the thyroid gland is enlarged or there are nodules it can cause swallowing difficulties.

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jerseyangel Proficient

There was a discussion on this subject here some time ago--I thought you might find it interesting. :)


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Gemini Experienced
Does anyone in here with Celiac have a feeling like there is something stuck in their throat? I do it comes and goes though. I have hypothyroidism as well as Celiac and noticed that this started around the same time I was diagnosed.

I had an endoscopy so If I had Barrets disease I am sure the gastro would of told me. It's just really annoying because normally I would never even give swallowing a conscious thought.

What you describe is classic for Hashimoto's thyroid disease. I also have Hashi's and I can feel my thyroid gland when I swallow......it's exactly as you describe, a feeling like there is something in your throat. Most everyone with this disease has an enlarged thyroid so I wouldn't worry about it too much. As long as you are getting good medical treatment for your thyroid, it's something you will have to live with. Just cut your food up small so you won't end up choking when you swallow and drink plenty of fluids. I have gotten used to it so never give it a second thought anymore.

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GlutenGuy36 Contributor
I've been complaining about a choking sensation for quite some time. I can't stand to have anything near my throat....even if there is nothing there! I have given up eating a number of foods because they are just too hard to swallow. Pills get stuck. It is often very uncomfortable. I get nowhere with doctors about this. First its....well, it's just because you are so ill. Then it's .....well, it's only because you're so upset about being so ill. Here, take these antidepressants and all of your pain, fatigue and choking will go away. I tried them....tossed them out after 2 months because I just felt "flat". I had even less interest in anything than I did before! Second specialist shrugs it off because she doesn't know. Who do I go to that doesn't think it's all in my head, or thinks I'm making a big deal out of nothing? If anybody has any suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them. Thank you.

I agree with you. Your story sounds like a carbon copy of mine. They want to just give you anxiety pills that is their answer for everything. Thank you for your reply.

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GlutenGuy36 Contributor
Me me me! This has been one of the most persistent annoyances for me! Before I was diagnosed, I was told this was everything from reflux to stress. And, of course, they wanted to throw drugs at it (prilosec--I know some people can't live without it, but it is NOT a good thing for me). Even had it checked out by the allergist...he said it wasn't related to allergy.

When they did my endoscopy, though, there was no sign of problematic acid.

Some days it's worse than others. For the life of me I can't figure out what is causing this.. Except that when my stomach is completely empty (like first thing in the morning) it's least problematic.

The only thing that seems to make sense is that there is a little sphincter muscle in your throat there to keep things from coming up the wrong way...so...somehow my body thinks that could happen. From what I've read, low stomach acid can cause this as well, because food stays in your stomach longer trying to digest.

I'm considering trying some digestive enzymes, but my system is so messed up, I don't want to make anything worse!!

I agree with you thanks for your reply. It is very annoying. It seems worse at night and I have hypothyroidism and I don't know if its from that or the Celiac. Like you, I had an endoscopy and it didn't say anything about acid or anything bad. Just said I had chronic inflammation throughout the digestional tract. No villi attrophy but i think that was wrong.

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quietmorning01 Explorer
Does anyone in here with Celiac have a feeling like there is something stuck in their throat? I do it comes and goes though. I have hypothyroidism as well as Celiac and noticed that this started around the same time I was diagnosed.

I had an endoscopy so If I had Barrets disease I am sure the gastro would of told me. It's just really annoying because normally I would never even give swallowing a conscious thought.

Since you've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you may want to ask your doc about getting a sonogram of your throat to see if you've got nodules in the thyroid. If they are growing inward, they will feel like you've got a lump in your throat. They found two in mine, both stable - not growing - but now that they know they are there, they can keep an eye on them to ensure they don't turn cancerous.

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    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
    • Scott Adams
      I also had issues with severe neck and shoulder pain for years, so this may be a symptom of celiac disease.  In case you end up screening negative for celiac disease, approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.  
    • Sarah Grace
      Many thanks to everyone for the advice received and especially to Knitty Kitty.  I have ordered a one month supply of Benfotiamine and very much look forward to trying it.  The expression "I felt like I was dying" really resonates with me.  I have other symptoms which I didn't mention, such as vertigo and brain fog which are referenced by knitty kitty in her very detailed post. Clearly, there is other stuff that I should be trying, but I can only cope with one thing at a time at present! I will be back to let you know if the Benfotiamine, which should arrive in the next few days, has had any impact.🙂
    • glucel
      OK maybe I will look at future blood test just for historical changes. I am taking b vitamins as I mentioned in my other post to you. Definitely interested in Benfotiaminefor intestinal issues. However I already seem to be feeling some improvement in diverticulosis. Constipation gone but I think that resuming glucosamine may have something to do with that as well as general healing. Beans are antagonizing for me but I eat them anyway every few days in the form of pasta as well as baked beans. gluten-free for 4.5 months so still experimenting. Thanks for the info.
    • glucel
      Thanks @knitty kitty, I read your v b info with much interest for last few months. Here is my weight per event: sept 8, 2022- 181 lbs june 1, 2024 gluten free july 4- 143.5 lbs july31- changed from regular b to methyl folate and b12. oct 8- 150 lbs So weight hopefully coming back albeit very slowly. So probably my villi may be healing and methyl helping although also eating potato chips every few days so that is probably helping too.  Taking 100 mg of b1 along with complex. I took all thiamine maybe 100 or so tablets. Brain fog diminished some and it seems swallowing trouble also diminished. Stopped taking it couple months or so ago and did not notice any reversals. I think I will finally look into bentofothiamine. Also eat 1/2 ounce liver every morning for additional v b support.
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