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'dedicated' Fast Food Fryers


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Deaminated Marcus Apprentice

Wow that was an interesting read...

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psawyer Proficient

I just learned something very unnerving. Called a Wendy’s restaurant and asked if they had seperate fryer for fries and all things breaded. They say “Yes”. I press the issue a little futher telling the manager my Gluten concerns to which he responds…Well we do mix all the oils together when we strain the food bits out then re-populate the separate fryer with the mixed oil.


Not an expert but this sounds like a real problem. Press the issue folks. Separate fryers are useless if they mix the oil together.

Maybe at Wendy's, but never at McDonalds. Doing that would taint the fry oil and affect the taste of the fries. The taste of the fries is sacred at McD and nothing is ever allowed to contaminate the oil. It is not to keep it gluten-free, but we do benefit as a side effect.
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karichelle Newbie

My husband has worked in 2 different fast food restaurants (neither was McD's or Wendy's) and he told me as well that they used separate fryers for fries because the breaded items and all the stuff they shed into the oil would make the fries taste bad.


So these restaurants are going against protocol AND making a product taste bad. :-\

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  • 3 weeks later...
anti-soprano Apprentice

I know y'all are talkin fries, but...

When I was in school, at worked at both a Chuck E. Cheese and an Ice cream stand that sold mostly soft serve.  At the soft serve place, they taught us if a cone didn't come out right, we could dump the odd looking structure back into the top of the machine (just the soft serve- not the cone itself) and recycle it.  This happened all the time.  Thinking nothing of it, I did it once while making a cone at Chuck E. Cheese and a customer freaked out.  I had no idea why at the time. My "managers" should have been able to tell me why, but either didn't know or didn't care to share it with me.  Anyways, 20 years later- now I know and feel horrible that this woman or her kid probably wanted some ice cream, but it was contaminated by a glutenous cone.  Karma's a B.


My point is if an employee isn't educated on WHY they have certain procedures, odds are they aren't going to follow them.  Knowledge and awareness is the key.  Wish I could offer a class for fast food workers at this point!

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kareng Grand Master

I know y'all are talkin fries, but...

When I was in school, at worked at both a Chuck E. Cheese and an Ice cream stand that sold mostly soft serve.  At the soft serve place, they taught us if a cone didn't come out right, we could dump the odd looking structure back into the top of the machine (just the soft serve- not the cone itself) and recycle it.  This happened all the time.  Thinking nothing of it, I did it once while making a cone at Chuck E. Cheese and a customer freaked out.  I had no idea why at the time. My "managers" should have been able to tell me why, but either didn't know or didn't care to share it with me.  Anyways, 20 years later- now I know and feel horrible that this woman or her kid probably wanted some ice cream, but it was contaminated by a glutenous cone.  Karma's a B.


My point is if an employee isn't educated on WHY they have certain procedures, odds are they aren't going to follow them.  Knowledge and awareness is the key.  Wish I could offer a class for fast food workers at this point!

I have heard this before. If the health department finds out they are doing this, they will be in trouble.

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anti-soprano Apprentice

I have heard this before. If the health department finds out they are doing this, they will be in trouble.

YES!!  But as a teenager working in two different spots, no one ever told me A. don't do that and B. why you shouldn't ever do that.  Simply sad.  Maybe it's better now 20 years later?  

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Jewels50 Apprentice

I recently watched a so called dedicated fryer get cross contaminated in a fast food restaurant that many with Celiac disease trust. I was so disappointed!! This was my one spot I thought I could eat at.

How safe is it really for those of us with Celac disease to eat out? Cross contamination is a big issue unless the restaurant is totally gluten free.

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Vinturi Rookie

I eat Chick fil a fries about once a week. Ha! They also have grilled nuggets and their sauces are gluten-free. My local CFA is very aware and I am even able to order at the drive thru.

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  • 5 years later...
GF-J Newbie

Five Guys fries are the best. They don’t sell any thing fried except French fries so no chance they mix oils, accidentally fry chicken in the wrong fryer,etc. they also taste really good. 

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  • 2 months later...
Rex Newbie

I operate a restaurant where I'm trying to go Gluten Free.  After reading through this thread, I'm beginning to really understand the worries of those who are in search of Gluten Free foods and restaurants that understand it.  

I will definitely be adding a 2nd fryer which will be my main fryer and since my food will be Gluten Free it should be good.  My original fryer will be a back up fryer for when I'm busy and I will make sure to have the appropriate signage. I'm kind of hating myself right now cause I only needed to do a minor tweak to my recipe when I first started in order to be Gluten Free. This is literally a $750 (cost of a new fryer) mistake...... 

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    • trents
      Sorry, in your first post you typed "a symptomatic" instead of "asymptomatic" so I misunderstood what you were saying. But anemia is a classic symptom of celiac disease.
    • Billy Boy
      Hi, The almond powder milk I've found is ridiculously expensive but I have found a suitable low carb almond milk - Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Original (Unsweetened), which I intend to dehydrate and use as milk powder. This would not be an issue with dark chocolate as this doesn't require milk powder but let's face it, milk and white chocolate is far more appealing 😆. Billy Boy 
    • BNGed8
      I had a full panel ran almost 2 years ago by my Rheumatologist to rule out any other autoimmune issues that she would be dealing with. They all came back negative except a weak Sjogrens marker but she told me it was nothing to worry about as I did not present most symptoms for it. I do have a script to get them all done again which I will be scheduling soon. The last week I have been experiencing what could possibly be gluten exposure? I have definitely experienced these symptoms before but not all together & for a week straight. I have what feels like a constant pressure headache above my eyebrows & unable to concentrate on much without feeling nauseous. The pressure headache & eye issues have been nonstop even after sleeping. I also have sensitive spots on my skin that kind of feel like a burning sensation when touched, it tends to move around every other day. The reason I feel like it could be gluten related is because I also have been experiencing severe itching around my anus (sorry to be blunt). I saw my primary who couldn't think of a diagnosis so ordered blood work to check for deficiencies. I have not experienced this feeling for over a week straight or to this magnitude, anyone have any insight on this?
    • Rubii
      I didnt have  symptoms, i just went for my job fittness and all this happen, my test came positive, so it was big shock for me to have disease without symptoms, further after going gluten free i feel dizziness, abdominal cramps on off, anxiety, depression, crying episodes. 
    • cristiana
      The reflux according to the hospital can be the culprit.  I think sometimes, too, the medication that they gave me to stop it caused bloating which again  added to the pain in the back and chest.  I hope you get some answers soon, let us know how the results go.  
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