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Sulevismom Apprentice

Hi all.

I've been gluten-free for the past 5 months, with accidents seeming to happen more frequently than I'd like. It seems that I get symptoms every time I eat chocolate. This discovery is very sad for me because I love chocolate. I've tried so so many different kinds, from many countries. Even those specifically labeled gluten free give me trouble. Is it possible to simply develop a chocolate allergy all of a sudden? Or is it a leaky gut issue? Will I ever be able to eat chocolate again? Please tell me yes!

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mommida Enthusiast

If you can't have chocolate, you can try carob for a replacement.

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Mtndog Collaborator

Oh sadness- no chocolate? :( :( Could it be the type of chocolate you are eating? Have you tried Tropical Source (gluten and soy free)? What brands have you been eating? We must find you chocolate you can tolerate 9at least a wee bit!)

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tarnalberry Community Regular

Some people are sensitive to the caffeine, and some people are sensitive to the theobromine in the chocolate. It's possible for you to have an intolerance to chocolate itself. :(

Carob is a possible substitute, if you develop the taste for it.

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hannahp57 Contributor

is there one thing in particular you have been eating? say m&ms or a certain brand of chocolate chips.

if you have tried many different chocolates with the same reaction then maybe chocolate is a no go, but i have had semi sweet carob chips and they are a pretty good sub, texture is different but we gluten intolerant! so qwe're used to it right? lol. i only used carob for a while then gave choc another shot with success. you might try using dark chocolate to see if it gives you the same issues

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ang1e0251 Contributor

Life without chocolate...........that would be sad. There must be some kind you can have. I'll look for some next time I'm out.

Do you have dairy? There was a time when I reacted to the dairy in milk chocolate.

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Rudi Newbie
Hi all.

I've been gluten-free for the past 5 months, with accidents seeming to happen more frequently than I'd like. It seems that I get symptoms every time I eat chocolate. This discovery is very sad for me because I love chocolate. I've tried so so many different kinds, from many countries. Even those specifically labeled gluten free give me trouble. Is it possible to simply develop a chocolate allergy all of a sudden? Or is it a leaky gut issue? Will I ever be able to eat chocolate again? Please tell me yes!

My wife LOVES chocolate and needs to have it quite often (sweet tooth)...except that she might have celia disease and be allergic to gluten...over the holiday we were at an Arts & Craft Festival and we stopped by the LARABAR booth and got their giveaways. We noticed the sign that said "GLUTEN FREE, SOY FREE, LACTOSE FREE"....they make chocolate candy!! My wife is happy!

website: Open Original Shared Link

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Juliebove Rising Star

I can't have chocolate because of GERD. Does a real number on me! I find every once in a while I can eat it and it's fine, but mostly no. I got over it.

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Sulevismom Apprentice

Hi all, thanks for the support. Dairy seems to be fine with me, luckily. I'll try to find some carob (though, it's not as easy to find here in Europe). I do still have hope that I will find something that works for me. It's just quite disturbing every time I get a reaction!

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babysteps Contributor

Be cautious with carob the first time - if it is the theobromine that you react to in chocolate, you may also react to carob since carob has no caffeine but does have theobromine.

I get buzzy and cranky on both carob and chocolate (plus D if I eat more than half an ounce or so) which makes me think I have a theobromine issue. But easy enough to avoid, and half an ounce of chocolate at breakfast once in a while is a nice treat!

Good luck! Hope the carob works for you.

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VioletBlue Contributor

I understand your frustrations. Chocolate affects my mood, so I eat very little of it, small amounts once a week maybe. It doesn't matter what type, who the maker is; it messes with my brain chemistry in a bad way.

Carob . . . well, it's brown. Also raw carob powder stinks to high heaven so keep it in an air tight container if you buy some. I've tried cooking with it and don't see the point.

There is a coffee bean known as Mocha Java Sanani that when ground and brewed has a similar taste on some level as chocolate. It does not have chocolate in it, but leaves an after taste very close to chocolate. I placate myself with that when I can find it :)

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dilettantesteph Collaborator

I'll second the person who said Tropical Source. Their chips are the only chocolate I've found that I can eat, and believe me, I've tried many. I love chocolate.

