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Down To Just Meat, Fruit And Veggies


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angieInCA Apprentice

I just have to whine for a bit so please bear with me. On top of having celiac disease I also have a problem with reactive hypoglycemia.

2 weeks ago I saw my Nutritionist and G.I. to discuss some on going sensitivities I have been having. I have figured out that I can't handle Soy or Corn and I'm already off dairy and now I'm suspecting rice. So it was decided that along with the soy, corn and dairy I should remove all grains, any processed sugar (honey is allowed) and peas from my diet.. Basically to remove all processed foods except for peanutbutter (thankfully I didn't have to give up my peanutbutter) Thank God I love veggies and fruit and I know how to cook.

The new Diet really isn't the problem, up untill Monday I had been doing really well and wasn't craving a thing. Tuesday I got glutened accidently by some stray crumbs where someone in my house used my peanutbutter and when I had my daily apple and peanutbutter I didn't notice the crumbs untill too late. <_<

Ever since I have been on the worst rollercoaster of agony and cravings. All of my muscles are cramping up (my arms hurt so bad I can barely lift them), I have had a non-stop migraine, brain fog, and the big D. On top of that I am having massive cravings for all the forbidden foods. It's driving me crazy. I could kill for a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and I HATE McDonalds! On the way home from the store today (had to get a fresh jar of peanutbutter) I had to force myself not to stop at the local donut shop for one or half a dozen of their fabulous Bavarian cream filled chocolate dipped donuts. I have never been a person focused on food but now that I have to think about it every day all day long, because I feel like I have to constantly be thinking about what my next meal will be and monitoting my blood sugar so it's not too low, I now feel like all I do is think about food. I'm becoming so sick and tired of eggs and chicken and tuna. Up until now I've been really positive and have not thought about what food I can't have.

Please excuse the rant. :unsure: I know there are others dealing with much bigger issues than this but today has been a tough day <_<

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MNBeth Explorer

Hi Angie,

I'm so sorry to hear about the awful week you're having. It does get hard to take, doesn't it?

After totally crashing after Easter, I've been digging around for more answers, and suspect that reactive hypoglycemia is something I'm also dealing with. It's maddening how little consensus of opinion there is about how to manage it!

After reading "Hypoglycemia: The Classic Healthcare Handbook" by Saunders & Ross, I'm off all sugar (inc. honey), refined carbohydrates, dried fruits and even root vegetables and the sweeter fruits. I'm still eating grains, but only whole, and in small quantities. I don't know what to think about legumes - opinions are totally polar on those.

I haven't been glutened lately, but it's that time of month for me, so I'm craving carbs and sugar like crazy. And creamy - anything creamy - but I'm having trouble with dairy, too. What I wouldn't give for a bowl of cereal! Sometimes it's just hard to feel satisfied on meat and veggies and a little fruit.

Since going off all that, I've been extremely weak and tired. This is what the authors predicted, but it stinks just the same. Folding the laundry feels like a workout. It's so frustrating that when we feel the worst, we need, where food is concerned, to do the most for ourselves - no prepared foods, no "out" food...

Whine, whine! Sorry; this is YOUR whine! Mainly just wanted to say that I feel your pain. Hang in there!

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angieInCA Apprentice
And creamy - anything creamy - but I'm having trouble with dairy, too. What I wouldn't give for a bowl of cereal! Sometimes it's just hard to feel satisfied on meat and veggies and a little fruit.

I dreamed about a bowl of frosted shredded wheat last night :rolleyes:

Thanks for understanding and feeling my Whine ;)

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sickchick Community Regular

Hiya Sweetie!

I am so sorry about your cross contamination...

I didn't know anyone else who loves apples & peanut butter like I do :):):)

I just found out last week I am rice intolerant

So far, I can tolerate corn...

good luck & be well B)


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Lisa16 Collaborator

Angie, I am in pretty much the same boat you are. Here are a few things that help me.

Can you have almond milk? If so, that might satisfy some of the creamy cravings.

Nuts have saved me-- I love the flavored almonds and cashews. That also helps and they seem to be very important. You can make cashew butter or even try some sunbutter (made from sunflower seeds-- it is surprisingly good.)

Also, take an avocado and mix it with a little honey-- kind of puree it together. I know it sounds gross, but it tastes very much like ice cream in a weird way. You might have to close your eyes. Lots of cultures eat avocados sweet.

Also, if you take a tomatoes a blend it with a bit of green onion and add olive oil and a smootch of apple cider vinegar, you great a great dressng for avocado chunks.

Fresh squeezed orange juice is great too-- it satisfies the sweet cravings.

Dark chocolate does not have to have milk in it-- that might be something to hunt down too.

