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Are There Any Name Brand Frostings That Are gluten-free


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SGWhiskers Collaborator

The title says it all. Are there any name brand frostings that are gluten-free? I need one this Saturday and can't wait for the Betty Crocker gluten-free line to appear on store shelves.

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Lisa Mentor

I buy Pillsbury Milk Chocolate, but I read the label every time I buy it.

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hannahp57 Contributor

I buy pillsbury too. of course check the label! haha but they are very good about labeling and i have never reacted to it ( and i do put away my fair share of frosting when i am decorating a cake :) )

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BRS-07 Rookie

Duncan Heinz (sp?) frosting is all gluten free except for one kind and I believe it's a coconut type one. Their white regular frosting is amazing.

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SGWhiskers Collaborator

This forum is a lifesaver. Figuratively and literally. Thank you friends.

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Lisa Mentor

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This is helpful, but always check the dates to make sure that the information is current. Learning to read labels is always the key and purchasing from companies who will clearly list all forms of gluten, such as these:

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Takala Enthusiast

This is driving me crazy reading all these requests on store bought junk

Frosting, homemade, gluten free:

1 Stick of butter, or equivalent amount of butter like shortening item(even coconut oil works, but use less)

1 box of powdered confectioner's sugar (regular sugar can be powdered in a blender if cornstarch is a problem)

pinch of salt

1 teaspoon of vanilla

liquid to make frosting consistency, a few teaspoons, such as milk or water

cocoa powder if making it chocolate

Cream butter and powdered sugar, salt together (maybe cocoa), until the fat is well distributed into the sugar, then add the vanilla and the rest of the liquid in small amounts and stir and mix until it takes on a frosting texture.

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Juliet Newbie

I believe almost all Betty Crocker frostings are gluten free. Starting in June this year, they'll be clearly labeled as such, too. In fact, it's in June that they're gluten free mixes for brownies, chocolate & vanilla cake, and chocolate chip cookies will be available in regular stores like Target, Wal-mart, and regular grocery stores, too.

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SGWhiskers Collaborator

Thanks Takala,

I'm all for making frosting myself, but if I'm trying to pass off a gluten free cake to my extended family, I better stick with a frosting they think they want. If I can get the cake to pass the test this time, I'll sneak in homemade frosting next time.

Your recipe is right up my ally. Simple and loaded with the good stuff.

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    • trents
      Have you tried a diet with a lower carb, higher fat content, something similar to the Keto diet? Are you familiar with the ketogenic diet? Fat satisfies and so curbs hunger and levels out blood sugar.
    • Sarah Grace
      I've was diagnosed celiac over 10 years ago when in mid 50s.  For a long time I have been getting headaches at night and in the morning and I suffer a lot of insomnia.  The headaches can be very severe and sometimes develop into a full migraine but other times they wear off within an hour of getting up and eating breakfast.  I have self diagnosed this a hypoglycaemia.  The medical profession in UK, where I live, does not seem to know anything of this and simply tests me for diabetes, which I do not have.  I know this condition is diet related and caused by carbohydrates, I avoid eating in the evenings.  Whatever I do, this condition seems to be getting worse and is very difficult to control.  Any advice would be much appreciated.
    • trents
      But that's the point Scott is trying to make. It is up to you. You do not have to go forward with another biopsy simply because your doctor wants you to. They work for you, not the other way around.
    • Jammer
      Hi Kate,   I am unsure if this is helpful or not. I have Webber calcium citrate everyday. I also react to less than 20 ppm of gluten. I have not reacted to Webber ever. (Fingers crossed it stays that way). Also, I get my blood tested every 6 months to ensure I have zero gluten exposure. It consistently comes back negative(0) to gluten.  A few years ago, my stomach would feel nauseous after taking Ca+  but thankfully that doesn’t happen anymore. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.    all the best,    J 
    • J1707
      Honestly that's a good question, but I would like an official answer since I'm not a professional and my doctor's in my opinion no offense to them I'd say gone about it in a unprofessional way unless other's have been told to go gluten free, get a biopsy, just to go back gluten due to a possible false reading and then gotta go back for another biopsy But if it really was up to me per say then I'd definitely stay gluten free like this diet change has really helped me a lot in a lot of ways, not just for health reasons, but discipline toward not indulging to much on things i used too, not to mention being more aware of what I'm intaking by reading labels more and calling the manufacturers to find more answers if needed.
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