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Night Sweats


Do you have night sweats?  

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nikki-uk Enthusiast

It's not just the ladies that get the night sweats! ;)

Pre-diagnosis my dh suffered terrible from these,they were bad-he used to have to get up and change and put a towel down on the bed.Soggy pillows-the works.

Only gets them occasionally now.

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ms-sillyak-screwed Enthusiast
It's not just the ladies that get the night sweats! ;)

Pre-diagnosis my dh suffered terrible from these,they were bad-he used to have to get up and change and put a towel down on the bed.Soggy pillows-the works.

Only gets them occasionally now.


What is dh? :o

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nikki-uk Enthusiast

Husband! ;)

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misskris Apprentice
It's only perimenopause if there are other symptoms like changes in menstrual cycle, mood swings, hot flashes during the day, etc and now that it seems to be subsiding, I'm less concerned.


Well now I'm frightened. I'm 23 and have all these problems. I knew it was hormonal, but just figured it was kinda normal.

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Rachel--24 Collaborator


All these symptoms can be caused by an overactive thyroid as well. I had all those sypmtoms due to thyroid issues.


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  • 2 weeks later...
jknnej Collaborator

I'm 29 and lately I've been getting night sweats a LOT. It sucks cus' after I wake up I'm freezing cold while the sweat condenses off my body. I have to get up and change and then the bed is all wet-ick!!

I never really had this before except sometimes during the winter when I wore too much to bed and had a huge blanket on me.

It's hot in Phoenix but cool in our house and i only sleep in shorts a tshirt and there's a fan blowing on me.

I don't get why I'm getting this but it is very annoying.

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thomas3000 Rookie

Parasitic infections cause night sweats. What other symptoms do you have?

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general Celiac symptoms- I was tested for parasites when this whole thing began and nothing showed up. They seem to have let up quite a bit but I have an appointment with my primary tomorrow and my OB?GYN Friday (lucky me!). Beverly

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  • 1 month later...

I have been having the same thing since I developed the Celiac symptoms. I go through bouts where I am freezing during the day (I'm pretty sure it's when I get gluten in my system) and sweat horribly at night. last night I woke up three times to change my shirt then finally had to change the sheets. I've had my thyroid tested multiple times and it always comes back fine. It has improved since I went gluten-free but it still happens so I'm trying to see if there's a pattern to it. Lactose maybe? I don't know. I think I need to be tested for more allergies/intolerances. Hang in there and talk to your doctor- the squeaky wheel gets the grease! Best, Beverly

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  • 2 weeks later...
outlier Newbie

Since 1993 when I was "inexplicably" sick. I've obviously had celiac ever since, but only got diagnosed two years ago.

I from excessive covers to stay warm to sleeping on top of the covers and then back under several times a night.

It is wholly unrelated to whether I get gluten or not.

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sonjaf Rookie

WOW! I think this is the most interesting post I have read so far about celiac disease. I am so surprised that this seems to be a trend with everyone. I never connected it. I started getting hot flashes about 5 years ago, and thought it was because I had gained weight after having my kids. I have them during the day mostly, but I have woken up at night recently (to go to the potty) and I felt I was burning up. Sure enough, I took my temperature, and I had a fever. I didn't feel cold like you do when you are sick and have a fever. I think my blood pressure might have been high. I suggest having it checked too if you are experiencing hot flashes. It's one of those overlooked things... that's why they call high blood pressure the slient killer. :ph34r:


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FaithInScienceToo Contributor
I sometimes get numbness in my hands, arms and feet along with the night sweats. It sucks to wake up and have to change clothes all the time  :angry: .



So do I...

I am 48, though, and have thought that the night sweats were just part of what to expect now...

Anyone try a soy supplement yet?

I am thinking of trying Revival.

I think I am perpetually dehydrated now, too, due to the night sweats -

I wake in a pool of water - I have even put a waterproof liner under my sheets to protect my new tempurpedic mattress.

I will have to get my thyroid checked, leave the down comfortor off, and not use valium...I hardly ever use it, but I do take only 4 mg now and then for sleep...

I will have to read up on the benzos...

Thanks to all for sharing.

I purposefully avoided reading this thread before, but finally decided that I need to do something about the sweats - my boyfriend stayed over last night, and I woke in 'the pool' two times...it's not only draining on me, but disruptive for him, too...


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ms-sillyak-screwed Enthusiast
Anyone try a soy supplement yet?


Soy is a huge problem for me. My hair falls out in gobbs.

Soy is bad for people with Thyroid problems. It's in the legume family.

Big NO NO!

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NYCEthan Newbie

I find that since I came down with Celiac, alcohol causes me to have nightsweats. If I have just one cocktail, I sweat terribly, mostly from my neck. If I don't drink, they are very minor.

