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Rebecca's mom

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Rebecca's mom Rookie

I didn't know if anyone might know where I can find an answer to my question. Recently, I have had a reaction to a couple of foods which I thought were gluten-free (I read the label and didn't see anything which set off warning bells). When I looked at the labels on these foods, there was an ingredient which I don't recall seeing on any other foods - Natamycin. Upon further investigation, I could find very little information on this product, especially the manner in which it is processed. It is apparently used as a mold inhibitor (I do know that I am allergic to mold........). The company which is listed is in China, so I sent them an e-mail, but I don't know what, if anything, will become of it.

Have you heard anything about this ingredient? I can't say for sure if it is causing a gluten reaction in me, because my "symptoms" aren't those of the typical celiac disease patient - I hardly ever get diarrhea or stomach upset. What I do get is itchy skin, the "fidgets", and bloating/weight gain. I noticed the itchy skin and the bloating over the past few days (I had only eaten one of the foods before yesterday, then ate both - then made the correlation).

One of the sites which I was directed to was Whole Foods Market, and they will not accept any foods in their stores which use natamycin, other than cheese slices (one of the 2 products which gave me problems - not bought at WFM, but at Sam's Club). I am not sure why they have this policy, so I have sent them an e-mail asking about that.

Any help that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated! Obviously, I am not going to be eating either of these items again, but I am wondering if I need to worry about giving foods with this ingredient in it to my other family members with celiac disease / Gluten Sensitivity, or if this is just a coincidental allergic reaction on my part. Thank you so much -

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JNBunnie1 Community Regular

It looks like a mold inhibitor:

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That's somehow grown by bacteria or soemthing? Sounds like it's not a gluten problem, but more likely your personal unpleasant reaction to a chemical. I get a bit of queasy from cheese with this in it if I eat a lot. Definitely not gluten though. I would doublecheck the cheeses you were eating to make sure there's no gluten problems aside from this ingredient though.

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  • 3 months later...
jcbattle1 Newbie
I didn't know if anyone might know where I can find an answer to my question. Recently, I have had a reaction to a couple of foods which I thought were gluten-free (I read the label and didn't see anything which set off warning bells). When I looked at the labels on these foods, there was an ingredient which I don't recall seeing on any other foods - Natamycin. Upon further investigation, I could find very little information on this product, especially the manner in which it is processed. It is apparently used as a mold inhibitor (I do know that I am allergic to mold........). The company which is listed is in China, so I sent them an e-mail, but I don't know what, if anything, will become of it.

Have you heard anything about this ingredient? I can't say for sure if it is causing a gluten reaction in me, because my "symptoms" aren't those of the typical celiac disease patient - I hardly ever get diarrhea or stomach upset. What I do get is itchy skin, the "fidgets", and bloating/weight gain. I noticed the itchy skin and the bloating over the past few days (I had only eaten one of the foods before yesterday, then ate both - then made the correlation).

One of the sites which I was directed to was Whole Foods Market, and they will not accept any foods in their stores which use natamycin, other than cheese slices (one of the 2 products which gave me problems - not bought at WFM, but at Sam's Club). I am not sure why they have this policy, so I have sent them an e-mail asking about that.

Any help that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated! Obviously, I am not going to be eating either of these items again, but I am wondering if I need to worry about giving foods with this ingredient in it to my other family members with celiac disease / Gluten Sensitivity, or if this is just a coincidental allergic reaction on my part. Thank you so much -

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  • 1 month later...
aija Newbie

I would like to reply to your post. I think it is not safe to say that natamycin is gluten free. I have had a reaction to feta cheese treated with natamycin two days in a row now. I did as much research as I could, and although the bacteria itself doesn't contain gluten, it is fermented, and I could not find out what is used to ferment the natamycin. Many aged cheeses use a wheat product in fermentation. One article I did read listed wheat as a possible ingredient in the fermentation process.