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ilikechaitea04 Newbie
Hi all.

I've been gluten-free for the past 5 months, with accidents seeming to happen more frequently than I'd like. It seems that I get symptoms every time I eat chocolate. This discovery is very sad for me because I love chocolate. I've tried so so many different kinds, from many countries. Even those specifically labeled gluten free give me trouble. Is it possible to simply develop a chocolate allergy all of a sudden? Or is it a leaky gut issue? Will I ever be able to eat chocolate again? Please tell me yes!

I have experienced something similar. I used to eat chocolate 24/7 then went on the gluten-free diet/yf diet for 2 months and now i can't eat it without getting a rash. Why? Because with Celiac when your intestines get damaged from gluten the proteins break this barrier in your intestinal lining- allowing more foods to get through deep into your system without passing through all the proper filtration. This means more reactions from other foods because other foods are getting through this barrier wihtout being filtered through and broken down properly first so that your body can absorb it properly.

As your intestines heal though and the barrier builds up again you may be able to eat chocolate again! Til then I like to use Now brand carob powder for my chocolate recipes. It takes some getting used to but I've grown to really like it for my sweet treats.

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momxyz Contributor

ok today was the first day in just about 6 weeks on this diet that I had a craving I almost couldn't resist.

And it was for chocolate.

I have been so good (really Santa Claus!)

Is there ANY form of chocolate I can have?

doesn't have to be dairy free, just gluten free...

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mysecretcurse Contributor

I had to stop eating chocolate awhile ago because all I had available to me in my former area was the Hersheys kind.. which we all know about Hersheys. It was giving me reactions and at first i thought it was because they had some unlabeled gluten in them or something but then I began connecting my reactions to a milder than gluten although still bad dairy sensitivity.. so I stopped all dairy and chocolate. BUT! Recently I've discovered the "enjoy life" brand of chocolate chips which are dairy, soy and gluten free and SO good! So now I'm back to munching on chocolate throughout the day, NO reactions and a happy tummy = happy me. :)

Enjoy life. That is a really good brand, good cookies too.

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    • trents
      Have you tried a diet with a lower carb, higher fat content, something similar to the Keto diet? Are you familiar with the ketogenic diet? Fat satisfies and so curbs hunger and levels out blood sugar.
    • Sarah Grace
      I've was diagnosed celiac over 10 years ago when in mid 50s.  For a long time I have been getting headaches at night and in the morning and I suffer a lot of insomnia.  The headaches can be very severe and sometimes develop into a full migraine but other times they wear off within an hour of getting up and eating breakfast.  I have self diagnosed this a hypoglycaemia.  The medical profession in UK, where I live, does not seem to know anything of this and simply tests me for diabetes, which I do not have.  I know this condition is diet related and caused by carbohydrates, I avoid eating in the evenings.  Whatever I do, this condition seems to be getting worse and is very difficult to control.  Any advice would be much appreciated.
    • trents
      But that's the point Scott is trying to make. It is up to you. You do not have to go forward with another biopsy simply because your doctor wants you to. They work for you, not the other way around.
    • Jammer
      Hi Kate,   I am unsure if this is helpful or not. I have Webber calcium citrate everyday. I also react to less than 20 ppm of gluten. I have not reacted to Webber ever. (Fingers crossed it stays that way). Also, I get my blood tested every 6 months to ensure I have zero gluten exposure. It consistently comes back negative(0) to gluten.  A few years ago, my stomach would feel nauseous after taking Ca+  but thankfully that doesn’t happen anymore. Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you.    all the best,    J 
    • J1707
      Honestly that's a good question, but I would like an official answer since I'm not a professional and my doctor's in my opinion no offense to them I'd say gone about it in a unprofessional way unless other's have been told to go gluten free, get a biopsy, just to go back gluten due to a possible false reading and then gotta go back for another biopsy But if it really was up to me per say then I'd definitely stay gluten free like this diet change has really helped me a lot in a lot of ways, not just for health reasons, but discipline toward not indulging to much on things i used too, not to mention being more aware of what I'm intaking by reading labels more and calling the manufacturers to find more answers if needed.
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