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I to have night sweats, but recently they have only been from the waist down, I can't really explain it. I can be laying on the couch with a blanket with my legs exposed and the bottom of my feet are "wet" as well as my legs. this is new to me so I can't say if it is related to celiac.


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Mr J Rookie

I used to get nightsweats. The pattern was require plenty of bedcovers to get warm enough to sleep, then wake up in early hours of the morning extremely hot and sweating profusely. Would need to get out of bed cool down with my shirt off, then go back to bed and get some sleep.

The dissappearance of the nightsweats coincided with clearing candida out of my intestines. I posted on this subject on the related disorders forum.

I was able to get rid of the nightsweats long before I realised i was gluten intolerant and went gluten-free, so the two things are separable. However theoretically they are linked - having a gluten damaged digestive/intestinal system would make me more susceptible to candida.

Being starved of energy has meant that during the day i'm most likely to be cold. Being cold in the day has persisted for the last 10 years or so.



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That makes a lot of sense! I've noticed when I am able to eat more, I am less cold. i am a lso wondering about candida as well.

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Mr J Rookie

i find that if i can digest a decent amount of protein then that keeps me warm better than a pure carb meal. The problem is that my system takes a long time to digest protein.

A couple of other symptoms that went away along with the dissappearance of the main candida symptoms were:

1. aversion to perfume and cigarette smoke. I still don't like cigarette smoke or the smell of strong perfume but nowhere near the intense dislike that i used to have.

2. aversion to crowds eg in a crowded shopping area.

I know no 2. sounds a bit weird, but its a definate benefit to be able to enjoy shopping with my wife - especially when I'm on holiday like today in crowded Bangkok.



I've noticed when I am able to eat more, I am less cold. i am a lso wondering about candida as well.


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sickofit Newbie
I'm  29 and lately I've been getting night sweats a LOT. It sucks cus' after I wake up I'm freezing cold while the sweat condenses off my body. I have to get up and change and then the bed is all wet-ick!!

I never really had this before except sometimes during the winter when I wore too much to bed and had a huge blanket on me.

It's hot in Phoenix but cool in our house and i only sleep in shorts a tshirt and there's a fan blowing on me.

I don't get why I'm getting this but it is very annoying.


I get nightsweats from anything that turns into sugar in my system-carbs. A friend of mine who is not celiac used to get terrible nightsweats until he quit drinking coffee. Try eliminating sugar and carbs for a few days and if that does not work then try eliminating caffeine. good luck.

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sickofit Newbie
Hi Everybody

My sweats are just awful, they come during the day as well.  This has been going on now for about 6 weeks, and it is driving me nutso.  I went through a entire year tapering off of benzodiapines, and thought I was through the worst of it.  I went through absolute hell, thought I was going to die.  If any of you are any sort of benzo, please consider getting off by doing a very slow taper.  You will hit tolerance to it eventually, and that is a real nightmare.  That is what happened to me.  Then I HAD to start a taper.  My benzo forum tells me the sweating is quite common in post benzo tapering, but I am also wondering if it is a mixture of benzo w/drawal, gluten or maybe the horrible MENOPAUSE.  I thought I had gone through menopause, but now I am wondering if maybe I was just in perimenopause.  Took HRT for several years, and I don't remember having these horrible sweats.  I had a hysterectomny years ago, so can't use my menstual cycle as a guide to perhaps my entering into menopause.  Think I will just keep it a a bit more time and see where this takes me.  I have been very diligent in watching my gluten intake for about three weeks now, so don't really think it is gluten.  My insomnia has been a problem for me for over twenty years, and see no improvement in it at all.  I sometimes get absolutely zero sleep for days on end, and most nights I will get maybe 3 hours intermitently.

Any opinions anybody.



I too have had insomnia for over 40 years and brain fog, bloat, etc. and when I read The Yeast Connection was sure it was candida, not celiac. Carbs and sugar not gluten is what causes all these things for me, and I could go weeks without sleep as a teen. People say you can't but I learned to go into a daydream state at night, just never fell asleep. Had no idea it was french fries and candy bars that was causing it and unless I have lots of fiber with carbs to slow the conversion to sugar I will still get nightsweats or just not fall asleep. I don't even know what it is like to deep sleep.

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Oh my God- that's horrible! That can't be good for you.

Well, I had an eye-opener this weekend. I realized I do not sweat nearly as much at other places. My husband and I went away for the weekend for our anniversary and I didn't sweat at all. I had noticed this too when I visited my sister, in-laws etc. Got back Sunday night to our place and sweat horribly.

