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Walmart Great Value Brand Moving Away From gluten-free


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JayinUT Newbie

My wife and I have noticed that the Great Value Brand at Walmart is moving many of their product line away from being gluten-free; or at least they are removing the gluten-free label from many of the items in their Great Value Brand that were gluten-free before. We looked on several of the products and they either now contain wheat or are made in facilities that process wheat. So we've decided to move on to other stores that contain more gluten-free items. Anyone else see this?

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taweavmo3 Enthusiast

I noticed it with the soy sauce...I got really sick from it, but the bottle said gluten free. A week later, new label with wheat in the ingredients. I haven't really bought any more Great Value food items since then. That is interesting though....I wonder why the change??

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tiredofbeingsickandtired Apprentice

ugggh, I saw this too. The worst new walmart labels are the ones that say "naturally gluten free" then says on the same label "WARNING- may contain wheat"...drives me bonkers!

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hhdavid Apprentice

I've also noticed that they are resetting their shelves and not carrying well-known gluten-free items anymore. They took my Gluten Free Pantry brownies away. :(

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Manboy Rookie

world conspiracy need people to get sick=food posion=hospital=drugs big circle.. or great value was hurting big name companies and got paid off... gluten a poison even for people without celica

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summerteeth Enthusiast
ugggh, I saw this too. The worst new walmart labels are the ones that say "naturally gluten free" then says on the same label "WARNING- may contain wheat"...drives me bonkers!

WOW - that is absolutely unreal. Is that even legal? I'm not too clear on the laws regarding labeling. If it is legal, then that is just moronic, IMO.

What kind of products at Walmart say that?

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psawyer Proficient
WOW - that is absolutely unreal. Is that even legal? I'm not too clear on the laws regarding labeling. If it is legal, then that is just moronic, IMO.

Yes, it is legal. A discussion of the label regulations, however, is a topic for the Gluten-Free Ingredients & Food Labeling Issues forum--feel free to start one there.

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MKat Explorer
I've also noticed that they are resetting their shelves and not carrying well-known gluten-free items anymore. They took my Gluten Free Pantry brownies away. :(

My walmart finally had the Betty Crocker mixes. I bought a few, went back 2 days later and they were GONE. I was hoping that would make walmart realize the demand!

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Jonbo Apprentice
WOW - that is absolutely unreal. Is that even legal? I'm not too clear on the laws regarding labeling. If it is legal, then that is just moronic, IMO.

What kind of products at Walmart say that?

I think the FDA is still in the debating (or finished it) on their guidelines for labeling a product 'Gluten Free' or some variant of it. So for now, its "legal" even though it seems improper to label something 'Naturally Gluten Free' and then mention possible CC in the ingredients labeling.

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minniejack Contributor

I posted this on another thread. Walmart in Cambridge Ohio had an entire aisle of gluten-free: glutino, enjoy, schars, etc.

I called my 2 local Walmarts and they said they are trying to do the same and that certain Walmarts are test marketing gluten free sections.

I'm sure this is the way that they are all heading so that they won't have their names on the products, but still be able to sell to a huge market.

If Walmart does this, I can't wait. Their prices were so much cheaper than my Kroger and they had so much more--like what you can find at the Whole Foods, but all in one convenient aisle.

Maybe we should start a campaign to get all Walmarts to carry the stuff immediately.

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JayinUT Newbie

Thanks for the replies. Our local Walmarts are just continuing to head in another direction in regards to Gluten Free. Management at the store or district level just says they label their products gluten free that are and leave it at that. So my wife and I have moved on. Bad move on Walmart's part because of the secondary shopping we often did while there. We'll just save the money we spent there on these secondary items now so it is probably a good thing.

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larry mac Enthusiast

I don't go to Walmart to purchase labeled gluten-free items. I go there to get 99% of my food at low cost. The occasional labeled gluten-free item I want I get at the health food store, and pay the high price they charge for it.

I don't require a gluten-free label on everything. I can read an ingredients list.

best regards, lm

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psawyer Proficient
I don't require a gluten-free label on everything. I can read an ingredients list.

I'm that way too. I read the ingredient list. I know what is safe, what is not, and what to question.

If the ingredient is uncertain, I check the labeling policy of the manufacturer. There are a lot of companies that have a clear gluten disclosure policy. If you don't see wheat, rye, barley, or oat named on the labels, they are just not there. Even if flavors, modified food starch, seasonings, etc., are listed, the will not contain hidden gluten. These companies are understanding and supportive of our needs, and are deserving of our business.

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nocommente Rookie

The problem is, they are changing so many of their products say "may contain wheat."

So corn chips are labeled as made with "Corn, Oil, and Salt...May contain wheat."

Does this mean, made in a factory that also uses wheat? Does this mean, they sprinkle wheat on the conveyor belt to prevent sticking? There's no way of knowing.

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psawyer Proficient
Does this mean, they sprinkle wheat on the conveyor belt to prevent sticking?