Also, I bought this cool machine from cuisinart that has a slicer in a spinning drum. You put a potato in there (or a sweet potato-- these are great!) and you have istant potato chips that you can fry in oil. I put some paprika on mine for a little spiciness.

These things make me feel less deprived. And if you can get the soy back, you have even more stuff you can play with.

Hang n there!

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Lisa16 Collaborator

Oh! I forgot coconut milk/cream. You can sweeten that with honey and eat it with fruit. Sprnikle some nuts of there or a nice mint leaf.

You can also make a kind of ice milk out of it. Make mix in some fresh orange juice and freeze.

Then there are sorbets. If you boil a little water and honey and add fruit juices (or mint or basil or whatever floats your boat) you can freeze this for an easy sorbet. You wiull have to stir it at some point to keep it from forming crystals.

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mattathayde Apprentice

i feel you on the cravings, and they seem to get worse the worse i feel. maybe you could find a place to get a burger at (sans bun) that fits your dietary requirements. i have 5 guys here and they are very good about being attentive to gluten issues so i go there when i want to be lazy and have something tasty

try to find something to keep your mouth busy, sun flower seeds, gum that meets your requirements, a candy that meets your requirements (if possible). just find something to do and that should help some, i know when i am sitting around at home i get bored and want to eat, or just do something with my mouth (i eat a lot of sun flower seeds, picked it up from my dad)

hope you get it all figured out


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    • knitty kitty
      Hello, @glucel, I lost sixty pounds in six weeks.  It was shocking.  Fat loss as well as muscle wasting.   Thiamine is needed to turn carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy.  With insufficient Thiamine, the body uses a shortcut to save thiamine.  The body stores carbohydrates as fat, and later burns the stored fat for energy, a process which uses less thiamine.  Unfortunately, this leads to fatty weight gain seen in obesity, NAFLD, POTS, and metabolic syndrome.  With a diet high in carbohydrates, but low in Thiamine, High Calorie Malnutrition is the result.  The more carbohydrates you eat, the more Thiamine is needed.   One of the most important concepts to keep in mind about Thiamine is that high doses are required to correct Thiamine deficiency disorders.  The body responds amazingly when high doses of Thiamine are taken.  There are changes seen in high dose Thiamine not seen at lower doses.  The best results are obtained by taking more than 500 mg/day of Thiamine Hydrochloride or Benfotiamine.   I had taken a multivitamin for years, but it wasn't until I started taking high dose Thiamine that improvements were seen.  More than 100 mgs are needed.  I took 300 mg of Benfotiamine with each meal.  Our bodies can absorb about 300 mgs every three hours.   If all the extra energy keeps you awake at bedtime, take the last dose in the early afternoon. Thiamine supplementation should be continued for three months minimum.  Subtle health improvements continue to surface with continued thiamine supplimentation.   Thiamine interacts with all the B vitamins, so taking a B Complex in addition is important.  Thiamine needs magnesium to make enzymes, so take a magnesium supplement as well.  (Magnesium Glycinate or Magnesium chelate, or Magnesium Threonate are great.  Avoid magnesium oxide as it pulls water into the intestines, relieving constipation, but is not absorbed well.) Dr. Derrick Lonsdale and Dr. Chandler Marrs on their website hormonesmatter.com have been sharing information about Thiamine for years.     Cheers to you for eating liver!  My favorite food!   Do keep us posted on your progress!  I'm excited to hear about your progress!
    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
    • Scott Adams
      I also had issues with severe neck and shoulder pain for years, so this may be a symptom of celiac disease.  In case you end up screening negative for celiac disease, approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.  
    • Sarah Grace
      Many thanks to everyone for the advice received and especially to Knitty Kitty.  I have ordered a one month supply of Benfotiamine and very much look forward to trying it.  The expression "I felt like I was dying" really resonates with me.  I have other symptoms which I didn't mention, such as vertigo and brain fog which are referenced by knitty kitty in her very detailed post. Clearly, there is other stuff that I should be trying, but I can only cope with one thing at a time at present! I will be back to let you know if the Benfotiamine, which should arrive in the next few days, has had any impact.🙂
    • glucel
      OK maybe I will look at future blood test just for historical changes. I am taking b vitamins as I mentioned in my other post to you. Definitely interested in Benfotiaminefor intestinal issues. However I already seem to be feeling some improvement in diverticulosis. Constipation gone but I think that resuming glucosamine may have something to do with that as well as general healing. Beans are antagonizing for me but I eat them anyway every few days in the form of pasta as well as baked beans. gluten-free for 4.5 months so still experimenting. Thanks for the info.
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