So, I'm down to two things (well- three actually- I'm convinced this has something to do with where I live- it's possessed and my landlord feeds hundreds of pigeons!). My husband and I have both noticed that I feel better when I am not at home. So, yesterday I bought a new comforter- not down- just cotton. No night sweats. Also, I am switching my cats over to a gluten-free cat food and a different litter. I've noticed that I feel OK when I wake up in the a.m. I, but after I clean the cat box and feed the cats, I get nauseous.

I've also noticed that when I take phenergan (a drug that was prescribed for my nausea but also has an antihistamine in it) I feel MUCH better. I'm wondering if I have a wheat allergy on top of a gluten intolerance. It might explain why I am so sensitive to it. I'm going to talk to my doctor this week.

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jerseyangel Proficient

Berneses, I don't know if this helps at all but for years Drs. said my nausea and dizziness was because of sinus problems and allergies. The thing was I never had any classic nasal symptoms but I don't think they could come up with anything else! (these 2 symptoms were the main ones for me until 2 yrs. ago when the celiac disease came on big time.) Anyway, I was put on antihistimes, antibiotics, and steriod injections which it turns out I didn't need and now I'm allergic to all but one class of antibiotic but the point of this is that when I took the antihistimes, I'd find that my nausea went away most of the time. I actually took Claritan for almost 10 yrs. straight to try and keep my stomach at bay. Back then I also had night sweats which I don't have anymore-I'm 5 mo. gluten-free. When I read your post, I saw some similarities==for the life of me its all so confusing :angry:

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I know- I'm so confused too. I'll let you know what I "find out". Ugh.

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Fluffyblue Newbie

I have had nightsweats for years, and have had "IBS" (undiagnosed) for about 15 years.

I have noticed that I have nightsweats when I overeat, or just before and during my period - so for me it could be linked to gluten, and it also seems to be linked to hormones. My doctor tested me for perimenopause about two years ago (I'm now 33) and that showed nothing.

I've never been tested for Coeliacs, but I have been diagnosed as having Candida by an alternative therapist. I'm getting some bloodwork done on Monday though to test for gluten intolerance, as my therapist says that now my candida is cleared up I still have a wheat intolerance.

I definitely think nightsweats are food related (at least partly).

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elisabet Contributor
i find that if i can digest a decent amount of protein then that keeps me warm better than a pure carb meal. The problem is that my system takes a long time to digest protein.

A couple of other symptoms that went away along with the dissappearance of the main candida symptoms were:

1. aversion to perfume and cigarette smoke. I still don't like cigarette smoke or the smell of strong perfume but nowhere near the intense dislike that i used to have.

2. aversion to crowds eg in a crowded shopping area.

I know no 2. sounds a bit weird, but its a definate benefit to be able to enjoy shopping with my wife - especially when I'm on holiday like today in crowded Bangkok.




My son had both these symptomes,and both are much better now.

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    • Wheatwacked
      When my son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 1976 as soon as he was weaned, his doctor insisted that we feed him only Nutramigen it was the only hyperallergenic with complete nutrition.  Enfamil and Similac were not acceptable if we wanted him to get healthy.  For one thing they had no  choline back then. Given the lawsuits against them now, he was right. He spent about 6 months on the Nutramigen formula exclusively and weaned off of that to a gluten free diet and thrived. He also predicted that by kindergarden the teacher would beg us to put him on Ritalin, which he took all the way through High School.  
    • knitty kitty
      Check the label and tell us what kind of B12 is in your gummies.   If it's Cyanocobalamin, switch to a methylated (active) form of B12.   Some of us need to take the active form of B12 because our bodies have problems turning other forms of B12 into the active methylated form due to MTHFR genetic variations.   Take a B Complex supplement, too, because B12 needs the other B vitamins to function properly.
    • Barrie9
      Hi! I've been gluten free for years. No surgery,  but have dumping syndrome symptoms,  particularly if I've eaten a lot of FODMAP foods, or xanthan gum, or any other gums that are in many gluten free foods. You may want to stop eating foods with gums and see if that helps!
    • knitty kitty
      @Zoe26, Has he been checked for vitamin deficiencies?    Is he pulling up to standing position?  Does he crawl? I ask because delayed development can be associated with nutritional deficiencies.   Having a hoarse low voice is symptomatic of Thiamine deficiency in children and adults.  Complete loss of voice is possible, too.   "He's extremely lethargic, barely moving."  This statement really worries me.  Thiamine deficiency can cause fatigue and loss of energy like this.  Thiamine deficiency can be serious in small children.  Do mention this to the doctor. It's horrible you and your son had to wait so long for an appointment.
    • knitty kitty
      I found this article very interesting... Carrier frequency of HLA-DQB1*02 allele in patients affected with celiac disease: A systematic review assessing the potential rationale of a targeted allelic genotyping as a first-line screening https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7109277/ Not a doctor.
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