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How Long Does It Take For B12 Supplements To Work?


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jackay Enthusiast

I finally got the results of nutrional analysis and found the only thing I am low on is Vitamin B12. My doctor was surprised and said it almost looked like they checked someone elses blood. I had my calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D checked a month earlier by another doctor and those results matched closely so it was most likely my blood tested.

I ordered Vitamin B12 drops since I could not find any locally that don't have ingredients in that I can't tolerate. I am wondering how long it takes to notice changes once taking this supplement. Among other things, I suffer from insomnia and because of that a lack of energy. I'm hoping the B12 will help that. It would be wonderful to be able to go to bed and know I will sleep and to actually have some energy.

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Wolicki Enthusiast

I finally got the results of nutrional analysis and found the only thing I am low on is Vitamin B12. My doctor was surprised and said it almost looked like they checked someone elses blood. I had my calcium, phosphorus and Vitamin D checked a month earlier by another doctor and those results matched closely so it was most likely my blood tested.

I ordered Vitamin B12 drops since I could not find any locally that don't have ingredients in that I can't tolerate. I am wondering how long it takes to notice changes once taking this supplement. Among other things, I suffer from insomnia and because of that a lack of energy. I'm hoping the B12 will help that. It would be wonderful to be able to go to bed and know I will sleep and to actually have some energy.

One thing I learned with my bout of b12 deficiency is that you have to take a LOT of it. I took 8000 mcg nightly, just before going to bed, and it took about a month to get it back to normal levels. This was after taking 2000 mcg for 2 months with no results. You can't really OD on B12 because the extra just comes out in your urine.

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Evangeline Explorer

Be sure to take the sublingual tablets, not the pills/liquid that is absorbed in the stomach. Most Celiacs don't have 'intrinsic factor' and therefore cannot absorb b12. Buy sublingual tablets.

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jackay Enthusiast

Be sure to take the sublingual tablets, not the pills/liquid that is absorbed in the stomach. Most Celiacs don't have 'intrinsic factor' and therefore cannot absorb b12. Buy sublingual tablets.

I am starting out with sublingual liquid drops that I will hold in my mouth for absorption. I checked extensively for sublinqual tablets and they all have ingredients in that I shouldn't have. Most of them are sweetened and flavored, which I shouldn't have at this time. Right now I am fighting candida so am suppose to avoid all sweeteners. Hopefully once I get that resolved and get over some of my intolerances, I can handle sublingual tablets.

If the drops don't help, I'll switch to the "best for me" sublingual tablet.

Thanks for the advice!


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OptimisticMom42 Apprentice

I use the liquid. I started taking it because I was bone aching cold when everyone else was fine. It started working within a couple of days. It's nice to not have to wear long johns under my turtleneck under my sweater under my fleece jacket under my winter coat!

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jackay Enthusiast

I use the liquid. I started taking it because I was bone aching cold when everyone else was fine. It started working within a couple of days. It's nice to not have to wear long johns under my turtleneck under my sweater under my fleece jacket under my winter coat!


You make me smile! Living in MN, I can definitely relate. I thought it was just me that gets so cold.


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sandsurfgirl Collaborator

I was looking for a sublingual B12 and one of them had 6000 iu in it. I was worried about that high of a dose so I asked the pharmacist about it. He said not that much of it gets absorbed, even sublingually, so the high dose ensures that you will get what you need. He said shots are the best for celiacs, but I haven't gotten that far with my doc yet.

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jackay Enthusiast

I was looking for a sublingual B12 and one of them had 6000 iu in it. I was worried about that high of a dose so I asked the pharmacist about it. He said not that much of it gets absorbed, even sublingually, so the high dose ensures that you will get what you need. He said shots are the best for celiacs, but I haven't gotten that far with my doc yet.

I'm sure my doctor will suggest shots if the drops don't work for me. He said to start taking them three times a day but didn't tell me how much to take at a time. I had many, many questions for him so didn't think to ask that one. I'll see what it says on the bottles. Most likely I'll have to call him once I get the drops.

