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Food Allergies As A Result Of Gluten Intolerance


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junevarn Rookie

Hi all,

I was self diagnosed through enterolab as having gluten intolerance, casein intolerance and one of the main genes for celiac. I also had fecal antitissue transglutaminase.Supposedly I don't have small intestine damage. I am awaiting blood tests. I get terrible seizure like attacks where my legs shake( actually my whole body at times), I have diarrhea and vomit uncontrollably for up to six hours at a time. I also get palpitations.

I started going to an alternative MD and nutritionist on my own dime because the doctors I have gone to in the past ended sending me to a psychiatrist.

I have been on an elimination diet for the past few weeks. So far I cant tolerate corn or chocolate. I had some gluten free bread with yeast yesterday and today and now I am totally bloated. ( Enterolab also said I had a reaction to yeast.) I also feel quite anxious and moody all of a sudden. :(

Does anyone else have reactions to other foods as well?I have been gluten and casein free since I found out in October. I guess I'll go back to the total elimination diet foods since those are the ones so far that I feel good eating. I'm just a bit depressed with all this. I need a bit of support. I'm getting so I'm afraid to eat!

At least I am seeing that I do have other food intolerances and that that is the cause of my body freaking out, but I still feel low about it.

Thanks for listening,


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cdford Contributor

Other sensitivities seem to be pretty common, especially at first. Hopefully you will be like we were and gradually see some of them go away. My daughter now only has one other than gluten. She origianally had a four page long list. I am down to only a handful.

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kvogt Rookie


I've been where you are now. At one point, I felt awful after two out of three meals or more often. I didn't have your specific reactions, but everyone is different. It is entirely possible and probable for you to have other food problems. It can be quite hard to isolate because the reaction may not take place right after a meal, but the next day or later. Since you are apparently willing to invest in a diagnosis, I suggest you look at York food allergy testing. I took the comprehensive test and tested positive for an number of foods. The good thing is that I was left with a number of safe foods. Some have derided the testing and I admist I have held some skepticism, even now for some of the foods specified. But they were right about several like milk and soy. I've dopped some of the other foods and discover they may be right about others on my list. So overall, I feel well served by their testing. At least it gave me a place to start.

Hope this helped.

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Guest nini

I think in the beginning of being gluten-free, the body is so hypersensitive, that you can react to just about everything. I even went through a stage where I was having anaphylactic reactions to artificial fragrances, especially the artificial baby powder smell. Now the smells just make me kinda nauseas. I was also having reactions to nuts, and shellfish... still not brave enough to try shellfish, but I'm back on eating nuts with no problem.

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skbird Contributor

I had problems with nuts, especially walnuts and pecans, before I went low carb 3 years ago (and effectively, 95% gluten free). When I added gluten back in, the nuts started bothering me - small irritations or sores in my mouth, mostly. Now that's gone again now that I've been gluten free for 6 months (didn't take that long, BTW).

Shellfish will be out forever for me. I understand now that it's a different kind of reaction, an allergy, and it doesn't have anything to do with the state of my gut. Also pretty sure nightshades are still out for me - I did get a gluten free brownie mix recently at my Grocery Outlet (they were 79 cents! instead of $4 something...) with potato starch in it but after eating a couple of them (oh they were so delish!) I started having stomach aches like I do as a prelude to my nightshade intolerance.

I was having some trouble eating rice when I was not gluten free - would make me feel like I'd had tons of coffee, but now I seem to be ok with it. I can also tolerate some sugars now, natural ones (not processed white death) and more fruit without having as much of a blood sugar reaction. It just takes time and for me, none of it has been particularly dramatic.


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    • RMJ
      Some certified gluten free foods are made on shared equipment.  presumably they have excellent cleaning procedures that have been tested.  So safety for celiacs is really going to vary from one manufacturer to another,
    • trents
      As Scott pointed out, there are too many variables to be able to give a black and white answer to your question. Another variable I would mention is the huge range in sensitivity to small amounts of gluten exposure that is found in the celiac community. What will trigger a reaction in one celiac may not in another. One more variable is the amount of gluten that will find its way into a food product from cross contamination in any given production run. It likely will not be the same each time.
    • Scott Adams
      Welcome to the forum. This would be a personal choice that you would need to make. I eat many different products that don't necessarily have "gluten-free" on their label, for example potato chips, salsa, tortilla chips, etc, while other people won't eat such products. If "gluten-free" is on the label, and it is made in a facility that also processes wheat, then technically it is supposed to be gluten-free, however, there is a possibility of contamination if the manufacturer doesn't do proper cleaning or handling of ingredients. 
    • Richwhitelady
      I keep seeing people post on social media that it's ok for celiacs to eat gluten-free food that's made on shared equipment. Early in my diagnosis I was told otherwise. Is it really safe for us to eat gluten-free food made on shared equipment? I'd like to hear from an expert if possible.
    • Celiac comments
      It is fall feeding time and feeding 6 bales of wheat hay a day. Now I have eyelid rash and other rashes. It is hot and dry, so easy for hay dust to get in the air. Especially if a cow grabs a flake and shakes it by me. And we are feeding up the last of leftover hay from last year which has some mouse damage. I think I am going to need someone else to feed the wheat hay, at least until it rains. Anyone else have problems with handling wheat hay? 
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