I, like you, have various other symptoms when encountering gluten. Just prior to finding out I had celiac, I did have chronic diarrhea and vomiting. Now, however, when I run across a smaller amount of gluten I am prone to the DH rash, extreme irritability, and headaches as well as stomach pain if I get a larger dose. I will not be eating anything containing natamycin in the future.

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  • 2 years later...
johne Newbie

I realize your original post is from quite a while back but I am going to respond anyway. I too have problems eating any cheese that has Natamycin in the ingredients. Usually, you will find this in pre-shredded cheeses, so i typically will just buy block cheeses and shred them myself.

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  • 1 year later...
PatBrown Newbie

Even though these posts are really old, Infound it doing a search for natamycin. i have been gluten free for 11 years and not had problems. lately I have the rash and bowel and stomach symptopms. I really thought my low dose antibiotic might have some gluten in it but I have started reading labels. I eat amslice of this cheese(Sargento)everyday with my eggs. I usually avoid anything from China anyway so ill be skipping the cheese. I might suggest that also anyone reading this email the company and tell them why you wont be buying the product. I think that in numbers this tactic would work.

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    • cristiana
      @SoBannaz Have you ever been offered any sort of topical treatment for your skin? I occasionally have issues with my skin and during one of the lockdowns in the UK the itching was driving me up the wall - it was in my scalp, on my chest, shoulders, across the stomach.  I was really stressed and worried about it.  At his request, I sent a photo to my GP.  He happens to have a special interest in dermatology, and he came back with the diagnosis that I had eczema.  I was quite skeptical as when I think of eczema, I think of children with it on their elbows, knees and hands.  Also, I never had it as a child. He told me to buy something called Adex Gel which is an emollient cream with an added anti-inflammatory, and also prescribed me Betnovate cream, a steroid cream.  I was to take a bath in the morning, then put on the gel, then 20 minutes the Betnovate cream, thinly.  Then apply the creams again before bed, in the same order.   As I say, I was skeptical, but it was an absolute game changer.   At the time I was eating a lot of almonds and I think that could have been the cause.  At the moment I have it, too, this time it could be because I've been eating a lot of pure oats.  I think I can tolerate a small amount but can't over do it.   Or it could be our new washing powder, and I've been using a lot of hand gel because I've been trying not to give the family COVID - without success, as it happens!  It's hard to tie down the cause sometimes. My gastroenterologist says to me that coeliacs can suffer from itchy skin, not related to dermatitis herpetiformis.   I must be one of them. I am interested to read that you get relief from hot water.  I have to say that I find hot water actually may feel good at the time, but it can dry the skin and make things worse. Cristiana          
    • celiacchild16
      Does anyone know if Cracker Barrel Cheese Cubes are safe for celiac disease? The only allergen listed on the label is milk, but I don't know if they are processed in a facility that contains wheat or not. Thanks!!
    • knitty kitty
      @SoBannaz, You said your skin looks like you've been burned.  Is it just red or do you have plaques and scales?  Blisters?  Does it get worse in the sun?
    • Scott Adams
      If you have DH you will likely also want to avoid iodine, which is common in seafoods and dairy products, as it can exacerbate symptoms in some people. This article may also be helpful as it offers various ways to relieve the itch:  
    • SoBannaz
      I know this super old, but I’ve been having this problem on and off for a few years now but it’s gotten worse. I haven’t eaten gluten in 10 years. I don’t eat dairy, soy, potatoes, rice sesame, or use any kind of spices on my food yet I still get a full body itch. I had allergy testing done all they found were a couple of tree nut allergies nothing else. The doctor pretty much brushed me off and told me everything looks fine. My skin looks like I’ve been burned. I can’t sleep I wake up scratching scratching it’s driving me crazy. Only time it goes away is after a long hot shower. And that’s temporary relief. I’m starting to think I’m coming in contact with something but even with my clothes I use a dye free detergent.  I’m seeing a dermatologist next year so I am really hoping they listen to me and don’t tell me I’m “young” and “healthy” when I’m literally scratching my skin off 
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