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Delicate Subject - Anyone Else?

Rebecca's mom

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Rebecca's mom Rookie

Hi all,

My DH has been gluten-free for a couple of months now (gluten sensitive, not celiac disease), and I am wondering if we are the only people who have made this serendipitous discovery. I'm not sure how to put this, but he's - um - "bigger and better" (lots!) when he's gluten-free.

Believe me, I'm not complaining; it's REALLY great - it's like we're 20-year-olds all over again. If anything, I complain if he eats something that he knows gives him trouble (ahem, the Steak Bowl at Taco Bell - thanks for "nothing".....), because for a couple of days afterward, it's not quite the same!

Goodness, this is so embarassing! I don't usually talk about these kinds of things to strangers, but I don't have many friends who have celiac disease, and even if I did, how would I go about broaching the subject? "Oh, by the way, if you eat Gluten-Free, you might not need Viagra for a VERY long time....."?

Anyway, I've bared my soul, so 'fess up people. Has anyone else had this experience? Does it last (I hope the answer is "Yes"!)? Is this the best thing since sliced bread? (It is for DH and me!)

Lord, I hope my family members don't read this -

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jerseyangel Proficient
Lord, I hope my family members don't read this -

:lol: I think a lot of us have had this same hope after some of the things posted here!

I'm happy that going gluten-free has had such an effect for the two of you :D It never ceases to amaze me all of the systems that gluten can wreck havoc on.

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Rebecca's mom Rookie

I just didn't know if anyone else had experienced this or not - I know we're not imagining things, and the ONLY change that DH has made is to eliminate gluten. I don't think it is a coincidence that we both see a difference (no pun intended....) when he does ingest gluten. Oh, well, I've put the subject out there, so we'll see what folks have to say!

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chasbari Apprentice

I can only agree with you and add...

Viva brussel sprouts.. (You might need to keep him away from them....) if you get my drift.

I, too, hope my family doesn't read this!

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Rebecca's mom Rookie
I can only agree with you and add...

Viva brussel sprouts.. (You might need to keep him away from them....) if you get my drift.

I, too, hope my family doesn't read this!

Thanks for the laugh (and the confirmation)! That's interesting about brussels sprouts - good information to have -

You know, I bet we could get restaurants and food manufacturers to go completely gluten-free in a matter of mere weeks if people (men, especially!) knew that this could be a "benefit" of a gluten-free lifestyle........

Teresa K.

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Tim-n-VA Contributor

My wife said "No". :(

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Ahorsesoul Enthusiast

I thought I read somewhere that they are doing studies about Prostisitis improving on a gluten free diet. Certainly could explain his improvement.

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Rebecca's mom Rookie
I thought I read somewhere that they are doing studies about Prostisitis improving on a gluten free diet. Certainly could explain his improvement.

Well, he wasn't having any "problems" before, we just noticed an "enhancement", if you will. I guess it was just a matter of middle-aged equipment vs. young-adult stuff...... He hadn't gotten to the point that he was going to need to ask for pharmaceutical help yet, either.

If he ever sees this, I am going to be in so much hot water.....

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mimommy Contributor
You know, I bet we could get restaurants and food manufacturers to go completely gluten-free in a matter of mere weeks if people (men, especially!) knew that this could be a "benefit" of a gluten-free lifestyle........

Shhh...you might start a riot at the local health food store.

Just enjoy it, dear. ;)

My wife said "No". :(

Poor guy :(

(rolling on floor laughing) :lol::rolleyes:

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Rebecca's mom Rookie
My wife said "No". :(

Thanks for the laugh - I appreciate it!

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one more mile Contributor

Congratulations you two. I hope you enjoy it!

Being female I have noticed that my drive did increase a bit. So did my Boyfriend. lol

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debmidge Rising Star
Thanks for the laugh (and the confirmation)! That's interesting about brussels sprouts - good information to have -

You know, I bet we could get restaurants and food manufacturers to go completely gluten-free in a matter of mere weeks if people (men, especially!) knew that this could be a "benefit" of a gluten-free lifestyle........

Teresa K.

Just start the rumor and WATCH the food manufacturers respond to this new market

demand of GLUTEN FREE food. Companies which heretofore were unwilling to market

gluten free items would want to be the GIG's best friend if this rumor was out and

believed (and maybe became true).....

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Tim-n-VA Contributor

I made my answer concise for the humor but since we are trying to share info...

My wife said "No" to the question about physiological differenece. She did say that the reduction of mood swings on my part helped with the overall mood/attitude/etc on her part resulting in improvements in that sense.

