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Cause For Celebration!

Rebecca's mom

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Rebecca's mom Rookie

Hi all,

I don't usually "start" posts, but I just had to share this with people who would understand. Our youngest daughter was diagnosed 1 year ago with Celiac Disease. Her tTG number was >100, as was her anti-gliadin number. She had Borderline Stage IV damage to her intestines. She had NO symptoms - none. The only reason that her celiac disease was "caught" is that she has the most awesome pediatrician.

You see, Rebecca has Down syndrome. Her pediatrician has a step-daughter who also has Down syndrome, and her mother had recently been diagnosed with celiac disease. After their daughter started to have the same symptoms, they had her tested, and she also had celiac disease. Since her dad wanted to know if he needed to do anything different for a child with DS who has celiac disease, he started researching it, and discovered that people with DS have a 1-in-8 chance of developing celiac disease in their lifetime.

Because this pediatrician has a special place in his heart for kids with Down syndrome, he has about 30-40 kids with DS in his practice. He took it upon himself to screen each of them when they came in for their well-child checkup. That is how we found out that Rebecca has Celiac Disease.

Well, we had another blood test run a couple of weeks ago at Rebecca's latest well-child checkup, and I am thrilled to report that her tTG number has gone down to 6!!!!!!!!!! We thank God each and every day that this wonderful pediatrician literally saved our little girl's life. She is doing so well, and we know that a gluten-free diet has a LOT to do with that.

Anyway, I just wanted to share our happy news with all of you. I appreciate you taking the time to listen -

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jerseyangel Proficient

Oh Teresa, what a great story!! I'm so happy that Rebecca is healing and that her Celiac Disease was caught. What an amazing doctor. :D

Thanks for sharing!

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Rebecca's mom Rookie

Thanks so much! Yes, "Dr. Frank" is a pretty special guy. Thanks to his decision to test his DS patients, not only have we been able to educate a lot of families in our local Down syndrome group, we have been able to "catch" a lot of children who aren't in our doctor's practice who might not have been tested otherwise. We have also had several parents (mostly moms) who have read about the symptoms, gone in for testing, and discovered that THEY have Celiac Disease!

I keep telling everyone who will listen that "A kid with Down syndrome saved my life", because as a direct result of Rebecca's diagnosis, I started on a GFD. I tested negative for celiac disease, but I had a rash that had been hanging on for 3 years - it cleared up almost immediately. It turns out that I had DH all this time - it didn't ever itch, so my dermatologist never thought to test it! I recently found out that I am the parent who passed along the Celiac gene to our daughter.....

In the past year, I have lost almost 40 pounds without even trying. I have been fighting my weight for most of my adult life, and for the first time, I KNOW that I am going to lose most, if not all, of it, and keep it off for good. If it hadn't been for our daughter coming into our lives 8 years ago, none of this would have happened. We have been so incredibly blessed!

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Jestgar Rising Star

What a great story. It feels good to know that there are good things in the world, too. Thank you for sharing that.

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ang1e0251 Contributor

Thank you for sharing your insperational story! My husband works with mentally handicapped some of whom have Down's. Because of my diet he knows exactly what to do for them. It's such good knowledge to have that your child had no symptoms and still was positive for celiac disease. It justifies the testing for family members. I get no response when I tell my family to be tested. Maybe her story will move them.

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RollingAlong Explorer

What a wonderful story. I wonder if each of our doctors knows how many celiacs are in their practices - and statistically, how many they should have.

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happygirl Collaborator

This may be one of my absolute favorite posts that I have ever read on this board. I'm happy you took the time to "start" the thread and share your wonderful story. Your daughter is lucky to have you as her mom.

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Gfresh404 Enthusiast

That's awesome! I love to hear stories about good doctors since you always hear so many stories about how awful doctors are.

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    • cristiana
      @SoBannaz Have you ever been offered any sort of topical treatment for your skin? I occasionally have issues with my skin and during one of the lockdowns in the UK the itching was driving me up the wall - it was in my scalp, on my chest, shoulders, across the stomach.  I was really stressed and worried about it.  At his request, I sent a photo to my GP.  He happens to have a special interest in dermatology, and he came back with the diagnosis that I had eczema.  I was quite skeptical as when I think of eczema, I think of children with it on their elbows, knees and hands.  Also, I never had it as a child. He told me to buy something called Adex Gel which is an emollient cream with an added anti-inflammatory, and also prescribed me Betnovate cream, a steroid cream.  I was to take a bath in the morning, then put on the gel, then 20 minutes the Betnovate cream, thinly.  Then apply the creams again before bed, in the same order.   As I say, I was skeptical, but it was an absolute game changer.   At the time I was eating a lot of almonds and I think that could have been the cause.  At the moment I have it, too, this time it could be because I've been eating a lot of pure oats.  I think I can tolerate a small amount but can't over do it.   Or it could be our new washing powder, and I've been using a lot of hand gel because I've been trying not to give the family COVID - without success, as it happens!  It's hard to tie down the cause sometimes. My gastroenterologist says to me that coeliacs can suffer from itchy skin, not related to dermatitis herpetiformis.   I must be one of them. I am interested to read that you get relief from hot water.  I have to say that I find hot water actually may feel good at the time, but it can dry the skin and make things worse. Cristiana          
    • celiacchild16
      Does anyone know if Cracker Barrel Cheese Cubes are safe for celiac disease? The only allergen listed on the label is milk, but I don't know if they are processed in a facility that contains wheat or not. Thanks!!
    • knitty kitty
      @SoBannaz, You said your skin looks like you've been burned.  Is it just red or do you have plaques and scales?  Blisters?  Does it get worse in the sun?
    • Scott Adams
      If you have DH you will likely also want to avoid iodine, which is common in seafoods and dairy products, as it can exacerbate symptoms in some people. This article may also be helpful as it offers various ways to relieve the itch:  
    • SoBannaz
      I know this super old, but I’ve been having this problem on and off for a few years now but it’s gotten worse. I haven’t eaten gluten in 10 years. I don’t eat dairy, soy, potatoes, rice sesame, or use any kind of spices on my food yet I still get a full body itch. I had allergy testing done all they found were a couple of tree nut allergies nothing else. The doctor pretty much brushed me off and told me everything looks fine. My skin looks like I’ve been burned. I can’t sleep I wake up scratching scratching it’s driving me crazy. Only time it goes away is after a long hot shower. And that’s temporary relief. I’m starting to think I’m coming in contact with something but even with my clothes I use a dye free detergent.  I’m seeing a dermatologist next year so I am really hoping they listen to me and don’t tell me I’m “young” and “healthy” when I’m literally scratching my skin off 
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