If anybody has a documented instance of this actually happening anywhere, please share it with us. I have never seen one, and do not believe that there is any truth in this rumor. Wheat is not an effective anti-stick substance. Cellulose is commonly used because it is cheaper and more effective. It is gluten-free.

If they sprinkled the belts with wheat, they would not be able to say "may contain wheat." They would be required by law to say "contains wheat." There would be no "may" about it.

"May contain" is a warning about possible cross contact, and may refer to shared equipment, or dedicated lines in a plant that also processes products contained the named ingredient.

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larry mac Enthusiast

There are many store brand items I don't think suffer a loss of quality over name brands. Canned peas for instance. Chips and cereals are not on that list. IMO, they super suck.

I'm looking at a bag of Fritos. The ingredients are:

"Whole Corn, Corn Oil, and Salt. No Preservatives."

Sounds good, looks good, and tastes good. B)

best regards, lm

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Heidi S. Rookie

I think since the new legislation has gone into effect as of April 2008 that the Walmart brand was never very strict on the gluten. Now my items say "may contain wheat contaminates" etc. No dedicated lines or suppliers so they are trying to cover their butts. I guess we just have to take some chances for generic brands and eliminate if certain products give us problems. They are about cost/convenience not health. You pay more at health stores but get more guarantees. Due to money I am still going to try them and use them at my own caution.

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    • trents
      So, you did have symptoms: vomiting and diarrhea. They are classic symptoms of celiac disease. That must be why they checked you for celiac disease. A colonoscopy cannot be used to diagnose celiac disease. The scope can't reach up into the small bowel from the lower end. The kind of scoping they do to check for celiac disease is called an endoscopy. The go down into the small bowel through the mouth and the stomach. The small bowel starts where the stomach ends. During the endoscopy when checking for celiac disease, they will biopsy the lining of the small bowel and send it off to a lab for microscopic analysis. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the ingestion of gluten causes inflammation to the lining of the small bowel. This inflammation wears down the millions of tiny finger-like projections that make up the lining. This lining is where all the nutrition is absorbed from the food we eat. As the lining becomes more and more damaged with time, the efficiency with which it can absorb nutrients becomes more and more impaired, often resulting in other medical conditions that have a nutritional deficiency cause. Osteoporosis would be a classic example but there are many others. It's important to realize that whether or not consuming gluten makes you feel ill, if you have celiac disease, damage is happing to the lining of your small bowel, however small it might be and however slowly it might be progressing. This is why it is so important for you to take gluten free eating seriously. Believe me, every celiac in the world sympathizes with you in not wanting to have to go there. Not only does it mean giving up many foods you enjoy but it also has a social cost and can even put a ding in your budget if you rely heavily on pre-prepared gluten free foods.
    • Vickey Matteson
      I had a colonoscopy and they went up to the small intestine and saw something. Prior to this I was having episodes of vomiting. It would be months apart and diarrhea would come too but always started with vomiting. Just out of the blue I would be attacked. They don't know what that is from.
    • knitty kitty
      Welcome to the forum, @BadHobit Were you tested for H. Pylori infection?  Sometimes this infection can cause stomach irritation and even ulcers.  H. Pylori infection can trigger Celiac Disease.  H.Pylori infection is frequently found in celiac disease. Ask for DNA testing to see if you have any of the genes seen in Celiac Disease.  Having the genes for Celiac shows you have the potential to develop Celiac Disease.  Infections, physical trauma and stressful events can trigger the Celiac genes to become active.  Symptoms appear once activated.  If you don't have any genes for Celiac Disease, then it can be ruled out, and another reason for the ulcer and Gerd should be pursued.   Stick with 4 - 6 slices of bread for the Gluten Challenge. Keep us posted on your progress!
    • trents
      Check with your doctor to find out if he/she wants to refer you to a GI specialist for an endoscopy/biopsy to confirm the results of the blood antibody testing or whether or not the tTG-IGA levels are high enough to grant a celiac disease diagnosis without further tests being done. If further testing is expected, you need to refrain from starting a gluten free diet or you risk sabotaging the tests.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @BadHobit! For the biopsy they only took one sample from  the stomach and one from the small intestine? They should take several samples from the small bowel as the damage from celiac disease can be patchy. Sounds like you were the victim of poor timing with regard to each of your celiac testing experiences in the sense of being tested while being off gluten. One thing to be aware of is that once you remove gluten from your diet for a significant period of time, when you return to consuming it your reactions may be much stronger than when you were consuming it consistently. Experts in the field have recently issued revised guidelines for the "gluten challenge" as they realized that their previous advice for amounts of gluten consumed daily during the gluten challenge was not intense enough to produce valid test results consistently. They are now recommending at least 10g of gluten daily (roughly the amount in 4-6 slices of bread) for at least 2 weeks prior to either blood antibody testing or the biopsy. The rash you describe, do you think it could have been dermatitis herpetiformis?
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