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ianm Apprentice

I noticed a big improvement once I went gluten free. Stamina and many other improvements were noticed. My girlfriend was very happy. I don't think I can go into details on this forum. :DB)

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Rebecca's mom Rookie
My wife said "No" to the question about physiological differenece. She did say that the reduction of mood swings on my part helped with the overall mood/attitude/etc on her part resulting in improvements in that sense.

Yes, both my husband and I experienced improvements in mood (and desire) as well. And, oh boy, can we each tell if the other one has accidentally gotten "glutened", simply by the surly attitude / behavior.......

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RollingAlong Explorer

yes. :)

DH is also NCGS. We saw further improvement when he gave up casein and still later, soy. I should say that we may have confounded our variables on these last two. There was a 12 week gluten challenge in there and things got really bad for awhile... don't think so though,

I've been looking into this and it has something to do with tryptophan metabolism. Your body needs that for serotonin and that is a big player in mood, libido, and um, performance.

Thanks for breaking the ice on this one. I felt he could not be the only one out there. And I agree, this is one effect of gluten that gets very little publicity but could be a real publicity bonanza! I think it is why the Paleo and Primal type diets are so popular, they get rid of the gluten, but from the other direction, so to speak. I mean, people focus on what they are gaining, not what they are giving up.

Brussel sprouts?? really? can't hurt to try it....

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Rebecca's mom Rookie

Thanks for confirming that for me - I was starting to think that people might think we were perverts or sex addicts or something like that...... It's good to know that other people have had the same experience, but again, how do you tell people about that? It's not as if it would come up in polite conversation, you know?

Maybe some medical professional will "report" on it - there's no money to be made in the Pharmaceutical industry, but boy there would be an explosion in gluten-free products in restaurants and on grocery store shelves once that information was out there! And best of all, there are no pesky side effects, and there isn't a "window" of opportunity -

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    • cristiana
      @SoBannaz Have you ever been offered any sort of topical treatment for your skin? I occasionally have issues with my skin and during one of the lockdowns in the UK the itching was driving me up the wall - it was in my scalp, on my chest, shoulders, across the stomach.  I was really stressed and worried about it.  At his request, I sent a photo to my GP.  He happens to have a special interest in dermatology, and he came back with the diagnosis that I had eczema.  I was quite skeptical as when I think of eczema, I think of children with it on their elbows, knees and hands.  Also, I never had it as a child. He told me to buy something called Adex Gel which is an emollient cream with an added anti-inflammatory, and also prescribed me Betnovate cream, a steroid cream.  I was to take a bath in the morning, then put on the gel, then 20 minutes the Betnovate cream, thinly.  Then apply the creams again before bed, in the same order.   As I say, I was skeptical, but it was an absolute game changer.   At the time I was eating a lot of almonds and I think that could have been the cause.  At the moment I have it, too, this time it could be because I've been eating a lot of pure oats.  I think I can tolerate a small amount but can't over do it.   Or it could be our new washing powder, and I've been using a lot of hand gel because I've been trying not to give the family COVID - without success, as it happens!  It's hard to tie down the cause sometimes. My gastroenterologist says to me that coeliacs can suffer from itchy skin, not related to dermatitis herpetiformis.   I must be one of them. I am interested to read that you get relief from hot water.  I have to say that I find hot water actually may feel good at the time, but it can dry the skin and make things worse. Cristiana          
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      Does anyone know if Cracker Barrel Cheese Cubes are safe for celiac disease? The only allergen listed on the label is milk, but I don't know if they are processed in a facility that contains wheat or not. Thanks!!
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      @SoBannaz, You said your skin looks like you've been burned.  Is it just red or do you have plaques and scales?  Blisters?  Does it get worse in the sun?
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      If you have DH you will likely also want to avoid iodine, which is common in seafoods and dairy products, as it can exacerbate symptoms in some people. This article may also be helpful as it offers various ways to relieve the itch:  
    • SoBannaz
      I know this super old, but I’ve been having this problem on and off for a few years now but it’s gotten worse. I haven’t eaten gluten in 10 years. I don’t eat dairy, soy, potatoes, rice sesame, or use any kind of spices on my food yet I still get a full body itch. I had allergy testing done all they found were a couple of tree nut allergies nothing else. The doctor pretty much brushed me off and told me everything looks fine. My skin looks like I’ve been burned. I can’t sleep I wake up scratching scratching it’s driving me crazy. Only time it goes away is after a long hot shower. And that’s temporary relief. I’m starting to think I’m coming in contact with something but even with my clothes I use a dye free detergent.  I’m seeing a dermatologist next year so I am really hoping they listen to me and don’t tell me I’m “young” and “healthy” when I’m literally scratching my skin off 
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