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GlutenGuy36 Contributor

Ok I have been on the Gluten Free diet since I was diagnosed July 14th of 2008. I am still sick not feeling right at all. Most of the abdominal issues have resloved except for painful belching after I eat. My main issue is I am in alot of random pain. I have removed nightshades, casein from my diet and I am now working on Soy.

I went out to rake the leaves today and when I was done my heart was racing I felt like I was going to collapse. I have been taking vitamins b-12,zinc, magnesium, calcium and d3.

I have looked into Candida Albicans and am trying to cut back on the sugar intake and I am drinking coconut Kefir. Its fermented coconut milk with 10 strains of probiotic. I honestly feel like I'm getting worse. I have no clue what is going on. My doctor says I shouldn't be feeling like this.

My glands hurt from time to time the ones in my neck and under my arms. I told my doctor all of this and he ran a cbc panel, thyroid was 4.59 ( considered normal), liver and kidney panel which was also fine.

I don't know what else to do. I have been super careful about gluten and cross contamination. I'm tired of being in pain everyday.

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Ahorsesoul Enthusiast

Try keeping a detailed food and feelings journal for a few weeks. I think you'll figure out what is bothering you. List all things you use that touch your body and that you eat. You may be one of those people (like me) that has to worry about even the little things in life (like shampoo, soaps and gum).

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  • 2 weeks later...
sadeew Newbie

I suspect you have 3 or 4 unrelated things causing the various problems you are having. You will find answers, just keep at it!

And you may want to go to a Naturopath if things don't change soon.

When I read your post a couple of things stood out:

The painful belching after you eat. You may not be producing enough hydrochloric acid (quite common, especially after the age of 30) and you may also need some digestive enzymes. If you aren't producing enough hydrochloric acid you will still have malabsorption issues. Get some HCL tablets. The way you take these is:

Take 1 with a meal (avoid taking with citrus fruit and something else I can't remeber but hyou can find if you google HCL). Do this for 2 days with each meal. If you do not get any burning...

Take 2 pills per meal.

Continue adding an extra pill every 2 or 3 days until you get a heart-burn feeling or unitl you reach 4 tablets. DO NOT take more than 4 tablets per meal.

This should alleviate the belching and improve absorption.

The other thing that stood out was the raking leaves part. Do you know what your ferretin levels are? You did not mention that you are taking iron but iron is one of the first nutrients to not be absorbed with Celiac. Your ferretin (blood iron stores) needs to be between 45 and 100. If you are lower than 45 it is very likely that you will get easily winded. My ferretin used to be at 10 but I was told I wasn't anemic. I would feel like I was going to fall over just after climbing the stairs! I suspect you are ferretin deficient. It's a simple blood test but you have to request to know your ferretin levels - GET THE NUMBER, don't just let your doc say that you are within normal ranges. Normal ranges are 10-150. I have never heard of anyone feeling good with ferretin under 40. Most men don't get ferretin checked because it is rare for a man to be anemic. But not with Celiacs!

Lastly I would say to get a food allergen blood test. Guessing which foods to eliminate on your own can take a really long time and it sounds like you are too miserable right now to be guessing. I have a friend who found out she is highly allergic to asparagus! I NEVER would have thought to eliminate asparagus. She was eating it a couple times a week and feeling horrible, not knowing it was a problem.

The fact that your glands hurt makes me think you may be dealing with an allergy still.


take hydrochloric acid for the belching

get ferretin levels checked

get a food allergy test

My low iron (ferretin) made me in pain all the time. My muscles ached, I was tense, I was fatigued, depressed, anxious, and I got winded and wiped-out from the littlest physical exertion.

Hope something in here helps you.

All the best. Sending good luck vibes and prayers your way.

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Korwyn Explorer
Ok I have been on the Gluten Free diet since I was diagnosed July 14th of 2008. I am still sick not feeling right at all. Most of the abdominal issues have resloved except for painful belching after I eat. My main issue is I am in alot of random pain. I have removed nightshades, casein from my diet and I am now working on Soy.

I went out to rake the leaves today and when I was done my heart was racing I felt like I was going to collapse. I have been taking vitamins b-12,zinc, magnesium, calcium and d3.

I have looked into Candida Albicans and am trying to cut back on the sugar intake and I am drinking coconut Kefir. Its fermented coconut milk with 10 strains of probiotic. I honestly feel like I'm getting worse. I have no clue what is going on. My doctor says I shouldn't be feeling like this.

My glands hurt from time to time the ones in my neck and under my arms. I told my doctor all of this and he ran a cbc panel, thyroid was 4.59 ( considered normal), liver and kidney panel which was also fine.

I don't know what else to do. I have been super careful about gluten and cross contamination. I'm tired of being in pain everyday.

Soy caused(causes) a number of neurological (CNS) and muscular issues for me. Also, I have a very hard time tolerating any refined sugars (sucrose, refined fructose or corn syrup in any form). Raw honey, pure maple syrup, raw agave seem to be ok, but anything else sugar wise causes problems.

Any large quantity of carbs also will cause problems.

Look for soy, lactose, milk products, starches in all your supplements and medications. One example I just found is the Kirkland brand (Costco) of generic Claritin contains lactose, and a starch binder that is normally made from wheat or corn. Yippe.

I strongly suggest you see a naturopath and get ALL of your nutritent levels checks. Iron, B's, C, D, A, E, K, magnesium, copper, molybdenum, etc. It sounds like you are suffering from a number of nutrients malabsorption issues.

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    • Scott Adams
      I think potato chips can be fine depending on the oil used and the amount of salt on them, so if they help you gain weight you may want to keep them in your routine.
    • Scott Adams
      I also had issues with severe neck and shoulder pain for years, so this may be a symptom of celiac disease.  In case you end up screening negative for celiac disease, approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.  
    • Sarah Grace
      Many thanks to everyone for the advice received and especially to Knitty Kitty.  I have ordered a one month supply of Benfotiamine and very much look forward to trying it.  The expression "I felt like I was dying" really resonates with me.  I have other symptoms which I didn't mention, such as vertigo and brain fog which are referenced by knitty kitty in her very detailed post. Clearly, there is other stuff that I should be trying, but I can only cope with one thing at a time at present! I will be back to let you know if the Benfotiamine, which should arrive in the next few days, has had any impact.🙂
    • glucel
      OK maybe I will look at future blood test just for historical changes. I am taking b vitamins as I mentioned in my other post to you. Definitely interested in Benfotiaminefor intestinal issues. However I already seem to be feeling some improvement in diverticulosis. Constipation gone but I think that resuming glucosamine may have something to do with that as well as general healing. Beans are antagonizing for me but I eat them anyway every few days in the form of pasta as well as baked beans. gluten-free for 4.5 months so still experimenting. Thanks for the info.
    • glucel
      Thanks @knitty kitty, I read your v b info with much interest for last few months. Here is my weight per event: sept 8, 2022- 181 lbs june 1, 2024 gluten free july 4- 143.5 lbs july31- changed from regular b to methyl folate and b12. oct 8- 150 lbs So weight hopefully coming back albeit very slowly. So probably my villi may be healing and methyl helping although also eating potato chips every few days so that is probably helping too.  Taking 100 mg of b1 along with complex. I took all thiamine maybe 100 or so tablets. Brain fog diminished some and it seems swallowing trouble also diminished. Stopped taking it couple months or so ago and did not notice any reversals. I think I will finally look into bentofothiamine. Also eat 1/2 ounce liver every morning for additional v b support.
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