I am absorbing all my other nutrients but do take 3400 IU D3 and 2200-2500 mg. calcium citrate daily. I feel those levels should be higher for the dosage I take. Time will tell if my absorption improves.

Does anyone know if insurance pay for B12 shots?

On another note, I ordered Kirkman Labs EnZymAid and Advanced Adult Multi's online Monday evening from Our Kids. They arrived in two days:) Am I ever impressed with that company! I was little disappointed when I opened the box as I thought it was my B12 that I ordered from another company.) The B12 is on it's way so hope to get it by the weekend.

I was impressed with the speedy delivery and that there was no shipping charge for orders over $40.

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TrillumHunter Enthusiast

Insurance pays for my shots and it's dirt cheap.

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bluebonnet Explorer

i just got my results today and i need to start b12 and d. maybe ... hoping ... fingers crossed after b levels go up that i will start getting sleep now! :) the step out doses needed sound scary though.

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jackay Enthusiast

i just got my results today and i need to start b12 and d. maybe ... hoping ... fingers crossed after b levels go up that i will start getting sleep now! :) the step out doses needed sound scary though.

Boy, oh boy, am I looking forward to sleep, too. I hope this is my missing link. Every once in a while I get a pretty decent night's sleep and what a difference it makes. To sleep every night would be wonderful!!!!!

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LizRam Newbie

I'm sure my doctor will suggest shots if the drops don't work for me. He said to start taking them three times a day but didn't tell me how much to take at a time. I had many, many questions for him so didn't think to ask that one. I'll see what it says on the bottles. Most likely I'll have to call him once I get the drops.

I am absorbing all my other nutrients but do take 3400 IU D3 and 2200-2500 mg. calcium citrate daily. I feel those levels should be higher for the dosage I take. Time will tell if my absorption improves.

Does anyone know if insurance pay for B12 shots?

On another note, I ordered Kirkman Labs EnZymAid and Advanced Adult Multi's online Monday evening from Our Kids. They arrived in two days:) Am I ever impressed with that company! I was little disappointed when I opened the box as I thought it was my B12 that I ordered from another company.) The B12 is on it's way so hope to get it by the weekend.

I was impressed with the speedy delivery and that there was no shipping charge for orders over $40.

Insurance pays for B12 shots. Might as well get the shots if insurance pays. My doctor recommended one shot for 14 days straight, then 1 shot every two weeks until I am down to 1 shot per month. Tomorrow is day 14 but I'm not feeling any different. I thought I was going to feel energetic; hope it's working. I'm also taking a multi-vitamin and just started on digestive enzymes (Digest by Enzymedica). I also take probiotics and Omega-3 which is also helpful.

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jackay Enthusiast

Insurance pays for B12 shots. Might as well get the shots if insurance pays. My doctor recommended one shot for 14 days straight, then 1 shot every two weeks until I am down to 1 shot per month. Tomorrow is day 14 but I'm not feeling any different. I thought I was going to feel energetic; hope it's working. I'm also taking a multi-vitamin and just started on digestive enzymes (Digest by Enzymedica). I also take probiotics and Omega-3 which is also helpful.

How often does your doctor check your B12 level? Are you feeling more energetic?

I was hoping to get sleep once I started sublinqual B12. It has been only five days so I'm probably expecting too much too soon. Most nights I'm only getting 1-1/2 hours of sleep. Sleep seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Even though I'm not getting much sleep, I do feel a bit more energetic. Also, I have some color to my face. I have been so pale for so long. I thought it was from lack of sleep but since I'm still not sleeping much, it isn't that.

Let me know how the enzymedica digestive enzymes work. I started taking Kirkman EnZymAid yesterday. I took one two times. I got a headache that got worse as the day went on. This morning I didn't have a headache. I took one enzyme with breakfast. I got a headache again but it didn't get as bad as the one I had yesterday. I'm going to discontinue them for a while and then try again and see if the headache comes back. I know I'd benefit from a digestive enzyme so hope it is just coincidental that I got headaches.

