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This May Be Minor


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chatycady Explorer

This may seem minor compared to some of problems others are having.

I've been gluten free for over 2 years and on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet last 7 months. Most all my symptoms are gone, but a couple.

1. My fingernails are a MESS. They are splitting, thin and have ridges in them.

2. On occassion my ears ring - mostly very early in the morning

3. Occassionaly cramps in my feet. - painful and annoying.

These are the last symptoms - the other 1,000 are finally gone!

Any ideas what this is all about? Thyroid? Blood sugar?


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Jestgar Rising Star


Are you drinking enough?

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mushroom Proficient
1. My fingernails are a MESS. They are splitting, thin and have ridges in them.

2. On occassion my ears ring - mostly very early in the morning

3. Occassionaly cramps in my feet. - painful and annoying.

Can I relate to that!! I always had the strongest greatest nails in the world. Could open anything with them, use them as a screwdriver, whatever. Now I keep them short because they spit both ways, are so thin, have ridges both ways--A MESS!

Right ear rings almost constantly; didn't start until gluten free.

Cramps in soles of feet (stupid doctor told me this was not possible) and in calves.

Still, it's better than a lot of the other cr*p. :lol:

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RiceGuy Collaborator

Well, the thing which I've heard most often causes nail problems is nutrient deficiencies. B vitamins stand out in my mind, especially B12. Some minerals too, like zinc and magnesium. Here are some links:

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mushroom Proficient
Well, the thing which I've heard most often causes nail problems is nutrient deficiencies. B vitamins stand out in my mind, especially B12. Some minerals too, like zinc and magnesium.

Well, I've sorted the vitamins, especially B12, D, folate--they are all overflowing now :lol: Just bought some Multi-Mins and will work on those next. However, one of my docs says, "Those are psoriasis nails." Working on that, too, with Humira. Maybe I will get my screwdrivers back??

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Kaycee Collaborator

I get the brittle nails too that split and chip.

Also, I have had cramps in the soles of my feet. Especially when stretching them out while sleeping, they would hurt. And cramps in my legs. Must say the cramping has all but gone since being gluten free, but the nails are still a problem.


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Mtndog Collaborator

Thyroid? I know my nails tanked when my thyroid went and came back long and strong once I got on thyroid meds. But if you feel good otherwise- maybe calcium and magnesium. Magnesium helps with muscle cramps.

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caiticakes Newbie

More potassium should help with the foot cramps. I started eating a couple bananas a week and now mine are completely gone.

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chatycady Explorer

Thanks everyone. I went to the Dr. today (endo) and he's testing me for hypoparathyroidism. Not sure what that's about. He's also testing my thyroid. I'm not realy tired, but I do get muscle spasm and lots of cramps in my feet.

He said since I have pernicious anemia and take B-12 shots I shouldn't be low in B-12. I guess I will wait and see. I'm hoping everything is negative and eventually the last symptoms will go away.

I do find when I eat plenty of calcium I have less muscle cramps and spasms.

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Rebecca's mom Rookie
1. My fingernails are a MESS. They are splitting, thin and have ridges in them.

I had the same problem - don't know what might help "internally", but I just went out and bought some really "strong" clear nail polish (Sally Hansen's Triple Strong Advanced Gel Nail Fortifier) and have been using that for the past month or so. It has helped a lot. Just about any nail "strengthener" should work - and I am NOT a nail polish kind of gal - and I suppose acrylic nails would work, too.

Hope you find an answer!

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mushroom Proficient

Acrylic is not the answer for those with split nails, especially if they split from the top, because moisture can get in underneath and cause fungal infection (personal experience). I would rather have the splits.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Chrissyb Enthusiast

My nails don't split or crack but they do grow funny, with dips in them as they grow out or the nail grows flat. I find the very strange, I use to be able to grow my nails and the look pertty but not anymore. :(

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salamander Newbie

My problem is my toe nails. Daft things keep going brittle and falling off! The doctor sent some samples off for testing but they couldn't find any fungal infections.

Another one to add to the 'don't know what's causing it' list!

