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Understanding Lab Test Values


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GlutenGuy36 Contributor

Hi I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease on July 14th 2008. I never really understood my lab values so maybe some of you out there that understand it better than me can help me out here. My Celiac Disease Panel with Reflex to Titer, Immunoglobulin A, Serum was 577 mg/dl. I know this is high because it is marked as such with the reference range being 68-378.

The one I don't understand is the Tissue Transglutaminase Ab,IgA which was <20. I don't see a reference range for this one just the number value. So if someone knows about this please send me a reply. I appreciate it.

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oceangirl Collaborator


I'm not gifted at this so hopefully others will post, but in the ranges given for my anti-tissue transglutiminase test, 19 and under was in the normal range, 20 and over would be in a the positive range.


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GlutenGuy36 Contributor

I'm not gifted at this so hopefully others will post, but in the ranges given for my anti-tissue transglutiminase test, 19 and under was in the normal range, 20 and over would be in a the positive range.


Ok, I wasn't quite sure what that <20 meant. Thanks for the help.

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happygirl Collaborator

Did you have a positive biopsy?

According to what you posted, you were negative on the tTG IgA test, and you had an elevated total IgA count (which is not a Celiac test, but part of the panel to differentiate if you have an IgA deficiency). Was there other bloodwork run?

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GlutenGuy36 Contributor
Did you have a positive biopsy?

According to what you posted, you were negative on the tTG IgA test, and you had an elevated total IgA count (which is not a Celiac test, but part of the panel to differentiate if you have an IgA deficiency). Was there other bloodwork run?

No, my bi-opsies were inconclusive. I don't know how other than your small intestine is 25 ft long and maybe the areas he took them from were fine. I was having horrible abdominal pains.

It says right on my lab sheet: presence of IgA antibodies against human tTG suggests the possibility of certain gluten sensitive enteropathies such as Celiac Disease and dermetitis herpetiformis.

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happygirl Collaborator

Do you have your pathology report from your biopsy?

It may be helpful to find out the reference range from your lab for the tTG.

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GlutenGuy36 Contributor
Do you have your pathology report from your biopsy?

It may be helpful to find out the reference range from your lab for the tTG.

Yes, I will find it and post it on here later. I have to dig through some files.

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GlutenGuy36 Contributor
Do you have your pathology report from your biopsy?

It may be helpful to find out the reference range from your lab for the tTG.

Ok I found my pathology report. They did five bi-opsies. They were of: 1. Termial Ileum (small bowel mucosal with mild specific colonic inflammation), 2. Right Colon ( Colonic mucosa with lymphoid aggregate and mild nonspecific inflammation), 3. Transverse Colon (Colonic mucosa with lymphoid aggregate and mild non specific inflammation), 4. Left Colon ( Colonic mucosa with mild nonspecific inflammation), 5. Rectum ( Colonic mucosa with lymphoid aggregate and mild non specific chronic inflammation.

I also had a Duodenum Giemsa stain which was negative for organisms but the biopsy showed mild nonspecific chronic inflammation. Stomach Biopsy showed mild chronic inflammation, and Giemsa stain was negative for helicobacter organisms.

This is all that is on the two sheets that I have. I don't see a reference range on these to sheets. The other one that I first commented on had a reference IgA range of 68-378 and my value was 577.

It says this: Presence of IgA antibodies against human tTG suggests the possibility of gluten sensitive enteropathies such as celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.

Ok now I see here that my Tissue Transglutaminase ab, IgA is 2 units < 20.

Thanks for your help happy girl. I am just wondering why I still don't feel well after a year gluten free.

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    • knitty kitty
      Hello, @Neat1, Yes, neck and shoulder pain can be symptoms of Gerd, which is fairly common in Celiac Disease. Ask for a DNA test, too.  Celiac Disease is genetic.  If you've got celiac disease genes, further testing is warranted.  Some people have Celiac genes, but don't have active Celiac Disease.  If you've got symptoms, your genes are probably activated.   Diabetes, anemia and Thiamine deficiency can cause false negatives on antibody tests.  Some people with Celiac Disease are seronegative.   Thiamine deficiency can cause constipation and gastrointestinal symptoms.  Magnesium supplementation can help with that, too.  Nutritional deficiencies like these are common in untreated Celiac Disease. Keep us posted on your progress!
    • knitty kitty
      Not really.  Blood tests for vitamin deficiencies are not accurate.  You can have "normal" blood levels and have vitamin deficiency symptoms before blood levels change.  The brain sends messages to the body to release into the bloodstream any extra vitamins stored within cells of tissues and organs so that important organs like the brain and heart can keep getting a supply.  Even what you've eaten in the previous twenty-four to forty-eight hours can affect blood tests.  Taking vitamin supplements eight to twelve weeks before testing, will give falsely elevated results.   Because tests for Thiamine can be so inaccurate, as well as time consuming and expensive, the World Health Organization recommends taking Thiamine and looking for health improvements.  Thiamine is nontoxic, even in high doses.  Thiamine is water soluble and any excess is easily excreted in urine.  WHO recommends giving 500 mg/day of Thiamine Hydrochloride for several days and looking for health improvements.  Some people with Thiamine deficiency need higher doses (1000 - 2000 mg/day).   Benfotiamine, a lipid soluble form of Thiamine, can get inside cells without using the thiamine transporters on the cell surface,  which shut down during thiamine deficiency.  Thiamine Hydrochloride has to get in by transporters, or by passive diffusion, which requires higher doses.  Benfotiamine has been shown to promote intestinal healing.  300 - 1200 mg/day of  Benfotiamine are required. Allithiamine (Tetrahydrofurfuryl Disulfide TTFD) can cross the blood brain barrier without a carrier cell, so Allithiamine is really helpful with neurological symptoms, brain fog, balance issues, problems swallowing, gastroparesis.  50 - 1000 mg/day of Allithiamine.  Find the best dose for you.   I understand the skepticism about Thiamine.  If I hadn't lived through it myself....read my blog...I was skeptical myself, but I could feel myself dying and was grasping at straws.  Within a few minutes of taking my first dose of Thiamine, I felt better and was astounded at how simple the solution was.   Is nutrition even taught in schools today?  I learned basic nutrition in Home Economics, but that's been cut.  Dieting programs distract from nutrition and mostly count calories.   P.S. Riboflavin Vitamin B2 deficiency has been linked to migraines.
    • trents
      As far as your neck and shoulder pain goes, yes, this could be a symptom of celiac disease as one of the more than 200 symptoms associated with celiac disease is joint pain.
    • trents
      10g of gluten or the amount in about 4-6 slices of bread daily for several weeks should be a sufficient "gluten challenge". Your primary care provider should be able to order those tests.
    • Neat1
      I don’t love the idea of eating a boatload of gluten 😂 but I also probably knew more testing was going to be required. I don’t see a new GI doc until December, but I might send my pcm a message and ask if they can order any/all of those. 
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