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  • 2 years later...
durxll Newbie

with b12 you have to have the right kind. There are three kinds. The kind that does little to no good, is cyanocobalimim. It is found in MOST supplements, and its also given by a lot of doctors in b12 shots. This form is synthetic and is basically useless in treating b12. Anyone with b12 defiency getting shots needs to make sure that the doctor is giving them hydroxocobalim, or even better methylcobalimim. One of the last 2 will help, the cyano kind wont. If he tells you there is no difference, punch him in the face, and change doctors. Doctors dont want you cured they want you treated, to make money off your suffering. Doctors are evil. If you know you have b12 defiency and the shots dont work, try buying sublingual methylcobalimim.

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Mom-of-Two Contributor

I just started on Country Life coenzyme B complex, which uses dibencozide/methylcobalamin for the B12, 500mcg each capsule but directions say you can 1 or 2 a day.

I was curious if I should still add a sublingual B12 a few times a week. My B12 level was 357 which is well in "normal" range according to my primary dr who tested me but according to my celiac dr, is way lower than it should be!

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frieze Community Regular

I just started on Country Life coenzyme B complex, which uses dibencozide/methylcobalamin for the B12, 500mcg each capsule but directions say you can 1 or 2 a day.

I was curious if I should still add a sublingual B12 a few times a week. My B12 level was 357 which is well in "normal" range according to my primary dr who tested me but according to my celiac dr, is way lower than it should be!

If you are at all symptomatic, you want the B12 level over 500. You need to take a separate B12 supplement, on an empty stomache, even if you do it sublingual, because most of that goes into your gut via saliva. you can get subliguals in 1-5 mcg per tab.

When you retest, make sure you don't take any for several days before the test.

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megaloly Newbie

I just started on B12 today and am hopeful after reading some of the timeframes people posted on one of the neurology boards! I also read this article which mentioned the low cut-off in Europe and Japan is 500. Mom-of -Two, perhaps this is why your docs disagree? Open Original Shared Link

I am within the low-normal range but my neuro suggested I start otc supplements because of the tingling and numbness in my hands. The energy boost and help with mental clarity, which I need :) are kind of a bonus!

I went with pills - the methyl form though - because that is what was available locally. Please let me know how quickly you noticed a difference!

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    • trents
      If gluten is the problem or the only problem I should say, your stools should have normalized by now. But many in the gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive population are also dairy intolerant. Try eliminating dairy from your diet and see if the issues improve.
    • RondaM
      Thank you for your feedback.  I was not eating gluten free at time the lab was taken.  Have been gluten free now for a week. How long might it take for symptoms to go away. Only issue I have is loose stool. thanks again,,  
    • Scott Adams
      Approximately 10x more people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity than have celiac disease, but there isn’t yet a test for NCGS. If your symptoms go away on a gluten-free diet it would likely signal NCGS.
    • Scott Adams
      Since you keep linking to the same site that has a focus on the microbiome, it's clear that you have a strong focus on the topic, but here it usually comes up in relation to untreated celiac disease, thus I've shared the research summaries that we've done over the years on how the two are related. Like many disorders, including celiac disease, it's clear that more research needs to be done to fully understand both SIBO and celiac disease.
    • trents
      Welcome to the forum, @RondaM! These two tests are celiac antibody tests and they both look to be negative: Endomysial Antibody IgA:  Negative t-Transglutaminase (tTG):  <2 We commonly refer to the t-Transglutaminase (tTG) as tTG-IGA.   This one is what we commonly call "total IGA" and is on the high side:  Immunoglobulin A, Qn  Serum :  417.  H Total IGA is not an antibody test for celiac disease per se but the reason it is run is that if it is on the low side (i.e., you are "IGA deficient") it can cause the individual IGA tests that are designed to check for celiac disease per se to be falsely negative. This is not a problem in your case. I do not know that there are any particular health concerns connected to having a higher than normal total IGA. Based only on these IGA tests it does not appear that you have celiac disease but it is unfortunate that only IGA tests were ordered. I would have been helpful to also include the DGP-IGG test. Some people who truly do have celiac disease just have immune systems that don't throw positives for IGA celiac antibody tests. But here is an important question. Had you already begun limiting gluten in your diet before the blood draw for the testing was done? If so, it rendered the testing invalid.  
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