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How Does Celiac Cause Migrains?


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Lisa16 Collaborator

Just out of curiosity, does anybody know what the mechanism is that causes migrains from gluten?

Is it a vitamin deficiency? Or is it a nerve thing? Or maybe something else?

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psawyer Proficient

I don't know the specific reasons, but migraines are reported as a symptom of celiac disease. Prior to my diagnosis, I had severe migraines from time to time. After being on the gluten-free diet for some time, I realized that I had not had a migraine in over a year. I know I didn't directly answer your question, but this might be of some help.

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FMcGee Explorer

I'm going to ask my doctor about this and report back, but my understanding is that gluten acts as a neurotoxin, which is why some people have seizures if they're undiagnosed. I'll check it out, though.

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Lisa16 Collaborator

Thanks Psawyer-- you always do your very best to be helpful and answer the question. I used to get them frequently-- so bad I was on my knees and rocking. I was missing work because of them and they were getting worse and worse.

Now they are gone. But I recently got glutened and I got the beginning s of one again and I started to wonder what causes it. If it is a vitamin deficiency, maybe one could just take a pill.

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Lisa16 Collaborator

Thank you FMcGee!

I will be very curious to find out when your doctor says :)

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tarnalberry Community Regular

The cause of migraines, period, isn't entirely understood. Current thinking is that some trigger causes a change in various levels of chemicals in the brain, the brain responds with inflammation, the inflammation causes the blood vessels to dilate, which presses on nerves and causes horrid, horrid pain. (My bad migraines require me to be stone still, or the nausea is overwhelming.)

There are a couple of ways a gluten intolerance could affect that. Perhaps when either the fragments of gliadin, or products of the autoimmune reaction in the intestines which escape a leaky gut, manage to cross the blood-brain barrier and affect chemical release/take-up. Perhaps the intestinal damage signals for an inflammatory response in the body, and the whole body kicks in, including the brain. Perhaps there is some other mechanism of blood vessel dilation that occurs for some people.

No one knows for sure, though.

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Seamuskitty Rookie

I am so new to this, forgive me. Migraines are a symptom of Celiac too?

I have had them forever. And yes I haven't had one since I started eating gluten-free.

I am interested in how Celiac causes migraines but I am thrilled to know that the diet will keep them from coming back! :D

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TotalKnowledge Apprentice

It could have to do with Histamine levels. Several of the problems associated with Celiac's disease are also associated with either low or high histamine levels in the blood.

I haven't been gluten free for all that long, but I have not had a headache since I started, nor joint pain...

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FMcGee Explorer

I'm guessing going gluten-free isn't going to stop my migraines. It's been six weeks and I still get them sometimes. Sigh. I'm happy for all of you, though!

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tarnalberry Community Regular
I'm guessing going gluten-free isn't going to stop my migraines. It's been six weeks and I still get them sometimes. Sigh. I'm happy for all of you, though!

The worst of my migraines came on long after I went gluten free (and dairy free, and I don't eat a whole lot of soy or corn). They got worse when I moved to Washington, and I think they are at least somewhat triggered by weather changes. (Recent study has backed up the "related to the weather" theory.) I had to go on daily preventatives (Topamax, for me), and OMG! I am so glad I did. The frequency of the migraines went from 1-3 migraines a week, each lasting 2-3 days (yeah, do the math, it sucked), to maybe once a month, on a bad month. The severity of them also went from something around an 8 or 9 to a 4 or 5. (As in, going from "Don't talk becauseit hurts to much. breathing... breathing isn't very pleasant either, pain wise." to "Gah, my head hurts. I don't want to drive, but I can. Where are my sunglasses so I don't squint all the way to closed eyes?")

I'm coming off of it at the moment, and so far, it's not been too bad. But I also have to regularly see my chiropractor, as at least some of the migraine trigger is chronic neck tension from a forward head position, which puts a lot of stress on the muscles and joints in the cervical spine, which can inturn promote inflammation.

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

B12 deficiency (which is common with malabsorption problems) can cause all kinds of neuro problems, including headaches, hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, brain fog, etc.

Meniere's Disease (which is not really a disease but a collection of those symptoms) is sometimes referred to as an aural migraine (migraine of the ear).

You might look into a sublingual B12 supplement, which is absorbed under the tongue rather than through the damaged intestines, and see if that helps your migraines.

If not, there are some supplements out there that may help. My neurologist recommends Petadolex, riboflavin, and coEnzyme Q10. Reducing chemicals, additives, and sodium are also likely to help.

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Seamuskitty Rookie
B12 deficiency (which is common with malabsorption problems) can cause all kinds of neuro problems, including headaches, hearing loss, tinnitus, dizziness, brain fog, etc.