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  • 2 weeks later...
chatycady Explorer

Well i was "extremely" low on vitamin D!! I've been trying to get more sun and taking D supplements and my nails are getting better. They are still short, but they aren't splitting anymore. Also, since adding the supplement my cramps are much less and not nearly as severe.

Who would have thought vitamin D was the problem! Thanks all for the advice! I'm getting better little by little!

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April in KC Apprentice

I showed my dermatologist my thin, splitting/peeling nails, and she mentioned that Biotin (B7) helps some people, especially if their nails were not always like that (for some it's hereditary). I take a Kirkman multivitamin, but it only provided 15% of the RDA on Biotin. I recently added a 1000 mcg lozenge sublingually. It will take a few months for the new nail growth to reach the tips of my nails, but I'll eventually let you know if it's a success.

I have had thin and splitting nails for most of my life, but they got worse when my Celiac malabsorption really kicked in a couple of years ago.

Last year, I found I was also deficient in vit D, which another poster mentioned. I supplemented for a few months to get back up in an acceptable range. I'm a redhead, but I'm going to try to get more sun exposure this summer, which should help the D out even more.

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    • cristiana
      @SoBannaz Have you ever been offered any sort of topical treatment for your skin? I occasionally have issues with my skin and during one of the lockdowns in the UK the itching was driving me up the wall - it was in my scalp, on my chest, shoulders, across the stomach.  I was really stressed and worried about it.  At his request, I sent a photo to my GP.  He happens to have a special interest in dermatology, and he came back with the diagnosis that I had eczema.  I was quite skeptical as when I think of eczema, I think of children with it on their elbows, knees and hands.  Also, I never had it as a child. He told me to buy something called Adex Gel which is an emollient cream with an added anti-inflammatory, and also prescribed me Betnovate cream, a steroid cream.  I was to take a bath in the morning, then put on the gel, then 20 minutes the Betnovate cream, thinly.  Then apply the creams again before bed, in the same order.   As I say, I was skeptical, but it was an absolute game changer.   At the time I was eating a lot of almonds and I think that could have been the cause.  At the moment I have it, too, this time it could be because I've been eating a lot of pure oats.  I think I can tolerate a small amount but can't over do it.   Or it could be our new washing powder, and I've been using a lot of hand gel because I've been trying not to give the family COVID - without success, as it happens!  It's hard to tie down the cause sometimes. My gastroenterologist says to me that coeliacs can suffer from itchy skin, not related to dermatitis herpetiformis.   I must be one of them. I am interested to read that you get relief from hot water.  I have to say that I find hot water actually may feel good at the time, but it can dry the skin and make things worse. Cristiana          
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      Does anyone know if Cracker Barrel Cheese Cubes are safe for celiac disease? The only allergen listed on the label is milk, but I don't know if they are processed in a facility that contains wheat or not. Thanks!!
    • knitty kitty
      @SoBannaz, You said your skin looks like you've been burned.  Is it just red or do you have plaques and scales?  Blisters?  Does it get worse in the sun?
    • Scott Adams
      If you have DH you will likely also want to avoid iodine, which is common in seafoods and dairy products, as it can exacerbate symptoms in some people. This article may also be helpful as it offers various ways to relieve the itch:  
    • SoBannaz
      I know this super old, but I’ve been having this problem on and off for a few years now but it’s gotten worse. I haven’t eaten gluten in 10 years. I don’t eat dairy, soy, potatoes, rice sesame, or use any kind of spices on my food yet I still get a full body itch. I had allergy testing done all they found were a couple of tree nut allergies nothing else. The doctor pretty much brushed me off and told me everything looks fine. My skin looks like I’ve been burned. I can’t sleep I wake up scratching scratching it’s driving me crazy. Only time it goes away is after a long hot shower. And that’s temporary relief. I’m starting to think I’m coming in contact with something but even with my clothes I use a dye free detergent.  I’m seeing a dermatologist next year so I am really hoping they listen to me and don’t tell me I’m “young” and “healthy” when I’m literally scratching my skin off 
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