Meniere's Disease (which is not really a disease but a collection of those symptoms) is sometimes referred to as an aural migraine (migraine of the ear).

You might look into a sublingual B12 supplement, which is absorbed under the tongue rather than through the damaged intestines, and see if that helps your migraines.

If not, there are some supplements out there that may help. My neurologist recommends Petadolex, riboflavin, and coEnzyme Q10. Reducing chemicals, additives, and sodium are also likely to help.

Thanks for that info Fiddle-Faddle. I have Meniere's Disease too. Your list of symptoms for B12 deficiency is a partial list of MY symptoms! I also have the typical digestive issues related to celiac, depression and anxiety.

No one has ever been able to tell me why I have these problems. I have truely doubted my sanity and my ability to survive the rest of my life this way.

This is such a revelation after not knowing why I felt so bad for so long. Now its a combination of relief that I know what is going on and dismay that it took so long to figure it out....

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Fiddle-Faddle Community Regular

If you have Meniere's Disease, there are some VERY interesting discussions on some of those forums.

In particular, there are two unrelated ideas for alternative treatments that seem to be helping a lot of people. One involves chiropractic neck adjustments. I showed the thread to my chiropractor, and he already knew all about it--I had just never complained about the symptoms to him before. And the neck adjustments WERE helpful.

Only problem is, there are unfortunately lots of chiropractic quacks out there, and I don't know how to narrow down the search for a good one. I just happened to luck into this one--my doctor recommended him after I had an accident, broke my tailbone, and knocked two discs out of place.

The other treatment was developed by a high school biology teacher. (Google "John of Ohio regimen") It involves some very interesting and compelling studies linking herpes viruses (simplex and zoster) with Meniere's symptoms. He recommends a regimen of supplements that happen to be gluten-free, with no side effects. Lysine is one--it inactivates the herpes virus. Vinpocetine is another--it's supposed to help with circulation and permeability to the blood vessels to the brain (and ear). And citrus bioflavonoid is the third main component.

I had a terrible couple of months earlier this year, but with the help of this regimen, the chiropractor, and B12 (methylcobalamin sublinguals), I am doing much better.

The herpes connection seems valid. Interestingly, my first Meniere's attack was within days of my husband coming down with shingles (herpes zoster--the chicken pox virus), and my second was within days of his having a post-shingles neuralgia attack (by the same virus).

Personally, I think Meniere's is even worse than celiac, so I'm very grateful to have found something that's more promising than what the ENT offered me (a cortisone shot to the ear, with a statistical chance of remission equal to that of a placebo).

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Lisa16 Collaborator
It could have to do with Histamine levels. Several of the problems associated with Celiac's disease are also associated with either low or high histamine levels in the blood.

I haven't been gluten free for all that long, but I have not had a headache since I started, nor joint pain...

TK-- I find it interesting that you mention this because the ONLY thing that would help me was taking a couple of benadryl. I used to think it was because it made me sleep. but maybe histamines are involved somehow. Huh.

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Lisa16 Collaborator
The worst of my migraines came on long after I went gluten free (and dairy free, and I don't eat a whole lot of soy or corn). They got worse when I moved to Washington, and I think they are at least somewhat triggered by weather changes. (Recent study has backed up the "related to the weather" theory.) I had to go on daily preventatives (Topamax, for me), and OMG! I am so glad I did. The frequency of the migraines went from 1-3 migraines a week, each lasting 2-3 days (yeah, do the math, it sucked), to maybe once a month, on a bad month. The severity of them also went from something around an 8 or 9 to a 4 or 5. (As in, going from "Don't talk becauseit hurts to much. breathing... breathing isn't very pleasant either, pain wise." to "Gah, my head hurts. I don't want to drive, but I can. Where are my sunglasses so I don't squint all the way to closed eyes?")

I'm coming off of it at the moment, and so far, it's not been too bad. But I also have to regularly see my chiropractor, as at least some of the migraine trigger is chronic neck tension from a forward head position, which puts a lot of stress on the muscles and joints in the cervical spine, which can inturn promote inflammation.

Wow-- mine were sometimes in conjunction with a drop in pressure before a storm or hormones. Sadly, I could not do the Topamax because of other allergies. This is so interesting. But since going gluten-free, these too are gone. Perhaps there are multiple factors going on with these?

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FMcGee Explorer
The worst of my migraines came on long after I went gluten free (and dairy free, and I don't eat a whole lot of soy or corn). They got worse when I moved to Washington, and I think they are at least somewhat triggered by weather changes. (Recent study has backed up the "related to the weather" theory.) I had to go on daily preventatives (Topamax, for me), and OMG! I am so glad I did. The frequency of the migraines went from 1-3 migraines a week, each lasting 2-3 days (yeah, do the math, it sucked), to maybe once a month, on a bad month. The severity of them also went from something around an 8 or 9 to a 4 or 5. (As in, going from "Don't talk becauseit hurts to much. breathing... breathing isn't very pleasant either, pain wise." to "Gah, my head hurts. I don't want to drive, but I can. Where are my sunglasses so I don't squint all the way to closed eyes?")

I'm coming off of it at the moment, and so far, it's not been too bad. But I also have to regularly see my chiropractor, as at least some of the migraine trigger is chronic neck tension from a forward head position, which puts a lot of stress on the muscles and joints in the cervical spine, which can inturn promote inflammation.

I'm glad you're feeling better! I was on Topamax for about a year, and then I started having really horrible side effects from it and had to go off. Also, the doctor never told me it cancels out birth control. Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened, as it were, but I was very annoyed at not having been told. I have to go to the chiropractor for exactly the same reason as you, and I think that's helping. I try to be conscientious about my posture, which might not fix the headaches, but can't hurt!

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ang1e0251 Contributor
I'm guessing going gluten-free isn't going to stop my migraines. It's been six weeks and I still get them sometimes. Sigh. I'm happy for all of you, though!

My daughter and a few others I know have had great relief with a natural product called Migrelief. You can order it online or we just call WalMart pharmacy to order it. They get in in within 24 hours. It contains magnesium, riboflavin and feverfew. It has proved very effective for the persons that I know.

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FMcGee Explorer
My daughter and a few others I know have had great relief with a natural product called Migrelief. You can order it online or we just call WalMart pharmacy to order it. They get in in within 24 hours. It contains magnesium, riboflavin and feverfew. It has proved very effective for the persons that I know.

Thanks for the advice! I'll give it a try. I've been meaning to go by Wal-Mart to see if they have the new Betty Crocker goodies, anyway!

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    • Scott Adams
      SIBO is a common secondary issue in people with untreated celiac disease. Articles in this category cover this: https://www.celiac.com/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-amp-related-diseases-and-disorders/bacterial-overgrowth-and-celiac-disease/
    • Scott Adams
      Many people with celiac disease, especially those who are in the 0-2 year range of their recovery, have additional food intolerance issues which could be temporary. To figure this out you may need to keep a food diary and do an elimination diet over a few months. Some common food intolerance issues are dairy/casein, eggs, corn, oats, and soy. The good news is that after your gut heals (for most people who are 100% gluten-free this will take several months to two years) you may be able to slowly add some these items back into your diet after the damaged villi heal, although some people may need to permanently eliminate certain foods. The two main ones to eliminate would be dairy/casein and oats.  
    • Hopeful1950
      I am considering using the Metabolic Meals delivery service. They claim to be 100% gluten free. Has anybody used this service? If so, have you had any reactions? Is the food worth the price? Thanks, any input is appreciated
    • Wheatwacked
      If you are looking for a good diet to follow to start your real recovery Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, 6 Week Plan is a good choice. Dr. Fuhrman’s 6-Week Nutritarian Diet Quick Start Dr Fuhrman is a Cardiologist who began the Nutritarian diet.  Helped me immensely with understanding nutrition.  Adapt it to GFD. If you can find them Drs Fuhrman, Amen, Davis and Hyman all had recurring annual specials on South Florida Public Service TV.
    • MaximilianKohler
      First of all, you should read this information about SIBO:  https://humanmicrobiome.info/sibo/ It's a very questionable diagnosis that leads many people to harm themselves with misguided treatments. Regarding celiac, I think it's very likely that FMT can treat it. Have a look through the related research: https://humanmicrobiome.info/intro/#celiac. You will see that multiple studies have shown that "gluten intolerance" is actually intolerance to various other "prebiotic" substances. FMT should be able to restore the microbes required to properly digest/process those prebiotic substances. The main issue I've come across is that stool donors who are good enough to treat or cure any condition are extremely rare. FYI, there is no such thing as "resetting your microbiome". Antibiotics are often the suggestion for this, but they do permanent damage that FMT may not even be able to reverse. FMT is still in the research phase, so I'd be very weary of any doctor claiming to specialize in FMT. Most of the clinical trials are using low-quality donors and getting poor results because of that.   The gut microbiome plays a major role in regulating the immune system: https://humanmicrobiome.info/immune-system/ Furthermore, the gut microbiome also regulates intestinal permeability. And in many cases, it's a permeable gut barrier that allows various particles and microbes to enter the bloodstream, which then triggers an immune reaction.
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